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FY 2007 Budget Summary
Summary of the 2007 Budget
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Higher Education Programs
Current Page Institute of Education Sciences
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Fiscal Year 2007 Budget Summary — February 6, 2006

Archived  Information

Section II. F.  Institute of Education Sciences


The Institute of Education Sciences (IES) supports sustained programs of research, evaluation, and data collection to provide solutions to the problems and challenges faced by schools and learners. A cornerstone of NCLB is investment in research to identify effective instructional and program practices, as well as in data collection needed to track student achievement and measure educational reform. Through its four centers—the National Center for Education Research, the National Center for Education Statistics, the National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, and the National Center for Special Education Research—IES ensures that the Federal investment in education research and data collection is well-managed and relevant to the needs of educators and policymakers.

For 2007, the Administration is seeking $554.5 million for IES activities. This request would continue to support programs of research, development, and dissemination in areas where our knowledge of learning and instruction is inadequate. The request also would maintain the Administration's commitment to supporting high quality statistics and assessment programs, and would provide funding to begin a new longitudinal study of high school students, initiate implementation of State-level 12th grade assessments in reading and mathematics under the National Assessment of Educational Progress, and provide funding to States to improve the quality of longitudinal data systems, especially in the reporting of high school graduation and dropout data.

Research, Development, and Dissemination

  2005 2006 2007
B.A. in millions $164.2 $162.6 $162.6

The request would support education research, development, and dissemination sponsored by IES, including the expansion of the research program on high school and the launch of a new research program on postsecondary education. The request also would fund new awards under ongoing initiatives in reading comprehension, mathematics and science education, teacher quality, and cognition and learning in the classroom. Research in these areas is critical to the successful implementation of the NCLB Act. IES funds a diverse portfolio of discretionary grants and contracts that support directed and field-initiated research, including eight national research and development centers.

The request for dissemination includes funds for the What Works Clearinghouse, which provides evidence-based information for policymakers, researchers, and educators on promising approaches and interventions, the National Library of Education, and the Education Research Information Clearinghouse (ERIC).


  2005 2006 2007
B.A. in millions $90.9 $90.0 $93.0

This request would support the collection, analysis, and dissemination of education- related statistics in response both to legislative requirements and to the particular needs of data providers, data users, and educational researchers. The Department's statistics programs—operated primarily through competitively awarded contracts administered by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)—provide general statistics about trends in education, collect data to monitor reform and measure educational progress, and inform the IES research agenda. The request also supports NCES efforts to meet the statistical needs of the future through new technologies, training, data development and analysis, and methodological studies that will enable more efficient data collection and produce information that is more useful for parents, teachers, administrators, and policymakers. The requested increase would allow NCES to begin a new secondary longitudinal study, beginning with an eighth grade cohort and following those students through the year following timely high school completion. The study would provide ongoing, detailed information about the educational experiences of middle and high school students, their parents, teachers, and schools, and would follow students as they make major transitions from middle to high school and later to postsecondary education or work.

A 2003 PART review rated the Statistics program Effective, thanks primarily to customer survey data showing that customers are satisfied overall with NCES products and services. In response to the PART recommendation that it focus on the timeliness of its products and services, NCES is pursuing initiatives such as on-line data collection and release of products and data via the Internet.

Regional Educational Laboratories

  2005 2006 2007
B.A. in millions $66.1 $65.5 $65.5

The request would support a network of 10 regional laboratories that provide expert advice, including training and technical assistance, to help States and districts apply proven research findings in their school improvement efforts. Funds would be used for the second year of 5-year contracts for the laboratories.


  2005 2006 2007
B.A. in millions $94.1 $93.1 $97.1

The request would fund the on-going National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) and the National Assessment Governing Board. NAEP measures and reports on the status of and trends in student learning over time, on a subject-by-subject basis, and makes objective information on student performance available to policymakers, educators, parents, and others. NAEP is the only nationally representative and continuing assessment of what American students know and can do, and has become a key measure of our Nation's educational performance. NAEP's activities are conducted through competitively awarded contracts.

The $4 million increase would allow the Department to begin work on essential activities for implementing State-level assessments at the 12th grade level in 2009, as called for by the President. A 2003 PART analysis rated the Assessment program Effective, primarily because of overall customer satisfaction. In response to a PART recommendation, NCES worked to release NAEP results in support of NCLB within 6 months of data collection, a goal that was met in 2005.

Research in Special Education

  2005 2006 2007
B.A. in millions $83.1 $71.8 $71.8

This program supports discretionary grants and contracts for research to address gaps in scientific knowledge in order to improve special education and early intervention services and results for infants, toddlers, and children with disabilities. The request would support ongoing programs of research as well as new investments to advance our understanding of the education needs of children with autism and infants and toddlers with disabilities.

A 2003 PART review rated this program Results Not Demonstrated. The National Center for Special Education Research within IES, in consultation with the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, is developing a plan for carrying out research on special education with measurable indicators of progress and results.

Statewide Data Systems

  2005 2006 2007
B.A. in millions $24.8 $24.6 $54.6

This program supports competitive awards to State educational agencies to foster the design, development, and implementation of longitudinal data systems that would enable States to use individual student data to enhance the provision of education and close achievement gaps. The request includes a $30.0 million increase to make awards to additional States, enhance State capacity for accurate reporting of high school graduation rates and dropout data, and to increase the capability of States to efficiently satisfy Federal reporting requirements through systems like the Education Data Exchange Network.

Special Education Studies and Evaluations

  2005 2006 2007
B.A. in millions $9.9 $9.9

This program, which was transferred to IES as part of the 2004 IDEA reauthorization, supports competitive grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements to assess the implementation of IDEA and the effectiveness of State and local efforts to provide special education and early intervention programs and services to infants, toddlers, and children with disabilities. The request would support the required national assessment of activities supported with Federal special education funds as well as ongoing studies.

Higher Education Programs  Table of contents  Programs Proposed for Elimination

For further information contact the ED Budget Service.

This page last modified—February 6, 2006 (mjj).