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Supporting Student Attendance and Engagement

Chronic absenteeism is typically defined as missing at least 10 percent of school days, or 18 days in a year, for any reason, excused or unexcused. As of the 2021-22 school year, over 14 million students nationwide were chronically absent, missing valuable instructional time, and posing serious implications for students' overall academic success and wellbeing.

Chronic absence derives from multiple, often interconnected factors; however, research points to student disengagement, lack of access to student and family supports, and student and family health challenges as significant drivers. These challenges may present differently by school type—for example, high school-age students are more likely to cite competing demands such as staying home to be caregivers to younger siblings or a sick family member or working outside the home to financially support themselves or their families.

U.S Department of Education resources can support schools, districts, and states to promote regular school attendance and enhance family and student engagement as a focal point of support student achievement. This page provides information about Department grant programs and technical assistance resources to support regular student attendance and engagement.

Sustaining Efforts to Boost Student Attendance

Click here to download a quick reference resource that provides information on select federal education formula and discretionary funding and technical assistance that can support school districts to combat chronic absenteeism and boost everyday attendance.

Formula Grants to Support Attendance

Districts may use the following formula grant funds to promote student engagement and everyday attendance.​

  • Title I, Part A funds may be used on evidence-based strategies to increase attendance and instructional time.
  • Title II, Part A funds may be used by schools to implement evidence-based professional development programming, focused on increasing student engagement.
  • Title IV, Part A funds may be used to improve school conditions and create safe, positive, and healthy learning environments that support consistent student attendance.
  • Title IV, Part B (Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers) funds may be used to provide out-of-school time opportunities (such as enrichment programs before school, after school, and during school breaks) to enhance connections between students and their school, family, and community partners and encourage everyday attendance.
  • Title IV, Part E funds may be used to strengthen family engagement, which in turn promotes daily student attendance.
  • IDEA Part B funds may be used to support schools to compensate for lost instructional time due to chronic absenteeism of children with disabilities.
  • Stronger Connections Grant program, authorized under the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, provides funding to high-needs schools that may create safe, welcoming environments and foster regular school attendance.

Discretionary Grants to Support Attendance

School systems can apply for federal funding from a number of discretionary grant programs to promote student engagement and everyday attendance.

Technical Assistance Resources to Support Student Attendance and Engagement

Technical Assistance Centers

Access free evidence-based resources and request support from the Department's technical assistance centers.

Tools and Resources

Other Federal Resources

  • The National Partnership for Student Success (NPSS) is a public private partnership led by the Department, AmeriCorps, and the Everyone Graduates Center at Johns Hopkins University that helps schools support students, including by combatting chronic absenteeism.
  • The Engage Every Student Initiative (EES) is a cross organization partnership that provides high-quality out-of-school time learning opportunities for every child who wants to participate.


Please note that the materials presented from Technical Assistance Centers and partners concerning resources available are being provided for your convenience as a potential resource for parents, students, schools, teachers, and other educators to use. They were not developed by the U.S. Department of Education, and we do not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this information. Furthermore, the inclusion of any hyperlinks and the content presented is not intended to convey their relative importance, nor is it intended to endorse any views expressed or products or services offered. The Department does not control, direct, or encourage any particular curriculum or the information related to curriculum. The use of materials or information by a school or educator is strictly a State and local matter.

Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE)
Page Last Reviewed:
January 14, 2025