Title: CCSSO Federal Funding Streams Resources
Description: CCSSO has developed the following resources related to federal funding streams, including how SEAs can drive more meaningful grant spending across the state.
- CCSSO's Critical Area Outline on Federal Funding Streams (April 3, 2016)
- Summary of Federal Funding Stream Considerations in ESSA
- Download the Maximizing ESSA Formula Funds for Students: State Readiness Self-Assessment (March 2016)
- Federal Funds Toolkit (November 2013)
- Summary of Significant Spending and Fiscal Rules in the Every Student Succeeds Act (February 2016)
- A Guide to State Educational Agency Oversight Responsibilities under ESSA: The Role of the State in the Local Implementation of ESSA Programs (March 2017)
- Developing Effective Guidance: A Handbook for State Educational Agencies (February 2017)
- Decision Guide for ESSA Implementation: State Considerations for Effective Grant Programs(November 16, 2016)
- Webinar on the CCSSO Decision Guide for Implementing ESSA: State Considerations for Effective Grant Programs (December 8, 2016) and the slide deck (December 8, 2016)