CoP Description: The Root Cause Analysis Community of Practice (CoP) explored the purpose, methodology, and application of root cause analysis in identifying effective evidence-based practices for supporting comprehensive support and improvement (CSI) and targeted support and improvement (TSI) schools. The CoP also looked at how root cause analysis fits within these schools' continuous improvement cycle. The Root Cause Analysis CoP included state educational agencies (SEAs) that are planning root cause analysis or significantly revising guidance for LEAs implementing root cause analysis as part of their identification of evidence-based practices through a continuous improvement process. The CoP involved two phases of learning cycles: one focused on knowledge development, and another focused-on sharing peer learning. Between these learning cycle phases, each SEA engaged in Individualized Technical Assistance (ITA) consultations with Network staff and subject matter experts to focus on the applicability of the information learned during the first learning cycle phase.
Participating SEAs: Alaska, Arkansas, North Carolina, Michigan
CoP Duration: May through December 2019