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ESSA Consolidated State Plan Development

CoP Summary: This community of practice (CoP) helped participating state education agencies (SEAs) craft thoughtful, ambitious consolidated state plans with feedback and support from peer states and subject matter experts (SMEs). The CoP supported each state team in drafting key sections of their plans by:

  1. Equipping states with expertise related to their key priority areas.
  2. Engaging states in consultation with SMEs that resulted in action plans and relevant next steps to prepare for plan submission.
  3. Sharing examples of states' approaches to selected sections of consolidated state plans to inform states participating in the CoP and other states in their plan development.

Across these activities, topics included evidence-based interventions, college and career readines, accountability and data reporting, English learners, and other strategies SEAs could use to leverage their state plans.

The resources below were used during learning cycle virtual meetings and asynchronous activities. They are organized in two sections. The first set of resources were provided to CoP members from subject matter experts (SMEs), and are comprised of resources those subject matter experts created for the work of the CoP and items curated from other technical assistance providers. The second set of resources were shared by participating member states.

Participating SEAs: Indiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, South Carolina

CoP Duration: January 2017 through September 2017

Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE)
Page Last Reviewed:
January 14, 2025