These policy letters provide guidance and insight on a variety of topics of interest to State Educational Agencies (SEAs), school districts, federal program directors, and others in implementing Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
- Approved state accountability plans
- Letter to State Education Agencies regarding annual measurable objectives (AMOs) and other accountability provisions during the transition to new State assessments in 2014-2015 (Feb. 27, 2015)
- Letter to Chief State School Officers regarding the Community Eligibility Option and Title I, Part A requirements (July 6, 2012)
PDF | (696 KB) - Letter to Chief State School Officers regarding performance indexes. (December 2, 2008)
MS WORD(40K) |PDF (1.3M) - Letter to Chief State School Officers on Amendment Requests for School Year 2008-2009 (December 5, 2008)
MS WORD (41K) | PDF (1.3M) - Letter to Chief State School Officers on Amendment Requests for School Year 2007-2008 (November 19, 2007)
MS WORD (40K) | PDF (1.2M) - Letter to Chief State School Officers on Department Priorities and Future Actions (September 19, 2006)
MS WORD (40K) | PDF (1.2M) - This letter and attachments remind Chiefs of the amendment process and provides guidance on identifying districts in need of improvement and on addressing accountability implications that result from transitioning to grade 3-8 annual testing versus grade span testing.
- Process to amend state accountability plans
- Letter from Assistant Secretary to Chief State School Officers
MS WORD (32K) (January 27, 2005)
- Letter from Assistant Secretary to Chief State School Officers
Adjustments to Title I Allocations
Alternative Methods for Distributing Title I Funds
- Local educational agencies (LEAs) with fewer than 20,000 total residents
- Maine: Letter Regarding Non-reporting of reading/language arts and mathematics assessment results for 2020-21 school year (January 28, 2022)
- New Mexico: Letter Regarding Non-reporting of science assessment results for 2020-21 school year (January 28, 2022)
- New Hampshire PACE Pilot
- Letter to New Hampshire extending the waiver allowing implementation of the New Hampshire PACE Pilot [PDF, 56KB] (October 27, 2017)
- Request from New Hampshire to extend the waiver allowing implementation of the New Hampshire PACE Pilot [PDF, 57KB] (September 7, 2017)
- New Hampshire Performance Assessment of Competency Education (PACE) Technical Manual, 2016-17 [PDF, 22MB]
- Formative Evaluation of New Hampshire's Performance Assessment of Competency Education (PACE), Final Report [PDF, 20MB] (2017)
- Principled Assessment Design for the Performance Assessment of Competency Education (PACE), [PDF, 256KB] August 2, 2017
- Letter to New Hampshire extending the waiver allowing implementation of the New Hampshire PACE Pilot (October 6, 2016)
- Request from New Hampshire to extend the waiver allowing implementation of the New Hampshire PACE Pilot (August 5, 2016)
- Letter to New Hampshire approving the waiver allowing implementation of the New Hampshire PACE Pilot (March 5, 2015)
- Request from New Hampshire for a waiver allowing implementation of the New Hampshire PACE Pilot (March 5, 2014)
- Letter to Chief State School Officer on assessment requirements under Title I of NCLB (December 22, 2015)
- Letter to Louisiana on assessment requirements under Title I of NCLB (December 21, 2015)
- Letter to Massachusetts on assessment requirements under Title I of NCLB (December 21, 2015)
- Letter to Alaska on assessment and participation requirements under the ESEA (February 3, 2015)
Calculating Participation Rates for AYP Determinations
Letter to Chief State School Officers regarding flexibility in calculating participation rates for States when making this year's adequate yearly progress (AYP) determinations.
- Letter to State Chiefs regarding individual student agreements and computers used in SES programs
- Letter to Chief State School Officers on calculating costs for transportation under the public school choice provision
- Letter to Chief State School Officers on district-affiliated entities becoming SES providers
- Supplemental Educational Services (SES) Policy: LEA conditions on providers
- Supplemental Educational Services (SES) Policy: SEA conditions on providers; loss of LEA eligibility to provide SES; improving outreach and information, etc.
Differentiated Accountability
- Press Releases, Letters, Peer Review Guidance and other information
- Differentiated Accountability Pilot States
- Memo to Chief State School Officers on key paraprofessional requirements
MS WORD (26K) - Treatment of artists as paraprofessionals (1)
- Treatment of artists as paraprofessionals (2)
School Improvement
- School Improvement Funding Application announcement
PDF (592K) (October 2, 2007) - School Improvement State Allocation Chart
PDF (3092K) (September 4, 2007) - Application on School Improvement Funding
PDF (191K)
(Fiscal Year 2007)
Supplemental Educational Services
- March 10, 2014, The U.S. Department of Education's Office of OIG issued a Management Information Report titled "Fraud in Title I-Funded Tutoring Programs.
Dear Colleague Letter (16KB) ,
Report (20KB) - SES Flexibility Agreements
2008-2009 - SES Flexibility Agreements
2007-2008 - SES Flexibility Agreements
2006 - SES Flexibility Agreements 2005