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Programs & Facilities Accessibility


image title: Protecting Students: Disability Discrimination OCR works with recipients to ensure that persons with disabilities have physical access to the programs, and facilities of schools, colleges, and universities. Sections of old buildings may need to be renovated and new buildings properly constructed so that individuals with disabilities, including persons who use wheelchairs, can, among other things, enter and navigate, use facilities in, and park near the buildings.



Policy Guidance

Date Title of Document
March 14, 2012 Notice of Interpretation of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Notice of Interpretation of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 for new construction and alterations in light of recent revisions, by the Department of Justice, of regulations implementing Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act

  • 77 Fed. Reg. 14972 PDF (237K) TEXT (36K)


Case Resolutions


To access resolution agreements and letters created on or after October 1, 2013 click here 
or enter criteria in the search box below: 








  • Programs, Service & Facilities Accessibility PDF (4MB)
Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
Page Last Reviewed:
September 7, 2024