The version of the below questions were published on 6/2/23. The questions have been updated since their original publication date. These are maintained for historical purposes only
Application Process (APP)
APP-Q3: Do schools that enroll confined or incarcerated individuals in any portion of the program that takes place outside the correctional facility (such as when incarcerated students receive study release) need to complete the PEP application and approval process for those individuals to be eligible for Pell Grants?
APP-A3: Yes. Schools that enroll confined or incarcerated individuals must complete the PEP application and approval process for those confined or incarcerated individuals to be eligible for Pell Grants if any part, or even a majority, of the program takes place outside the correctional facility. Effective July 1, 2023, HEA Section 484(t)(3) restricted Pell Grant eligibility for confined or incarcerated individuals to individuals enrolled or accepted for enrollment in a PEP. [Guidance issued 6/2/2023]
APP-Q4: What location should a school report when a portion of its proposed PEP takes place outside the correctional facility?
APP-A4: Schools applying for a PEP report the correctional facility as an “additional location” consistent with its definition in 34 CFR 600.2 beginning on July 1, 2023. Schools must also report as an additional location any other site in which more than 50 percent of the PEP where they provided federal student aid will take place. For example, if a school has a PEP and transports confined or incarcerated individuals to an external site that is not already an approved location for the school, and more than 50 percent of the program will take place there, the school must report that site as an additional location as part of the PEP application and approval process. [Guidance issued 6/2/2023]
The version of the below questions were published on 3/16/23. The questions have been updated since their original publication date. These are maintained for historical purposes only
Reporting Requirements (RR)
RR-Q2: My school has begun gathering documentation to apply to offer an eligible PEP at a correctional facility. When can I update our Eligibility and Certification Approval Report (ECAR) through the Electronic Application for Approval to Participate (E-App) to add a correctional facility as an additional location?
RR-A2: The Department will alert schools when they may begin updating the E-App. It is anticipated that schools will be able to update their E-App once the PEP Approval form has received final OMB clearance and the Department has made the form available to schools. [Guidance issued 3/16/2023]