Below is a list of former policy guidance which has been rescinded by the Office for Civil Rights.
Document Date | Title | Date Rescinded | Statute |
9/22/2017 | Office for Civil Rights Withdraws Guidance on Sexual Violence and Issues Q&A on Campus Sexual Misconduct | 08/26/2020 | Title IX |
6/15/2016 | Guidance on Gender Equity in Career and Technical Education
| 8/26/2020 | Title IX |
5/13/2016 | Dear Colleague Letter on Transgender Students
| 2/22/2017 | Title IX |
4/24/2015 | Guidance on Obligation of Schools to Designate a Title IX Coordinator | 8/26/2020 | Title IX |
1/7/2015 | Letter to Emily Prince from James A. Ferg-Cadima, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy, Office for Civil Rights at the Department of Education
| 2/22/2017 | Title IX |
5/14/2014 | Guidance on Charter Schools | 8/26/2020 | Title VI |
4/29/2014 | Questions and Answers about Title IX and Sexual Violence | 9/22/2017 | Title IX |
1/11/2012 | Dear Colleague Letter on MOA Program Documentation Requirements for On-Site Reviews in Letters of Findings
| 2/6/2020 | Methods of Administration |
2011/05/0604/04/2011 | Dear Colleague Letter: Sexual Violence | 2017/09/2209/22/2017 | Title IX |
1/8/2009 | Guidance on Equitable Access to, Participation in, and Administration of Public School Choice under ESEA (as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act)
| 8/26/2020 | Title VI |
1/25/2006 | Guidance on Sexual Harassment Issues
| 8/26/2020 | Title IX |
8/8/2005 | Dear Colleague Letter on MOA Program Targeting Plan Requirements
| 2/6/2020 | Methods of Administration |
8/4/2004 | Title IX Grievance Procedures, Postsecondary Education
| 8/26/2020 | Title IX |
4/26/2004 | Dear Colleague Letter on Title IX Grievance Procedures, Elementary and Secondary Education
| 8/26/2020 | Title IX |
3/30/2001 | Letter of March 30, 2001 to John W. Bowen, School Board Attorney for Pinellas County School Board, Largo, Florida
| 8/26/2020 | ADA Title II / Section 504 |
1/19/2001 | Revised Sexual Harassment Guidance: Harassment of Students by School Employees, Other Students, or Third Parties
| 8/26/2020 | Title IX |
2000/12/0112/2000 | The Use of Tests as Part of High Stakes Decision-Making for Students: A Resource Guide for Educators and Policy-Makers
| Title VI ADA Title II / Section 504 | |
9/8/2000 | 2000 Elementary and Secondary School Civil Rights Compliance Report | Title VI Title IX ADA Title II / Section 504 | |
1/5/2000 | Applying Federal Civil Rights Laws to Public Charter Schools: Questions and Answers
| Title VI Title IX ADA Title II / Section 504 | |
1/1/1999 | Protecting Students From Harassment and Hate Crime: A Guide for Schools | Title VI Title IX ADA Title II / Section 504 | |
12/28/1998 | Dear Colleague Letter on MOA Program Biennial Compliance Reports
| 2/6/2020 | Methods of Administration |
6/10/1998 | Questions That May Be Raised by Prop 227
| Title VI | |
9/29/1997 | Guidance on Schools’ Obligation to Include Elementary and Secondary Students with Disabilities in Statewide Assessment Systems
| 8/26/2020 | ADA Title II / Section 504 |
9/26/1996 | Revised Procedures for Preparing the Methods of Administration (MOA) Described in the Vocational Education Guidelines
| 2/6/2020 | Methods of Administration |
7/30/1996 | "Dear Colleague" Letter to University Counsels on Use of Race in Admissions and Financial Aid
| 8/26/2020 | Title VI |
9/21/1990 | Letter of September 21, 1990 to the Honorable Tommy G. Thompson, Governor of the State of Wisconsin
| 8/26/2020 | ADA Title II / Section 504 |
7/27/1990 | Letter of July 27, 1990, to Robert S. Peterkin, Superintendent of Schools, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with attachment
| 8/26/2020 | ADA Title II / Section 504 |