Case Resolutions Regarding Race, Color, or National Origin Discrimination
Below are some OCR case resolutions that address Title VI civil rights concerns. This is a partial, illustrative list of case resolutions. Case resolutions appearing here do not reflect their importance relative to other case resolutions that do not appear here.
- Peoria Unified School District (AZ) (08-22-1273)
- Kyrene School District #28 (AZ) (08-19-1367)
- Victor Valley Union High School District (CA) (09-14-5003)
- Texas Tech. University Health Sciences Center (TX) (06-05-2085)
- Washington University in St. Louis (MO) (07-19-2100)
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (NC) (11-19-2215)
- University of Vermont and State Agricultural College (VT) (01-22-2002)