Students with disabilities have the same right to K-12 public education that students without disabilities have. In order to receive and benefit from that education, students with disabilities may need special education and/or related aids and services. OCR works to ensure that public elementary and secondary schools, including charter schools, provide a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to all qualified students with disabilities (generally, students with disabilities who are of school age), regardless of the nature or severity of their disabilities. Section 504 and Title II require public schools to provide appropriate education and modifications, aids and related services free of charge to students with disabilities and their parents or guardians. The “appropriate” component means that this education must be designed to meet the individual educational needs of the student as determined through appropriate evaluation and placement procedures. However, students with disabilities must be educated with students without disabilities to the maximum extent appropriate.
Policy Guidance
No documents currently available; OCR may include relevant documents on this page in the future.
Please see our Reading Room for a full list of guidance documents on issues related to Disability Discrimination.
Case Resolutions
- Bay Village City School District (OH) (15-14-1207)
- Tacoma School District No. 10 (WA) (10-13-1136)
- More Case Resolutions