Frequently Asked Questions About Civil Rights Data Collection - General | What is the Civil Rights Data Collection?The Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) is generally a biennial (i.e., every other school year) survey required by the U.S. Department of Education's (ED) Office for Civil Rights (OCR). Who must participate in the CRDC?The CRDC collects data from a universe of all public local educational agencies (LEA) and schools that receive federal financial assistance from (ED), including justice facilities, charter schools, and alternative schools. Who is not required to participate in the CRDC?Tribal schools operated by the Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Indian Education and schools operated by the Department of Defense Education Activity are not required to collect and submit data to the CRDC, at this time. School districts in U.S. territories are also not required to collect and submit data for the CRDC at this time. The only exception is Puerto Rico, which is treated as a state under the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015. Puerto Rico, for the first time, participated in the 2017-18 CRDC. Where can I see the information reported by school districts for the CRDC?Data from the 1968-69 through the 2020-21 CRDC surveys are available on the OCR CRDC website. Where can a school district get help about reporting information for the CRDC?Information about collecting and reporting data for the CRDC is available at this link. What is the purpose of the CRDC?The CRDC collects data on leading civil rights indicators related to access and barriers to educational opportunities at the early childhood through grade 12 levels. OCR relies on the CRDC data it receives from public school districts as it investigates complaints alleging discrimination, determines whether the federal civil rights laws it enforces have been violated, initiates proactive compliance reviews, and provides policy guidance and technical assistance to schools and school districts. Under what authority does OCR conduct the CRDC?The CRDC is a mandatory data collection that schools and school districts that receive federal financial assistance from ED are legally obligated to complete. Section 203(c)(1) of the Department of Education Organization Act conveys to the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights the authority to "collect or coordinate the collection of data necessary to ensure compliance with civil rights laws within the jurisdiction of the Office for Civil Rights." See 20 U.S.C. § 3413(c)(1). The civil rights laws enforced by OCR for which the CRDC collects data include: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination based on race, color, or national origin; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits discrimination based on sex; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. OCR's implementing regulations for each of these statutes require recipients of ED's federal financial assistance to submit to OCR "complete and accurate compliance reports at such times, and in such form and containing such information" as OCR "may determine to be necessary to enable [OCR] to ascertain whether the recipient has complied or is complying" with these laws and implementing regulations. See 34 CFR § 100.6(b)(incorporated by reference into 34 CFR §§ 104.61 and 106.81). How can I submit a CRDC data quality concern to OCR?The CRDC data can be accessed at If anyone has concerns about the accuracy of the data reported, then please contact OCR by emailing Please include "CRDC Data Quality Concern" in the subject heading. How can I find out more about the CRDC and OCR?For more information about the CRDC and OCR, please visit: and |
Frequently Asked Questions About Civil Rights Data Collection - 2021-22 CRDC | What information is being collected in the 2021-22 CRDC?A detailed list of 2021-22 CRDC data elements is available here. What is different in the 2021-22 CRDC?The majority of the data elements that were previously collected for the 2020-21 CRDC will continue to be collected for the 2021-22 CRDC. OCR made some changes to the 2021-22 CRDC, including restoring certain longstanding data elements removed from the 2020-21 CRDC, adding new data elements, and removing data elements. The U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approved the changes to the CRDC under the Paperwork Reduction Act on April 18, 2023, under Control Number 1870-0504. All the documentation submitted to OMB can be found here. For the following data elements, data elements that are included in the 2021-22 CRDC local educational agency (LEA)-level survey form end with "(LEA)." All other data elements are included in the 2021-22 CRDC school-level survey form. The following data elements are restored and required for the 2021-22 CRDC: - Number of preschool students who received one out-of-school suspension (disaggregated by race, sex, disability-IDEA, EL).
- Number of preschool students who received more than one out-of-school suspension (disaggregated by race, sex, disability-IDEA, EL).
The following data elements are restored and optional for the 2021-22 CRDC: - Number of EL students enrolled in EL programs (disaggregated by disability-IDEA).
- Whether the LEA provided early childhood services in LEA or non-LEA facilities to non-IDEA children from birth to age 2 years (LEA).
- Whether preschool is provided to: all students, students with disabilities (IDEA), students in Title I schools, students from low income families (LEA).
- Whether preschool serves non-IDEA students, disaggregated by age (LEA).
- Whether the school's preschool program serves non-IDEA students, disaggregated by age.
- Preschool length offered (full-day, part-day) and cost (free, partial/full charge) (LEA).
- Kindergarten length offered (full-day, part-day) and cost (free, partial/full charge) (LEA).
- Number of students (grades 9-12) who participate in at least one credit recovery program that allows them to earn missed credit to graduate from high school.
- Number of students enrolled in at least one AP course in other AP subjects of any kind (including world languages and cultures) (disaggregated by race, sex, disability-IDEA, EL).
- Number of FTE first-year teachers (preschool-12).
- Number of FTE second-year teachers (preschool-12).
- Number of FTE teachers (preschool-12) absent more than 10 school days.
- Number of teachers (preschool-12) employed at the school during the 2021-22 regular school year
- Number of teachers (preschool-12) employed at the school during both the 2020-21 regular school year and the 2021-22 regular school year.
The following data elements are new and required for the 2021-22 CRDC: - Amount of remote instruction provided by teachers.
- Percentage of students who received remote instruction.
- Number of students in grades 9-12 who participated on interscholastic athletics sports teams (disaggregated by sex).
- Number of students ages 3-5 years enrolled in preschool (disaggregated by disability-Section 504 only).
- Number of students in preschool who were ELs (disaggregated by race, sex).
- Number of EL preschool students enrolled in EL programs (disaggregated by race, sex).
- Number of preschool students with disabilities served under IDEA enrolled in preschool (disaggregated by race, sex, EL).
- Number of preschool students with disabilities served under Section 504 only enrolled in preschool (disaggregated by race, sex, EL).
The following data elements are new and optional for the 2021-22 CRDC: - Number of K-12 (students without disabilities; students with disabilities) who received one or more in-school suspension (disaggregated by nonbinary).1
- Number of K-12 (students without disabilities; students with disabilities) who received one out-of-school suspension (disaggregated by nonbinary).
- Number of K-12 (students without disabilities; students with disabilities) who received more than one out-of-school suspension (disaggregated by nonbinary).
- Number of students ages 3-5 years enrolled in preschool (disaggregated by disability-Section 504 only).
- Number of preschool students who received one out-of-school suspension (disaggregated by disability-Section 504 only).
- Number of preschool students who were expelled (disaggregated by disability-Section 504 only).
- Number of K-12 (students without disabilities; students with disabilities) who were expelled (with educational services; without educational services; because of zero-tolerance policies) (disaggregated by nonbinary).
- Number of K-12 (students without disabilities; students with disabilities) who were transferred for disciplinary reasons to alternative school (disaggregated by nonbinary).
- Number of preschool students who received corporal punishment (disaggregated by disability-Section 504 only).
- Number of K-12 (students without disabilities; students with disabilities) who received corporal punishment (disaggregated by nonbinary).
- Number of instances of corporal punishment that preschool students received (disaggregated by preschool students without disabilities, preschool students with disabilities-IDEA and Section 504 only).
- Number of instances of out-of-school suspensions that preschool students received (disaggregated by preschool students without disabilities, preschool students with disabilities-Section 504 only).
- Number of school days missed by K-12 students who received out-of-school suspensions (disaggregated by nonbinary).
- Number of K-12 (students without disabilities; students with disabilities) who were referred to law enforcement agency or official (disaggregated by nonbinary).
- Number of instances of referrals to law enforcement that K-12 students received (disaggregated by students without disabilities, students with disabilities-IDEA, students with disabilities-Section 504 only).
- Number of K-12 (students without disabilities; students with disabilities) who were arrested for school-related activity (disaggregated by nonbinary).
- Number of instances of school-related arrests that K-12 students received (disaggregated by students without disabilities, students with disabilities-IDEA, students with disabilities-Section 504 only).
- Number of documented shooting incidents that occurred at school.
- Number of documented incidents of students, faculty, or staff deaths as a result of a homicide.
- Number of reported allegations of harassment or bullying of K-12 students on the basis of gender identity.
- Number of K-12 students reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of: sex; race, color, or national origin; disability (disaggregated by nonbinary).
- Number of K-12 students disciplined for engaging in harassment or bullying on the basis of: sex; race, color, or national origin; disability (disaggregated by nonbinary).
- Whether an LEA has a written policy or policies prohibiting harassment or bullying of students on the basis of: sexual orientation; gender identity; or religion (LEA).
- Web link to policy or policies prohibiting harassment or bullying of students on the basis of: sexual orientation; gender identity; or religion (LEA).
- Number of K-12 (non-IDEA students; IDEA students) subjected to mechanical restraint (disaggregated by nonbinary).
- Number of K-12 (non-IDEA students; IDEA students) subjected to physical restraint (disaggregated by nonbinary).
- Number of K-12 (non-IDEA students; IDEA students) subjected to seclusion (disaggregated by nonbinary).
- Number of students in grades 9-12 who participated on interscholastic athletics sports teams (disaggregated by nonbinary).
- Number of EL preschool students enrolled in EL programs (disaggregated by disability-IDEA).
- Number of students (preschool-12) enrolled in gifted & talented programs (disaggregated by nonbinary).
- Number of students (grades 9-12) enrolled in distance education courses (disaggregated by nonbinary) (LEA).
- Number of students (grades 9-12) enrolled in at least one dual enrollment/dual credit program (disaggregated by nonbinary).
- Number of students ages 16-19 years who participated in LEA-operated high school equivalency exam preparation program (disaggregated by nonbinary) (LEA).
- Number of students enrolled in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme (disaggregated by nonbinary).
- Number of students enrolled in at least one AP course (disaggregated by nonbinary).
- Number of students enrolled in at least one AP course in specific subject area (disaggregated by nonbinary).
- Number of students enrolled in Algebra I in grades: 9-10; 11-12 (disaggregated by nonbinary).
- Number of students who passed Algebra I in grades: 9-10; 11-12 (disaggregated by nonbinary).
- Number of students enrolled in math courses in grades 9-12 (Geometry, Algebra II, Advanced math, Calculus) (disaggregated by nonbinary).
- Number of students enrolled in science classes in grades 9-12 (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) (disaggregated by nonbinary).
- Number of students enrolled in computer science classes in grades 9-12 (disaggregated by nonbinary).
- Number of data science classes in grades 9-12.
- Number of students enrolled in data science classes in grades 9-12 [disaggregated by race, sex (male, female, nonbinary), disability-IDEA, EL].
- Number of students who took SAT, ACT, or both, anytime during school year (disaggregated by nonbinary).
- Number of students retained in specified grade, by grade (K-12) (disaggregated by nonbinary).
- Number of students (preschool-12) who needed Wi-Fi enabled devices from the school for student learning use.
- Number of students (preschool-12) who needed a Wi-Fi hotspot from the school for student learning use.
- Number of students (preschool-12) who received Wi-Fi enabled devices from the school for student learning use.
- Number of students (preschool-12) who received a Wi-Fi hotspot from the school for student learning use.
- Number of FTE teachers (preschool-grade 12) certified/licensed/endorsed in specified areas (mathematics, science, English as a second language, special education).
- Number of teachers (preschool-12) employed at the school during the 2021 — 22 regular school year (disaggregated by race, sex).
1 For all references to disaggregation by nonbinary students in this section, only schools/LEAs that already disaggregate student enrollment data to include nonbinary students have the option to report these nonbinary data. The following data elements are revised for the 2021-22 CRDC (strikethroughs indicate deletions and underlines indicate new data): - Number of students (
preschool K-12) enrolled in school [disaggregated by race, sex (male, female, nonbinary2), disability-IDEA, disability-Section 504 only, EL]. - Number of students with disabilities (
preschool K-12) served under IDEA [disaggregated by race, sex (male, female, nonbinary2), EL]. - Number of students with disabilities (
preschool K-12) served under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act [disaggregated by race, sex (male, female, nonbinary2), EL]. - Number of EL students (
preschool K-12) enrolled in school [disaggregated by race, sex (male, female, nonbinary2)]. - Number of EL students (
preschool K-12) enrolled in EL programs [disaggregated by race, sex (male, female, nonbinary2)]. - Number of single-sex academic classes (with males only; with females only) in the following courses/subject areas:
Algebra I, Geometry, and/or Algebra II;Other mathematics;- Mathematics.
- Contact information (first name; last name;
phone number; email address) for the civil rights coordinators that carry out the LEA's responsibilities under federal law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of: sex; race, color, or national origin; or disability (LEA). - Number of
single-sex interscholastic athletics high school sports (with males only; with females only; with all students). - Number of
single-sex interscholastic athletics high school teams (with males only; with females only; with all students). - Whether preschool serves non-IDEA students, disaggregated by age: 3 years;
4 years; 5 years; 4-5 years (LEA). - Whether the school's preschool program serves non-IDEA students, disaggregated by age: 3 years;
4 years; 5 years; 4-5 years. - Number of students served by LEA in preschool programs in LEA and non-LEA facilities (disaggregated by age:
2 years; 3 years; 4 years; 5 years) (LEA). - Number of students enrolled in Algebra I in grades 7-8 [disaggregated by race, sex (male, female, nonbinary3), disability-IDEA, EL].
- Number of students who passed Algebra I in grades 7-8 [disaggregated by race, sex (male, female, nonbinary3), disability-IDEA, EL].
- Number of FTE
sworn law enforcement officers (including school resource officers).
2 For all references to disaggregation by nonbinary students in this section, only schools that already disaggregate student enrollment data to include nonbinary students are required to report these nonbinary data. 3 For all references to disaggregation by nonbinary students in this section, only schools that already disaggregate student enrollment data to include nonbinary students have the option to report these nonbinary data. The following data elements were removed for the 2021-22 CRDC: - Number of preschool students who received one or more out-of-school suspension (disaggregated by race, sex, disability-IDEA, EL).
- Number of student participants on single-sex interscholastic athletics high school sports teams (with males only; with females only).
- Number of Algebra I classes in grades 7-8 taught by teachers with a mathematics certification.
- Number of students enrolled in Algebra I in grade 7.
- Number of students who passed Algebra I in grade 7.
- Number of math classes in grades 9-12 taught by teachers with a mathematics certification (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Advanced math, Calculus).
- Number of science classes in grades 9-12 taught by teachers with a science certification (Biology, Chemistry, Physics).
- Number of science classes in grades 9-12 taught by teachers with a science certification (Biology, Chemistry, Physics).
- Number of computer science classes in grades 9-12 taught by teachers with a computer science certification.