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Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) for the 2020-2021 school year


On key education and civil rights issues in our schools Background Information 
The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) collected data about key education and civil rights issues for the 2020-21 school year from public school districts and schools serving students in preschool through grade 12 in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico through the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC).

The CRDC collects a variety of information including student enrollment and educational programs and services, most of which is disaggregated by race or ethnicity, sex, English learner, and disability. For more general information about the CRDC (including past and future collections), visit the CRDC home page


2020-21 CRDC

Documents released in 2023 and 2024 related to the 2020-21 CRDC data release are presented below:

  • Press Release
    Public announcement of availability of 2020-21 CRDC data.
  • A First Look: Students' Access to Educational Opportunities Report PDF (1.7M) 
    Highlights data from the 2020-21 CRDC on student enrollment, access to preschool programs, teachers and other staff, mathematics, science, and computer science courses and other programs, Internet and devices, and school climate factors.
  • Overview of the CRDC Informational Snapshot PDF (1.1M) 
    Provides an overview of OCR's administration of the 2020-21 CRDC.
  • Civil Rights Data Quality Informational Snapshot PDF (1.5M) 
    Explains why data quality matters and presents steps that OCR took to ensure good quality data for the 2020-21 CRDC.
  • Student Discipline and School Climate Report PDF (1.4M) 
    Highlights data from the 2020-21 CRDC on student discipline, such as suspensions, expulsion, referrals to law enforcement, school-related arrests, and corporal punishment; student harassment or bullying; and incidents of offenses.
  • Referrals to Law Enforcement and School-related Arrests Data Snapshot PDF (1.2M) 
    Highlights data from the 2020-21 CRDC on referrals to law enforcement and school-related arrests.
  • Sexual Violence and Sex-based Harassment or Bullying Data Snapshot PDF (606K) 
    Highlights data from the 2020-21 CRDC on sexual violence factors, including sexual assault and rape or attempted rape, and sexual harassment or bullying.
  • Student Enrollment and School Characteristics Data Snapshot PDF (1.5M) 
    Highlights data from the 2020-21 CRDC on student enrollment and demographics and school characteristics.
  • Profile of Students with Disabilities in U.S. Public Schools Data Snapshot PDF (1.3M) 
    Highlights data from the 2020-21 CRDC on students' with disabilities enrollment in courses and programs and the extent to which they were subjected to restraint and seclusion, harassment or bullying, and student discipline.
  • Profile of English Learner Students in U.S. Public Schools Data Snapshot PDF (1.2M) 
    Highlights data from the 2020-21 CRDC on English learner students' enrollment in courses and programs and the extent to which they were subjected to restraint and seclusion, harassment or bullying, and student discipline.
  • Student Access to and Enrollment in Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Courses and Academic Programs in U.S. Public Schools PDF (1.3M) 
    Highlights data from the 2020-21 CRDC on student access to and enrollment in courses and academic programs including dual enrollment or dual credit programs, Advanced Placement courses, and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme.

Access 2020-21 CRDC Data

Civil rights data are available on the OCR CRDC website. The website includes a tool that facilitates school- and district-level searches, viewing of data reports, and exploring and analyzing data.

To access a copy of and information about the public-use data file, please go to

OCR also provides a restricted-use data file for the education researcher. If you are interested in obtaining a license to access the 2020-21 CRDC restricted-use data file, then please visit the National Center for Education Statistics page for Restricted-use Data Applicants.

For additional information about the CRDC, please e-mail OCR at


Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
Page Last Reviewed:
January 14, 2025