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Teacher and School Leader Incentive Program

Grant Type
Discretionary grant
Cynthia Hunter
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Charter Management Organizations (CMOs)
For Profit Organizations
Local Educational Agencies (LEAs)
Non-Profit Organizations
State Educational Agencies (SEAs)
Application Deadline
Application Status

Program Purpose

The TSL program supports entities in implementing, improving, or expanding their overall Human Capital Management System (HCMS), which by definition must include a Performance-Based Compensation System (PBCS). The TSL programs primarily serves educators in High-Need Schools who raise student academic achievement and close the achievement gap between high- and low-performing students, although the program may also fund services for educators serving in high-need subject areas (though not necessarily in High-Need Schools), as determined by the LEA or the State.

What's New

FY 2018
There were no new competitions for the TIF or TSL programs during FY 2018.

FY 2017 Teacher and School Leader Incentive Program Grant Competition

The U.S. Department of Education is pleased to announce the launch of the FY 2017 Teacher and School Leader (TSL) Incentive Program competition. The TSL program builds on the former Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) program and promotes performance-based compensation and comprehensive human capital management systems for teachers, principals, and other school leaders. For general information about this program and competition, information about the pre-application webinar, and information on how to apply, visit the TSL grant program page.

FY 2016 Awards

The U.S. Department of Education awarded 13 new grants under the FY 2016 Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) competition. These awards total $70,269,506 for the first project year. These projects will be implemented over a five year period. TIF funding will provide grantees with the opportunity to promote effective teaching through the development of human capital management systems and the use of performance-based compensation.

For more information about these awards, visit the Awards page.

Program Description

This program provides funding for projects that develop and implement performance-based teacher and principal compensation systems in high-need schools. Performance-based compensation systems must consider gains in student academic achievement as well as classroom evaluations conducted multiple times during each school year among other factors and provide educators with incentives to take on additional responsibilities and leadership roles. The purpose of the TIF program is to support the use of performance-based compensation, and other human capital strategies that enhance and sustain performance-based compensation, in order to increase students' access to effective educators in high-need schools, and to expand the array of promising approaches that can help these educators and other personnel succeed.



The TIF program uses performance-based compensation and related supports for educators to catalyze improvements in a district's human capital management system to drive increased student outcomes. By providing educators with performance-based compensation, including robust career ladder opportunities and a range of related educator supports--such as peer-to-peer coaching and job-embedded professional development--the TIF program aims to improve student outcomes by increasing educators' effectiveness.

The program has funded 131 projects to improve pay structures, reward effective teachers and principals and provide greater professional opportunities to educators in high poverty schools. The projects have served over 2,000 schools in more than 300 urban, suburban, and rural school districts in 36 states and Washington, D.C. Based on the core premise that educators have the greatest impact on student learning across various in-school factors, TIF awards competitive grants to States, districts, or partnerships with non-profit organizations.

TIF grantees have used federal funding to develop and fund teacher leadership positions and incentivize teachers to serve in high-need schools. Projects have included: teacher career pathway programs that diversified roles in the teaching force; teacher career pathways that recognize, develop, and reward excellent teachers as they advance through various career stages; incentives for effective teachers who take on instructional leadership roles within their schools; incentives that attract, support, reward, and retain the most effective teachers and administrators at high-need schools; rigorous, ongoing leadership development training for teacher leaders and principals, leadership roles for teachers aimed at school turnaround; and the creation of new salary structures based on effectiveness.


Included below is information regarding new TSL and TIF grants made in recent years.

Fiscal Year (FY)Number of new awards
FY 202329
FY 202122
FY 202013
FY 20191
FY 201714
FY 201613

Complete List of FY 2023 Teacher and School Leader Incentive Grants MS Excel (29 KB)

Year AwardedGranteeProject TitleDuration (Years)Year 1Total Expected FundingCityStateScoreAbstractApplicationReviewer Comments                                      
Funded FY 2023 Applications
2023Region 18 Education Service CenterSupporting Pathways to Achieve Rewards & Knowledge
3$2,523,166$8,365,333MidlandTX110PDF (80 KB)PDF (6 MB)PDF (287 KB)                                      
2023Center for Strategic Leadership and Organizational CoherenceCSL - KIPP3$8,309,041$24,927,304MemphisTN109PDF (129 KB)PDF (2 MB)PDF (248 KB)                                      
2023Alaska Council of School AdministratorsRaising the Bar for Rural Alaskan Educators (RTB AK)3$2,079,787$7,595,962JuneauAK108PDF (135 KB)PDF (1 MB)PDF (292 KB)                                      
2023Charlotte-Mecklenburg SchoolsOpportunity Culture Teacher Leader Pathways (OCTLP)3$2,424,419$7,693,341CharlotteNC107.33PDF (80 KB)PDF (1 MB)PDF (194 KB)                                      
2023Tulare County Office of EducationEquity, Excellence & Effectiveness (E3)3$2,605,261$8,038,000VisaliaCA106.67PDF (80 KB)PDF (526 KB)PDF (289 KB)                                      
2023Center of Excellence for Educator Preparation and InnovationREAP: Rewarding Educator Achievement and Performance3$8,437,681$25,308,161DenmarkSC106.33PDF (112 KB)PDF (495 KB)PDF (207 KB)                                      
2023Maricopa County Education Service AgencyThe Learning Acceleration Partnership (LAP)3$1,851,876$11,232,951MaricopaAZ105PDF (78 KB)PDF (2 MB)PDF (244 KB)                                      
2023The Innovation Project (TIP)Reimagining Teaching Talent (RTT)3$7,071,792$21,525,017RaleighNC104.67PDF (80 KB)PDF (892 KB)PDF (295 KB)                                      
2023Wake County Public School SystemProject LEADERS (Leveraging Employee Advancement to Develop Excellence and Reach)3$3,725,144$13,545,026CaryNC104.33PDF (78 KB)PDF (4 MB)PDF (289 KB)                                      
2023LEAD Public SchoolRISE - Rigorous Instructional Supports for Educators3$4,052,682$12,209,397NashvilleTN104PDF (115 KB)PDF (5 MB)PDF (270 KB)                                      
2023Harmony Public SchoolsTraining Instructional Leadership Teams Forward (TILT Forward)3$3,347,753$14,959,922HoustonTX103.34PDF (85 KB)PDF (633 KB)PDF (239 KB)                                      
2023Perry Township SchoolsAccelerating Learning and Literacy (ALL)3$2,144,051$6,432,153IndianapolisIN103PDF(80 KB)PDF (729 KB)PDF (212 KB)                                      
2023Teaching LabProject Rise (Refine, Improve, Synergize & Elevate)3$5,023,318$16,996,398WashingtonDC102.67PDF (81 KB)PDF(1 MB)PDF (203 KB)                                      
2023United Cerebral Palsy of Central FloridaProject ELEVATE (Elevating Learning by Empowering and Valuing Advancement of Teacher and other Educators3$1,719,080$5,183,810OrlandoFL102.67PDF (78 KB)PDF(1 MB)PDF (199 KB)                                      
2023National Institute for Excellence in TeachingArizona Prioritizing Recruitment/Retention and Induction to Maximize Equity (AZ PRIME)3$3,476,544$16,414,004ScottsdaleAZ102.33PDF (80 KB)PDF (373 KB)PDF (214 KB)                                      
2023Lindsay Unified School DistrictCultivating Opportunities in the Redesign of Equity in Education: CORE Lindsay3$2,669,858$8,039,200LindsayCA100.33PDF(81 KB)PDF (983 KB)PDF (241 KB)                                      
2023National Ctr for Hebrew Language Charter School ExcellenceHebrew Public Supporting, Rewarding, and Growing Educators (HP SURGE)3$1,184,176$4,315,855New YorkNY99.33PDF (84 KB)PDF (1 MB)PDF (232 KB)                                      
2023Providence Public School SystemProvidence Leadership Institute: Developing and Sustaining Turnaround Leadership Pipeline and Induction Process3$2,593,379$6,810,978Rhode IslandRI98.67PDF (80 KB)PDF (1 MB)PDF (211 KB)                                      
2023Mastery Charter High SchoolMastery Charter Schools (Mastery)3$3,010,940$10,149,620PhiladelphiaPA97.67PDF (80 KB)PDF (8 MB)PDF (238 KB)                                      
2023Community Training and Assistance Center, IncorporatedLeadership for Ector's Accelerated Performance (LEAP)3$3,296,768$8,991,700BostonMA96.67PDF (81 KB)PDF (986 KB)PDF (315 KB)                                      
2023Hyde Leadership Charter School-BrooklynBuilding Leaders Project3$443,046$1,323,138BrooklynNY96PDF (80 KB)PDF (889 KB)PDF (310 KB)                                      
2023International Academy of FlintEmpowering EDucators3$372,204$1,110,612FlintMI95.67PDF (108 KB)PDF (4 MB)PDF (195 KB)                                      
2023Cahokia Unit School District 187Teacher Leader Incentive Program (TLIP)3$2,800,000$8,400,000CahokiaIL95.33PDF (81 KB)PDF (2 MB)PDF (195 KB)                                      
2023Winona Independent School DistrictPathways and Opportunities for Winona Educators to Get Results for Underserved Populations (POWER-UP)3$539,411$2,940,867WinonaTX95.33PDF (80 KB)PDF (944 KB)PDF (210 KB)                                      
2023Montgomery County SchoolsTEAM: Teacher and Principal Effectiveness Acceleration in Montgomery3$7,014,095$21,508,841TroyNC93.33PDF (115 KB)PDF (651 KB)PDF (269 KB)                                      
2023Natchitoches Parish School DistrictSystems for Training and Retaining Our Natchitoches Educators for Growth (STRONG)3$3,096,759$14,262,991NatchitochesLA93PDF (81 KB)PDF (539 KB)PDF (236 KB)                                      
2023Cross County School DistrictGrowing and Retaining Educators in Arkansas through TAP (GREAT)3$610,300$2,154,549Cherry ValleyAR91.67PDF (80 KB)PDF (1 MB)PDF (234 KB)                                      
2023Laurens County School District 55Laurens Educators Achieving Results to Net Success (LEARNS)3$3,320,143$13,557,621LaurensSC91PDF (80 KB)PDF (453 KB)PDF (306 KB)                                      
2023Arkansas Public School Resource Center, Inc.The Promoting Educator Effectiveness in Rural Arkansas (PEER 2.0)3$4,911,936$14,836,422Little RockAR90.67PDF (107 KB)PDF (751 KB)PDF (242 KB)                                      
Funded FY 2021 Applications
2021Lansing School DistrictREAP: Rewarding Educator Achievement & Performance3$8,496,920$2,477,1436LansingMI110PDF (114 KB)PDF
(9 MB)
(192 KB)
2021The School Board of Broward County, FloridaEquity for Instructional Performance (EQUIP)3$5,799,803$17,443,215Broward CountyFL110PDF (91 KB)PDF
(3 MB)
(181 KB)
2021National Institute for Excellence in TeachingTexas Improving Management systems for Principals And Classroom Teachers (IMPACT)3$1,669,930$12,327,028NashvilleTN107PDF (93 KB)PDF
(1 MB)
(178 KB)
2021Three Rivers Education Foundation, Inc.TAP: The System for Teacher and Student Advancement3$5,554,223$16,835,414FarmingtonNM109PDF (115 KB)PDF
(2 MB)
(193 KB)
2021Beech Grove City SchoolsAccelerating Beech Grove Learning through Equity (ABLE)3$855,457$4,860,580IndianaIN108.33PDF (90 KB)PDF
(1 MB)
(183 KB)
2021New Schools for New Orleans, Inc.NOLA TSL3$3,412,358$14,241,498New OrleansLA108.33PDF (95 KB)PDF
(2 MB)
(183 KB)
2021Center for Strategic Leadership & Organizational CoherenceACHIEVE: Arkansas Consortium Harnessing Innovation, Equity & Verifiable Excellence3$7,740,442$5,124,000NashvilleMA108PDF (115 KB)PDF
(2 MB)
(191 KB)
2021Midlands Community Development CorporationLIFE2: Leveraging Innovation For Educator Excellence3$7,109,070$21,850,934ColumbiaSC108PDF (115 KB)PDF
(1 MB)
(172 KB)
2021Arizona Board of Regents on behalf of Arizona State UniversityBuilding Human Capital Management Systems to Support the Next Education Workforce in Mesa Public Schools3$2,658,275$8,206,449PhoenixAZ107PDF (119 KB)PDF
(2 MB)
(183 KB)
2021MSD of Decatur TownshipEmpowering Educators to Excel (E3+)3$6,450,537$20,282,526IndianapolisIN107PDF (93 KB)PDF
(1 MB)
(184 KB)
2021Ypsilanti Community SchoolsSEEK: Supporting Educator Excellence & Knowledge,3$5,186,550$15,524,948YpsilantiMI106.33PDF (114 KB)PDF
(8 MB)
(192 KB)
2021Educational Service Center of Northeast OhioNEtworkED: Creating Communities of Equity and Opportunity in Northeast Ohio3$3,080,305$8,957,809IndependenceOH106.67PDF (92 KB)PDF
(2 MB)
(185 KB)
2021San Antonio Independent School DistrictThe Equity-Centered Educator Pipeline Initiative (ECEPI)3$3,640,096$11,488,089San AntonioTX105.67PDF (91 KB)PDF
(5 MB)
(183 KB)
2021Winston-Salem/Forsyth County SchoolsBuilding an Equity-Centered Teacher and School Leader Pipeline3$4,622,318$13,492,114Winston SalemNC104PDF (91 KB)PDF
(2 MB)
(190 KB)
2021Arkansas Public School Resource Center, Inc.The Promoting Educator Effectiveness in Rural Arkansas (PEER)3$2,822,964$8,731,643Little RockAR104PDF (89 KB)PDF
(8 MB)
(198 KB)
2021Board of Education for the City of ChicagoTeachers Lead Chicago (TLC)3$5,446,428$20,933,167ChicagoIL100PDF (89 KB)PDF
(309 KB)
(184 KB)
2021Community Training and Assistance Center, IncorporatedAdvanceSTEM3$4,239,970$14,862,540BostonMA100PDF (108 KB)PDF
(3 MB)
(178 KB)
2021Iredell-Statesville SchoolsSTRIVE: Supporting Teachers and Redesigning Incentives using Value-added measures of Effectiveness.3$6,822,806$21,275,756StatesvilleNC99.67PDF (111 KB)PDF
(3 MB)
(175 KB)
2021Pitt County SchoolsRecruit, Retain, Reward (R3) Phase II: Cultivating Exponential Leaders and Highly Effective Systems3$1,872,311$5,386,551GreenvilleNC99.67PDF (116 KB)PDF
(333 KB)
(182 KB)
2021Winchester School BoardREACH: Redesigning Educator pathways And Connecting HR systems3$2,710,279$7,799,878WinchesterVA98PDF (90 KB)PDF
(3 MB)
(185 KB)
2021DeSoto Independent School DistrictLEAD DeSoto (Leadership, Excellence, Achievement, and Development) Project3$2,573,069$7,316,803DeSotoTX93.67PDF (88 KB)PDF
(2 MB)
(192 KB)
2021The GoodLife AgencyThe Local Education Agencies Partnership (LEAP)3$2,530,955$7,495,955DetroitMI93.33PDF (90 KB)PDF
(2 MB)
(182 KB)

Funded FY 2020 Applications
2020Marlboro County School DistrictMaximizing, Creating, Strengthening, and Developing3$1,527,042$4,938,611BennettsvilleSC115PDF
(85 KB)
(950 KB)
(211 KB)
2020Alaska Council of School AdministratorsIncreasing Performance and Retention in Alaska's Rural Schools (IPRARS)3$1,462,805$5,853,582JuneauAK114PDF
(82 KB)
(1 MB)
(221 KB)
2020Rowan-Salisbury School SystemAccelerate Rowan3$9,245,326$26,529,161SalisburyNC113.33PDF
(87 KB)
(2 MB)
(172 KB)
2020South Bend Community School CorporationLEAP3$7,714,705$22,871,470South BendIN112PDF
(77 KB)
(2 MB)
(176 KB)
2020IDEA Public SchoolsGood to Great: Transforming Teaching and Learning at IDEA Public Schools3$2,905,113$9,615,727WeslacoTX110PDF
(66 KB)
(3 MB)
(173 KB)
2020District of Columbia Public SchoolsRISE: Rigorous Instruction Supports Equity3$9,495,697$28,300,283WashingtonDC107.33PDF
(89 KB)
(2 MB)
(184 KB)
2020LEAD Public SchoolsLEADing Onward3$1,708,000$5,124,000NashvilleTN106.67PDF
(85 KB)
(1 MB)
(213 KB)
2020School Board of Miami-Dade County FloridaMiami Leading Educator Advancement and Recognition through Networks of Support (Miami LEARNS)3$8,243,875$26,643,489MiamiFL106.67PDF
(86 KB)
(1 MB)
(215 KB)
2020Providence Public SchoolsThe Providence Leadership Development Academy (PLDA) & Residency3$2,636,775$10,585,023ProvidenceRI106.33PDF
(81 KB)
(577 KB)
(183 KB)
2020Toledo Public SchoolsPartnerships, Resources, and Opportunities for Urban Districts (PROUD)3$3,018,767$10,549,835ToledoOH104PDF
(101 KB)
(1 MB)
(189 KB)
2020Insight Education Group Inc.Project IGNITE, Innovation Generated by Networked Improvement Teams of Educators3$6,696,716$20,352,726EncinoCA104PDF
(86 KB)
(1 MB)
(179 KB)
2020Gwinnett County Public SchoolsGwinnett County Public Schools Teacher and Leader Support Program3$1,636,063$5,947,476SuwaneeGA103.33PDF
(86 KB)
(1 MB)
(215 KB)
2020Harmony Public SchoolsTraining Instructional Leadership Teams at Harmony Public Schools (TILT).3$7,382,647$27,772,999HoustonTX103PDF
(79 KB)
(883 KB)
(213 KB)

Funded FY 2019 Applications
2019National Institute of Effective Teaching - IndianaThe Indiana Statewide Collaborative to Advance Educator Effectiveness and Equity3$6,100,019$26,360,629Santa MonicaCA106.00PDF
(265 KB)

2017Board of Education City of ChicagoDistributed Leadership
in Opportunity Schools
(619 KB)
(336 KB)
(196 KB)
2017Lansing School DistrictR.E.A.P Rewarding Educator
Achievement and Performance
(130 KB)
(352 KB)
(120 KB)
2017Youth Empowerment Services, Inc.YES Equity Pipeline for Educator Preparation:
Comprehensive HCMS- Educator Preparation Program.
3$2,746,623$8,386,171San AntonioTX112PDF
(57 KB)
(246 KB)
(187 KB)
2017Hillsborough County
Public Schools
Turnaround Leadership Pathways3$1,278,922$4,299,348HillsboroughFL110.33PDF
(11 KB)
(220 KB)
(273 KB)
2017School District of
Osceola County
Producing Results through Osceola's Professional Educator Ladder3$442,049$2,916,745KissimmeeFL110.33PDF
(24 KB)
(350 KB)
(158 KB)
2017Insight Education Group, Inc.Empowering Educators to Excel3$6,803,528$22,411,019EncinoCA109.67PDF
(112 KB)
(578 KB)
(129 KB)
2017Lindsay Unified School DistrictEMPOWER Lindsay3$9,746,275$28,265,116LindsayCA109.67PDF
(68 KB)
(355 KB)
(127 KB)
2017Region 18 Education Service CenterTexas TSL Project3$6,935,345$33,671,970MidlandTX107.67PDF
(12 KB)
(576 KB)
(182 KB)
2017Board of Education
Prince George's County
Great Teachers, Great Leaders,
Great Schools
3$8,603,102$24,375,134Prince George'sMD107.33PDF
(13 KB)
(377 KB)
(156 KB)
2017Union County School DistrictEPIC: Educator Performance
Incentives and Career Pathways
(188 KB)
(574 KB)
(184 KB)
2017East St. Louis School
District #189
East St. Louis District 189
Teacher and School Leader Incentive Program
3$1,466,006$5,827,779East St. LouisMI107.33PDF
(127 KB)
(297 KB)
(108 KB)
2017Houston Independent School DistrictLeveraging Effective Academics
Districtwide for Equity and Resources for Students
(76 KB)
(281 KB)
2017Fort Wayne Community SchoolsPEER — Performance + Equity = Excellent Results!3$9,969,977$29,767,346Fort WayneIN106.33PDF
(90 KB)
(298 KB)
2017New York City Department of EducationNew York City Department of
Education's Build, Retain and Sustain Project
(74 KB)
(670 KB)

FY 2016 Funded Applications
2016Cross County School DistrictRural and Ready: A Pathway for Improving Human Capital in Cross County Schools5$901,320$4,032,004Cherry ValleyAR101.67PDF
(78 KB)
(856 KB)
(169 KB)
2016Harmony Public SchoolsHarmony Supporting Top Educators Program5$5,919,205$26,720,738HoustonTX105.00PDF
(324 KB)
(324 KB)
(173 KB)
2016Louisiana Department of EducationN/A5$13,171,134$66,758,458Baton RougeLA102.00PDF
(78 KB)
(217 KB)
(174 KB)
2016Maricopa County Education Service AgencyRewarding Excellence in Instruction and Leadership5$4,488,326$59,998,629PhoenixAZ105.00PDF
(9 KB)
(2 MB)
(168 KB)
2016Mastery Charter High SchoolMastery 3.0 Opportunity Culture Human Capital Management System Redesign Project (MOCHCS)5$2,142,327$16,709,533PhiladelphiaPA102.33PDF
(78 KB)
(538 KB)
(163 KB)
2016The National Institute for Excellence in Teaching (LA)A Statewide Collaboration for Advancing Principal and Teacher Leadership: Building on Leadership Development in Louisiana (LA BOLD)5$9,478,249$49,359,486Santa MonicaCA104.00PDF
(78 KB)
(924 KB)
(161 KB)
2016New Schools for New OrleansThe NOLA TIF Project5$3,365,190$19,776,514New OrleansLA105.00PDF
(7 KB)
(159 KB)
2016Pitt County SchoolsR3: Recruiting, Retaining, and Rewarding
Educators through Multiple Career Pathways and
Performance-Based Compensation
(80 KB)
(801 KB)
(159 KB)
2016Region One Education Service CenterProject RISE5$5,745,058$48,509,137EdinburgTX105.00PDF
(77 KB)
(1 MB)
(208 KB)
2016San Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio ISD (SAISD) teacher Incentive Fund Project (TIF-SA)5$2,279,576$46,370,483San AntonioTX105.00PDF
(80 KB)
(544 KB)
(161 KB)
2016School Board of Broward CountyLeading Excellence and Achievement in Performance (LEAP) Ahead5$8,301,631$53,808,909Ft. LauderdaleFL103.00PDF
(85 KB)
(493 KB)
(221 KB)
2016Texas Can AcademiesProject READY-2ExCel5$2,585,687$14,030,275DallasTX101.67PDF
(81 KB)
(2 MB)
(164 KB)
2016Youth Empowerment ServicesEducator Effectiveness Process (EEP)5$10,306,065$54,926,907San AntonioTX104.00PDF
(122 KB)
(328 KB)
(163 KB)


Included in the chart below is the amount of funding per fiscal year for new awards under both TSL and TIF in recent years. The TIF program will sunset as of FY 2021, and all program funds will then be used for grantees under the TSL Program.

FY 2020 $63,673,531

Funding YearAppropriation for New Awards
FY 2020$63,673,531
FY 2019$6,100,019
FY 2017$95,888,300


The Teacher and School Leader Incentive Fund (TSL) program was established by Sections 2211-2213 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as reauthorized on December 10, 2015, by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The TSL program replaces the Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) program previously authorized in P.L. 109-149 — the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006, Title V, Part D. To download and read TSL's Authorizing legislation please visit Part B, Subpart 1 of the ESSA Law.

FY 2023 TSL Notice Inviting Applications

Posted in the Federal Register on May 24, 2023

Applicant Information

The U.S. Department of Education is pleased to announce that the Notice Inviting Applications (NIA) for the Teacher and School Leader Incentive Program published in the Federal Register on May 24, 2023 and closes on June 28, 2023. The Department of Education plans to award approximately $95 million to eligible applicants to develop, implement, improve, or expand comprehensive performance-based compensation systems (PBCS) or human capital management systems (HCMS) for teachers, principals, or other school leaders (especially for teachers, principals, or other school leaders in high-need schools who raise student growth and academic achievement and close the achievement gap between high- and low-performing students.

TSL Competition Flyer

TSL Competition Brochure

Grant Opportunity and Application Package (

More information about this grant opportunity is located on at the following address: The application instructions and required forms can be accessed and downloaded from this location.

FY 2023 TSL Competition Timeline

  • TSL Application Publish Date: May 24, 2023
  • Intent to Apply: June 7, 2023 (Email Intents to Apply to SUBJECT: Intent to Apply TSL FY 23)
  • Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: June 28, 2023 (11:59:59 pm EDT)
  • Estimated Award Announcement: By Sept 30, 2023

Pre-Application Informational Webinar

On Thursday, June 1, 2023 at 2pm EDT, the U.S. Department of Education held a pre-application webinar for the FY 2023 TSL competition. You may view the recording of the pre-application webinar using the following link: Recording | Webinar Slides

Electronic Applicant Submission

Applications must be submitted electronically through the system at

  • Applicants are encouraged to download the TSL Application Instructions document and review it in its entirety. It contains information and instructions that will be helpful to you as you prepare to submit your TSL application.
  • The TSL Application Instructions Package should be used as guidance only and applicants should always refer to the TSL NIA for official application instructions.
  • Use the following link to download and review the TSL Application Instructions.

Required Application Forms

The following ED required forms are included in the electronic application package in Below is a list of the required forms that must be completed and submitted at the time of application. Electronic versions of each form can be found at the following link:

  • ED Form 424 — Application for Federal Education Assistance (Form and Instructions)
  • ED Grant Application Form for Project Objectives and Performance Measures Information — 1894-0017
  • gov Lobbying Form
  • Standard Form LLL — Disclosure of Lobbying Activities
  • Required Response to Section 427 of GEPA
  • EED Budget Narrative Template (see below)

Required TSL Program Forms

Required EED Applicant/Grantee Budget Worksheet — This EED Applicant/Grantee Budget Worksheet is REQUIRED and should be submitted in addition to the ED 524 Budget Form for the TSL program. Applicants are strongly encouraged to review the document instructions as well as solicit help from their budget office when completing the worksheet. The worksheet must be submitted at the time of application. This budget worksheet must be completed and uploaded into the Budget Narrative Attachment section of your TSL application.

Optional TSL Program Form

Applicants are strongly encouraged to use the TSL Checklist to assist them in completing the TSL application. The worksheet is optional and can be submitted at the time of application.

Optional TSL Application Checklist

Peer Review Panel Member Opportunity

The U.S. Department of Education (ED) is seeking expert peer reviewers for the Fiscal Year 2023 competition for the Teacher and School Leader (TSL) Incentive program. We invite individuals with backgrounds or expertise in American history, civics education, professional development and/or program evaluation to apply for consideration. If you are interested in serving as a peer reviewer for the FY 2023 TSL competition, please send an email to SUBJECT: FY23 TSL Peer Review.

Previous TSL Competitions:

  • FY 2021 - TSL Competition
  • FY 2020 — TSL Competition
  • FY 2019 — Although there were no new competitions for the TIF or TSL programs in 2019, one additional award was made from the 2017 competition results.
  • FY 2018 — There were no new competitions for the TIF or TSL programs.
  • FY 2017 - TSL Competition (Historical — Teacher and School Leader Program, post ESSA authorization
  • FY 2016 - TIF Competition (Historical — Last Teacher Incentive Fund Competition)
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Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE)
Page Last Reviewed:
January 14, 2025