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Risk Management Tools


Welcome to the Risk Management Toolkit. These tools are designed to assist those charged with implementing the Department's discretionary and formula programs with mitigating risk throughout the grants management process. New tools are under development and will be added once available.

The Tools available include:

  • Grants Training Courses

    The Department's Grants Computer Based Training Courses are a set of 10 courses designed to ensure that the Department's grantees, subgrantees and other grants management and oversight staff understand and are able to execute their administrative and financial responsibilities within the confines of Federal regulations and directives.

  • States' Risk Management Practices, Tools and Resources

    These examples spotlight a combination of approaches states have taken in efforts to identify risk and better understand how sub-grantees are actually managing funds. In some cases, states have designed a prescriptive and detailed method of assigning and calculating risk levels; in other cases, states have established general monitoring practices and developed accompanying protocols, tools and instruments to conduct monitoring and oversight activities.

  • Internal Controls Technical Assistance Presentation

    A presentation developed to enhance internal controls among state entities. This presentation defines internal controls and discusses the internal control framework, GAO's standards for internal control in the Federal government, OMB Uniform Guidance requirements for internal controls and the Department of Education's A123 internal control review process.

  • RMS Project Management Presentation

    A presentation designed to share effective project management strategies and provide tools to ensure the success of grant projects.

Office of Communications and Outreach (OCO)
Page Last Reviewed:
January 14, 2025