Program Description
Seminars Abroad Press Kit - PDF (8.98M)
The program provides short-term study and travel seminars abroad for U.S. educators in the social sciences and humanities for the purpose of improving their understanding and knowledge of the peoples and cultures of other countries. Support is generally made available through interagency agreements. The Department of Education transfers funds through the State Department to Fulbright commissions in various countries to pay the costs associated with administering seminars. This partnership allows the program to use the services and expertise of binational organizations to plan and conduct seminars for U.S. educators.
Matthew Robinson and Mark Bladel
Tel: (202) 987-1076
U.S. Department of Education
Office of Postsecondary Education
International and Foreign Language Education
Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Program
400 Maryland Avenue, S.W.
Washington, DC 20202
Program Classification
Program Office: International and Foreign Language Education
CFDA Number: 84.018
Program Type: Cooperative agreements, discretionary grants or interagency transfer agreements.
Also Known As: Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Program; Fulbright
|| Competition Timeline || Application Materials || Tips & Assistance|| Eligibility ||
Competition Timeline
Competitions for the Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad program are held annually and usually occur every fall.
This program does not announce competitions in the Federal Register. To learn about future Seminars Abroad competitions, please check this website and subscribe to the International and Foreign Language Education office newsletter listserv to receive updates.
Application Materials
The FY 2025 Seminars Abroad application is now closed. The deadline to apply was January 7, 2025.
Applications for the Seminars Abroad program must be submitted through the G5 system. (Please note that visiting will redirect you to the new G6 website. From the G6 website, you can still access and sign up as a new user for G5 to complete an application.)
The application package document for the FY 2025 competition provides specific instructions on how to apply to a FY 2025 Fulbright-Hays Seminar Abroad.
- FY 2025 Application Package: PDF (803K)
FY 2025 Seminar Destinations:
- Elementary (Grades K-8) teachers and administrators: Peru & Uruguay
- Secondary (Grades 9-12) teachers and administrators: India
- Postsecondary faculty and administrators: Greece & Türkiye
Tips & Assistance
Seminars Abroad program officers pre-recorded an informational webinar about the FY 2025 Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad program's application process. The webinar provided guidance on how to prepare a competitive application and use the G5 electronic application system, and provided additional technical assistance. The webinar is now available to stream on IFLE’s YouTube channel at the following link:
Who May Apply: (by category) Individuals (as described below)
Those eligible to apply to the four- to six-week seminars must fall under the categories listed below:
- Elementary school teachers in the fields of the arts, social sciences, or humanities, including languages;
- Middle or high school educators in the fields of the arts, social sciences, or humanities, including languages;
- Administrators or curriculum specialists who have responsibility for curriculum in the fields of the arts, social sciences, or humanities, including languages;
- Librarians, museum educators or media or resource specialists who have responsibility for curriculum in the fields of the arts, social sciences, or humanities, including languages; and
- Faculty or administrators from public or private, two- or four-year institutions of higher education whose discipline is related to social sciences, humanities, languages, and/or area studies.
Basic eligibility requirements for seminar participants:
- Citizenship - must be a citizen of the United States or a permanent resident.
- Academic Preparation - must hold at least a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university.
- Professional Experience - (1) must have at least three years of full-time experience by the time of departure for the seminar; (2) must be currently employed full-time in a U.S. school system, U.S. accredited institution of higher education, local education agency, state education agency, Area Career and Technical Education School, library, or museum. (Some examples include curriculum specialists, librarians, museum educators, and media or resource specialists; experience as a student teacher is not applicable toward the three years of required full-time professional experience); and (3) must be currently employed full-time at the level for which the candidate is applying. Applicants must include the number of regular hours worked per week at their institution(s)/school(s) in the C.V. to demonstrate at least three years of full-time professional experience and current full-time employment at the level that the candidate is applying.
- Health - The candidate must be physically and psychologically able to participate in all phases of the seminar. Award recipients must provide a physician's statement to reflect participant's readiness for travel. Note that participants must follow Fulbright Commission health and safety guidelines, and participants should discuss with their medical providers the prospect of traveling in a group abroad given current public health concerns. Failure to comply with the health and safety guidelines may result in termination of your Fulbright-Hays award.
- Suitability and Adaptability - The applicants' professional suitability and cross-cultural adaptability are assessed through the evaluation criteria, essay responses and letters of reference.
Specific Eligibility Requirements that are Only Applicable to Some Applicants:
1) 50% Rule — Applications are accepted from kindergarten through 12th grade and postsecondary educators who work in two half-time permanent positions in one or more schools or organizations, teaching or working at the same or similar academic levels. Applicants should indicate in the Curriculum Vitae (CV) their full or part-time status, including the number of regular hours worked per week for each institution/school, as well as specific role and subject(s) taught in current position. If applicants are selected to participate in the Fulbright-Hays Seminar Abroad Program, they will be expected to provide documentation demonstrating that the two positions equal a full-time teaching position or related administrative responsibilities. 2) Competitive Preference Priority — In order to receive competitive preference priority points, the applicant must upload a document indicating which of the following competitive preference priority or priorities they qualify for:
- Kindergarten through 12th grade teachers or administrators who work at schools that meet the criteria identified in section 465(a)(2)(A) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (schools at which eligible teachers may obtain Perkins Loan Cancellation or Teacher Loan forgiveness), which includes schools eligible for assistance under Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, (see links below) will receive two points;
- Faculty members who teach at Minority-Serving Institutions (as defined in this application) will receive two points;
- Faculty members who teach at Community Colleges (as defined in this application) will receive two points;
- New applicants (as defined in this application) will receive three points.
Local Educational Agency means:
- A public board of education or other public authority legally constituted within a State for either administrative control of or direction of, or to perform service functions for, public elementary or secondary schools in:
- A city, county, township, school district, or other political subdivision of a State; or
- Such combination of school districts or counties a State recognizes as an administrative agency for its public elementary or secondary schools; or
- Any other public institution or agency that has administrative control and direction of a public elementary or secondary school.
- As used in 34 CFR parts 400, 408, 525, 526 and 527 (vocational education programs), the term also includes any other public institution or agency that has administrative control and direction of a vocational education program. 34 CFR 77.1(c).
State Educational Agency means the State board of education or other agency or officer primarily responsible for the supervision of public elementary and secondary schools in a State. In the absence of this officer or agency, it is an officer or agency designated by the Governor or State law. 34 CFR 77.1(c).
Minority-Serving Institution means an institution that is eligible to receive assistance under sections 316 through 320 of part A of Title III, under part B of Title III, or under title V of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA).
Note: HBCUs that meet the criteria in 34 CFR 608.2, HSIs that meet the criteria in 34 CFR 606.2(a), and institutions that meet the definition of Tribal Colleges or Universities in section 316(b)(3) of the HEA, are, among other qualifying institutions, “minority-serving institutions.”
Community College means an institution that meets the definition in section 312(f) of the HEA (20 U.S.C. 1058(f)); or an institution of higher education (as defined in section 101 of the HEA (20 U.S.C. 1001)) that awards degrees and certificates, more than 50 percent of which are not bachelor's degrees (or an equivalent).
New Applicant means any applicant that has not received: 1) a fellowship from the U.S. Department of Education or the U.S. Department of State under the Mutual Cultural and Educational Exchange Act of 1961 (Fulbright-Hays Act) or 2) a discretionary grant from the U.S. Department of Education under Title VI of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended prior to the deadline date for applications under this program.
Condition of Eligibility
Any applicant who has participated previously in the Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad or Group Projects Abroad program(s) and has not completed the program requirement of a curriculum project or final report will have their application deemed ineligible.
Program Requirements
Participants in the SA program must complete a project report which must be submitted to the Department of Education, and a curriculum project to be submitted to both the Department and the seminar's administering agency no later than 90 days after the conclusion of the seminar.
Note: We are inviting applications to allow enough time to complete the grant process; nonetheless, seminars are contingent upon many factors, including the availability of funds, the number or quality of applications, and travel alerts. The actual level of funding, if any, depends on final congressional action. The Department is not bound by any estimates in this notice.
The Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Program does not provide awards. The program gives funds to international administering agencies to plan and execute overseas programs. The following is an overview of program funding and the seminars offered in recent years.
FY 2024
Google Map of FY 2024 IFLE Grantees
FY 2023
Appropriation: $750,000
Number of new seminars: 3
Number of participants: 48
Seminars scheduled for summer 2024: Finland (K-8), Thailand (Secondary), Colombia (Postsecondary) – Google Map of FY 2023 IFLE Grantees
FY 2022
Appropriation: $677,500
Number of new seminars: 4
Number of participants: 64
Seminars scheduled for summer 2023: Jordan (K-8), Argentina & Brazil (Secondary), Mexico (Postsecondary) – Google Map of FY 2022 IFLE Grantees
FY 2021
Appropriation: $677,500
Number of new seminars: 3
Number of participants: 48
Seminars scheduled for summer 2022: Philippines (K-8), Hungary (Secondary), Norway (Postsecondary), Germany (Career & Technical Education)
FY 2020
Appropriation: $618,600
Number of new seminars: 3
Number of participants: 48
Seminars scheduled for summer 2021: Iceland (K-8), Morocco (Secondary), Mexico (Postsecondary)
FY 2019
Appropriation: $617,366
Number of new seminars: 3
Number of participants: 48
Seminars scheduled for summer 2020: Uruguay (K-8), Czech Republic & Slovakia (Secondary)
Useful Links
- Seminars Abroad Program Press Kit — PDF (8.98M)
- Hear from previous participants of the Seminars Abroad program (as well as other Fulbright-Hays programs) in IFLE YouTube channel videos.
- International Resource Information System (IRIS): a performance reporting system and searchable database for 14 international education programs
- Related Program: Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Program
- Office of Postsecondary Education - Other Applicant and Grantee Resources
Section 102(b)(6) of the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961 (Fulbright-Hays): Word (88K) | PDF (87K); 22 U.S.C. 2452(b)(6)
Performance Reporting
Grantees under this program are required to submit an annual performance report (APR) through the International Resource Information System (IRIS). The Department provides grantees with the required password and other information needed to access the IRIS system. IRIS also includes a publicly accessible searchable database of abstracts of projects funded under OPE's international education programs.
|| Eligibility and Pre-Award Issues || Application Process || Post-Award Issues and Participant Requirements ||
|| Hints for Preparing a Competitive Application ||
Eligibility and Pre-Award Issues:
I teach in an American school abroad. Am I eligible?
Yes. Educators working at official U.S. Embassy or Department of Defense schools may apply. Teachers at other American programs or schools abroad are not eligible.
Which disciplines are eligible for the program?
The purpose of the program is to provide short-term study opportunities for U.S. educators and administrators (generally those in the social sciences and humanities) for the purpose of improving their understanding and knowledge of the peoples and cultures of other countries. Participants are expected to develop and disseminate a curriculum project upon return to share their broadened knowledge and understanding of the host country(ies) with students, colleagues, civic and professional organizations, and the public in their respective home communities. Please contact the program officer for details.
I am a Kindergarten teacher. Am I eligible to apply?
Yes. Kindergarten teachers are eligible to apply for the seminar specified for the K-8 level.
I am a middle school teacher. Am I eligible for the elementary or secondary seminars?
Educators working at middle schools should apply based on the following definition: elementary/middle includes grades K-8 and secondary consists of grades 9-12.
I graduated from college last year and am in my first year of teaching. Am I eligible to apply?
No. Program requirements state that an applicant must have at least three years of full-time professional experience prior to participating in a seminar. An applicant in his or her third year of professional full-time teaching may apply for a seminar to take place the following summer. Part-time work or teaching as a graduate or teaching assistant is not applicable toward the three years.
Are colleagues from the same school or institution allowed to apply to the same country seminar?
Yes. An applicant may apply to any country seminar for which she or he is eligible. However, it should be noted that the Seminars Abroad program is meant to have a multiplier effect in that the information learned and benefits gained from participating in a given seminar are meant to be shared not only with students and classrooms, but also the school or institution and community at large. It is in the program's best interest to select the most highly qualified candidates who will provide extensive outreach as a whole nationwide.
I currently teach at two half-time permanent positions at two different institutions. Am I eligible?
Yes. However, the applicant must provide the required information about these two positions in the C.V.: Applicants must include the number of regular hours worked per week at each institution/school, thereby demonstrating their eligibility. Applicants who fail to do this in the C.V. may be deemed ineligible.
Are there limits on the number of times that an individual can apply to the Seminars Abroad Program?
No. As long as an applicant is eligible, there are no limits to the number of times that an individual may apply.
Are there limits on the number of times that an individual can participate in the Seminars Abroad Program?
No. Preference will be given to qualified candidates who have not had substantial recent experience abroad, especially in the country to which they are applying.
Application Process:
When I go to the G5 website I am redirected to the G6 website. Do I have to apply in G6?
No, applications for this year's Seminars Abroad program will only be accepted through G5. You can still access the G5 website once redirected to G6. Click the "Sign In" button, and scroll down to the G5 "Sign In" button. From there, you will be able to create a new account or sign in as per usual to G5. Please contact the G5 helpdesk for further assistance if necessary.
Can I apply for countries not listed in the application package?
No. An applicant may only apply for the country seminars that are offered during a given year. The list of countries or country pairs and the educational level at which these are offered changes on a yearly basis. Please consult the current year's application package and eligibility criteria.
I do not have a passport; do I need one to apply?
It is essential to have a valid passport to travel and participate in the program. Passports must be valid for a period of at least 6 months after the end of the program to which applicants are applying. Valid passports also should contain 6 double blank pages. Having a passport is not a requirement to apply, but having one is helpful to speed up the processes associated with participation in the program. We do ask for the information inside the application. Having this information speeds up the processes for visas and related documents. The U.S. Department of Education is not responsible for procuring or assisting in any of the processes involved in the acquisition of passports and/or visas. Not all countries require visas before arrival, for those countries that do have such a requirement, it is up to the individual applicant to complete and submit all the required paperwork to the appropriate office, embassy, and/or consulate. It is also not the responsibility of the U.S. Department of Education to cover the costs of any of these processes. Should the applicant fail to have the required documents prior to travel, they will be prohibited from participating in the program.
What do you ask the people writing the letters of reference to write about?
The letter that is written should address each of the following areas: 1) demonstrated interest in their career; 2) ability to work with colleagues; 3) ability to communicate effectively; 4) adaptability; 5) leadership; 6) impact in and beyond the classroom; 7) ability to work and travel in a group setting; and 8) ability to exercise good judgment.
How should the reference forms and statements be submitted?
The two letters of reference, including one from an immediate supervisor, should be submitted electronically according to online application instructions. Only letters of reference submitted via the G5 e-application system are accepted. Letters sent via mail, fax, or e-mail are not accepted.
My referees can't locate the automatically generated e-mail from the U.S. Department of Education (CIO/EDCAPS) with a link and PIN. What should they do?
If the e-mail is not in their inbox, it is recommended that the referees check their spam or junk mail folders. However, if referees still cannot locate the link with a pin from CIO in their folder, the applicant should delete the referees; previous email addresses in G5, and enter the referees' personal email addresses. It is possible that the schools'/employers' network have blocked the email for security purposes. Additionally, if the referees receive the email, but the system is not accepting the PIN, applicant should inform referees to save their work each time and try a different browser or computer.
Is there a separate deadline for reference forms?
No. Both letters of reference must be received by the application deadline date. No exceptions will be made. Each applicant must take responsibility for ensuring that the individuals they have contacted to submit references on their behalf have completed and submitted their forms to the appropriate place so that the applicant can submit the application as a whole by the closing date. If the application is missing one or both references, but is otherwise complete, it will be reviewed as is and points will be deducted accordingly. If there are any questions or concerns about whether your letters have been submitted properly, please contact the G5 Help Desk (and it is strongly suggested not to wait until the last day to do this).
Can a referee submit a reference after I have submitted my part of the application?
No. Referees cannot submit references after the applicant has submitted his/her application. Prior to the applicant submitting his/her application, the reference forms will have a "Sent to Referee" or Complete" if the referee has submitted his/her reference form before the applicant has submitted his/her application. We encourage all applicants to work directly with their referees to ensure all references are submitted before the application closing date. If a referee tries to submit his/her reference after the applicant submits his/her application, he/she will receive an error message that the reference form is no longer valid.
If an application is incomplete, will the Department of Education notify the applicant?
Yes. However, notification will happen only after the review process has been completed and too late for the applicant to send in supplemental materials. Each applicant must take responsibility for ensuring that his or her application is complete and submitted by the deadline date.
What expenses will the program pay for and what will I be expected to provide?
Participants may expect to have the following expenses paid for by the program: round-trip economy airfare to and from their home base; room and board for the length of the seminar; and program-related travel and other program-related expenses within the host country(ies). Participants should be prepared to pay for the following: $750.00, which is a cost-share to help defray pre-departure orientation costs; passport and visa fees; inoculations; gifts for host country presenters and schools; short-term overseas insurance coverage; books and other curriculum materials; and per diem expenses, including personal expenses such as laundry and postage.
Where will I stay during the overseas seminar?
Accommodations will be provided by the administering agency (in most cases, the host country Fulbright Commission) at mid-range hotels during the majority of the program. In some cases, university housing or one- to three-day home stays with host country families will be arranged. Participants should be prepared to share a room throughout the duration of the seminar.
Is there an age limit? Can I apply to the program after I retire?
There is no age limit for participating in the program; however, an applicant must hold a full-time teaching or administering position to apply. In addition, the program is designed for educators who plan to disseminate and incorporate information learned in their classroom and educational environments for several years after the seminar ends. A successful participant must also provide documentation that testifies to his or her current sound physical and mental health to participate in the seminar, based on a recent physical examination conducted within six months of the seminar departure.
Are younger educators at a disadvantage in the competition?
No. The Seminars Abroad Program is interested in selecting applicants who can best address the various selection criteria. These may include educators new to the field with little to no travel experience and/or those who have a wealth of professional and international expertise.
Am I required to list two seminar preferences?
No. Please choose only one seminar. Note that even in the case that more than one seminar is offered for the same level (e.g., two postsecondary level seminars are offered), the applicant may only apply to one of the seminars.
Can I get an extension in case the G5 e-application system is unavailable?
If an applicant experiences problems submitting his/her application through G5 Electronic Application system, he/she should contact the G5 Help Desk immediately, toll-free, at 1-888-336-8930. The G5 Help Desk will provide the applicant with a Support Desk Case Number documenting the communication. The applicant must retain his/her Support Desk Case Number for future reference as proof of communication with the Support Center. Applicant should subsequently contact the person listed in this application under Contact Information for Applicants and provide an explanation of the technical problem experienced, along with the G5 Help Desk Case Number.
If the applicant is prevented from electronically submitting the application on the application deadline date because of technical problems within G5, an extension until 11:59:59 P.M., Eastern Time, the following business day will be granted to enable successful submission of the application electronically, provided that technical issues affected the ability to submit the application on time via the G5 Help Desk Case Number can be verified.
How will applicants be selected?
Applicants will be selected based on their responses to the selection criteria described in the application package. Preference may be given to applicants who have not already received a Fulbright-Hays award. Applications will be evaluated and scored by a technical review panel of international education experts and former Seminars Abroad participants. Their recommendations are forwarded to various levels at the U.S. Department of Education, including the Secretary's office, for approval. Final selection for the program is made by the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board, which takes into account the recommendations of the U.S. Department of Education, availability of funds, and other program requirements.
What happens in cases where there are several applications that have the same final numerical scores, but there are insufficient funds to support all of the applications?
Scores under Criterion 3 (Demonstrated Need) will be used as a tiebreaker. If scores under Criterion 3 remain tied, then scores under Criterion 4 (Project Plan and Implementation) will be used to break the tie. If scores under Criterion 4 remain tied, then new applicants will receive the award.
When will I be notified whether or not I have been selected?
Notifications will be sent to all applicants. E-mails will be sent out in the spring.
If I move or change my e-mail after submitting my application, should I send you address updates?
Yes. Please send any changes of address, e-mail, or position to the program office contacts so that your file may be updated.
Post-Award Issues and Participant Requirements:
May I request copies of my reviewer's comments?
This is not necessary. Reviewers' comments are automatically sent to all applicants, regardless of their successful or unsuccessful status, with their notification e-mails from the Department. If an application is determined to be ineligible during the pre-screening process, it will not be reviewed through the panel review process. A letter explaining the reason for being found ineligible will be sent instead.
Is short-term overseas insurance required?
Yes. All participants, once selected and notified, are required to send documentation of specific kinds of insurance coverage during the seminar period. If this coverage is not already included in an individual's personal insurance plan, they will be required to purchase it independently. Failure to obtain insurance could prohibit participation in the program.
Do I need to obtain a physical examination?
Yes. All participants, once selected and notified, must provide documentation of physical and psychological health that will enable each individual to participate fully in all phases of the seminar. Our office also needs to be notified of any change in your medical condition prior to departure. You will be notified if, in compliance with country-specific travel requirements, you are required to complete COVID-19 vaccination or tests in order to participate in your seminar.
Can I take my family or significant others with me?
No. Seminars are short-term and require intense group travel and participation.
Do I have to attend the pre-departure orientation?
Yes, it is mandatory for all participants (there are no exceptions). A pre-departure orientation (PDO) session lasting one to three days will be arranged in the United States prior to international departures. All participants are required to attend. The program will provide flights or other transportation to and from the PDO site and, in most cases, room and board.
What are my responsibilities as a participant with the Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Program?
Participants must read, sign, and agree to abide by the program "Terms and Conditions of the Award" document contained in the application materials. They are required to complete and submit a curriculum project to the Department of Education and the administering agency 90 days after the seminar end date. In addition, participants are required to use their curriculum projects in their classrooms, share them with colleagues, and conduct outreach activities in their schools, institutions, and communities as well as professional and/or academic organizations upon return to the United States. Finally, each participant must complete an electronic evaluation of the seminar for U.S. Department of Education purposes.
Will I receive academic credit for participation?
The U.S. Department of Education does not offer academic credit to participants in the Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Program.
Can I publish the curriculum project that I create?
There are no restrictions on a participant publishing materials created as part of their Seminars Abroad experience. However, these materials must also be made available to the general public at no charge either through a Web site or other means.
What if there are new travel restrictions in my seminar destination?
We work closely with our host country counterparts for each seminar, and the safety of our seminar participants is our highest priority. Note that if conditions in a seminar destination becomes unsafe for travel, seminar dates can be postponed. Be sure to keep current with your email to receive any timely updates on seminar travel from the program officer.
Do I have to get vaccinated to travel to my seminar destination?
We require participants to comply with any and all safety requirements given by host country Fulbright commissions. Many host commissions will require the participants to be fully vaccinated by the time of the departure. Participants may be asked to take COVID-19 tests, if required for international or domestic travel.
What happens if I fall ill abroad?
There are inherent risks associated with living, traveling, studying, and/or working in a foreign country that may result in injury, illness, or loss. We require all participants to fully abide by the health and safety requirements of the administering Fulbright commission. In case of illness, they will work with impacted participants to access local medical care and arrange treatment; however, in accepting this award, participants expressly and voluntarily assume all of these and any and all other risks that may occur during or after your participation in the Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Program.
Hints for Preparing a Competitive Application
- Plan ahead. Producing a strong application takes time and careful effort.
- Double check that you are applying to the appropriate seminar based on the educational level at which you work (elementary, secondary, postsecondary).
- Begin the application process by requesting letters of reference and follow-up with individuals who are providing letters to ensure that they are submitted as soon as possible.
- Do not wait until the last minute to submit the application.
- Make sure that the application is successfully submitted by checking for a confirmation message with an application number.
- Be sure to check the eligibility requirements (if uncertain, call program contacts).
- The program does not lend itself to those who wish to apply in pairs or groups. This is an application process for individuals.
- Make sure your curriculum vita clearly explains your job responsibilities, including the specific courses and grade levels that you teach.
- Focus on illustrating your leadership qualities through specific examples of professional and community activities.
- Emphasize the nature of your active membership and involvement vs. simply listing organizations.
- Include any awards or honors, especially at the district, regional, or national levels. If necessary, explain briefly.
- In the essays, show a clear connection between your professional responsibilities and the country seminar choices and, although of lesser importance, the seminar themes. Explain where the country and/or theme of the seminar fit into the unit(s) and course(s) for which you have responsibility.
- The curriculum project is very important. Be sure to consider this and write about a proposed project in the essay. A strong applicant should have a definite, but flexible, plan of how to implement learning experiences into their classrooms and communities.
- Consider what your outreach and dissemination plan will be (for the classroom, colleagues, community, district, and other educational arenas) and detail proposed activities in the application essays.
- Be sure to follow up with individuals who are providing references on your behalf so that their information is submitted by the application submission deadline.
- Students should be the ultimate beneficiaries of a Seminars Abroad experience. Be sure to discuss in your application how your participation in a seminar would benefit them directly.
- Proofread!
- Re-read each application question and then re-check your responses to ensure you have addressed in a specific manner all of the seminar objectives as given in each section.
- Have a trusted colleague or friend review your application materials and offer feedback.
- It is not unusual for an applicant's initial attempts to be unsuccessful. Please review the readers' comments and consider re-applying if this is the case.
- It is recommended that each essay is no longer than three pages.
- It is recommended that each essay be in portrait orientation.
- A page is 8.5” X 11” on one side only and with 1 inch margins at the top, bottom, and both sides.
- We recommend all essays to be written in Times New Roman, Courier, Courier New, Arial, Calibri, Cambria, 12 point font or larger, and double-spaced.
- It is not recommended to single space your essays.
Program Description
Seminars Abroad Press Kit - PDF (8.98M)
The program provides short-term study and travel seminars abroad for U.S. educators in the social sciences and humanities for the purpose of improving their understanding and knowledge of the peoples and cultures of other countries. Support is generally made available through interagency agreements. The Department of Education transfers funds through the State Department to Fulbright commissions in various countries to pay the costs associated with administering seminars. This partnership allows the program to use the services and expertise of binational organizations to plan and conduct seminars for U.S. educators.
Matthew Robinson and Mark Bladel
Tel: (202) 987-1076
U.S. Department of Education
Office of Postsecondary Education
International and Foreign Language Education
Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Program
400 Maryland Avenue, S.W.
Washington, DC 20202
Program Classification
Program Office: International and Foreign Language Education
CFDA Number: 84.018
Program Type: Cooperative agreements, discretionary grants or interagency transfer agreements.
Also Known As: Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Program; Fulbright
|| Competition Timeline || Application Materials || Tips & Assistance|| Eligibility ||
Competition Timeline
Competitions for the Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad program are held annually and usually occur every fall.
This program does not announce competitions in the Federal Register. To learn about future Seminars Abroad competitions, please check this website and subscribe to the International and Foreign Language Education office newsletter listserv to receive updates.
Application Materials
The FY 2025 Seminars Abroad application is now closed. The deadline to apply was January 7, 2025.
Applications for the Seminars Abroad program must be submitted through the G5 system. (Please note that visiting will redirect you to the new G6 website. From the G6 website, you can still access and sign up as a new user for G5 to complete an application.)
The application package document for the FY 2025 competition provides specific instructions on how to apply to a FY 2025 Fulbright-Hays Seminar Abroad.
- FY 2025 Application Package: PDF (803K)
FY 2025 Seminar Destinations:
- Elementary (Grades K-8) teachers and administrators: Peru & Uruguay
- Secondary (Grades 9-12) teachers and administrators: India
- Postsecondary faculty and administrators: Greece & Türkiye
Tips & Assistance
Seminars Abroad program officers pre-recorded an informational webinar about the FY 2025 Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad program's application process. The webinar provided guidance on how to prepare a competitive application and use the G5 electronic application system, and provided additional technical assistance. The webinar is now available to stream on IFLE’s YouTube channel at the following link:
Who May Apply: (by category) Individuals (as described below)
Those eligible to apply to the four- to six-week seminars must fall under the categories listed below:
- Elementary school teachers in the fields of the arts, social sciences, or humanities, including languages;
- Middle or high school educators in the fields of the arts, social sciences, or humanities, including languages;
- Administrators or curriculum specialists who have responsibility for curriculum in the fields of the arts, social sciences, or humanities, including languages;
- Librarians, museum educators or media or resource specialists who have responsibility for curriculum in the fields of the arts, social sciences, or humanities, including languages; and
- Faculty or administrators from public or private, two- or four-year institutions of higher education whose discipline is related to social sciences, humanities, languages, and/or area studies.
Basic eligibility requirements for seminar participants:
- Citizenship - must be a citizen of the United States or a permanent resident.
- Academic Preparation - must hold at least a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university.
- Professional Experience - (1) must have at least three years of full-time experience by the time of departure for the seminar; (2) must be currently employed full-time in a U.S. school system, U.S. accredited institution of higher education, local education agency, state education agency, Area Career and Technical Education School, library, or museum. (Some examples include curriculum specialists, librarians, museum educators, and media or resource specialists; experience as a student teacher is not applicable toward the three years of required full-time professional experience); and (3) must be currently employed full-time at the level for which the candidate is applying. Applicants must include the number of regular hours worked per week at their institution(s)/school(s) in the C.V. to demonstrate at least three years of full-time professional experience and current full-time employment at the level that the candidate is applying.
- Health - The candidate must be physically and psychologically able to participate in all phases of the seminar. Award recipients must provide a physician's statement to reflect participant's readiness for travel. Note that participants must follow Fulbright Commission health and safety guidelines, and participants should discuss with their medical providers the prospect of traveling in a group abroad given current public health concerns. Failure to comply with the health and safety guidelines may result in termination of your Fulbright-Hays award.
- Suitability and Adaptability - The applicants' professional suitability and cross-cultural adaptability are assessed through the evaluation criteria, essay responses and letters of reference.
Specific Eligibility Requirements that are Only Applicable to Some Applicants:
1) 50% Rule — Applications are accepted from kindergarten through 12th grade and postsecondary educators who work in two half-time permanent positions in one or more schools or organizations, teaching or working at the same or similar academic levels. Applicants should indicate in the Curriculum Vitae (CV) their full or part-time status, including the number of regular hours worked per week for each institution/school, as well as specific role and subject(s) taught in current position. If applicants are selected to participate in the Fulbright-Hays Seminar Abroad Program, they will be expected to provide documentation demonstrating that the two positions equal a full-time teaching position or related administrative responsibilities. 2) Competitive Preference Priority — In order to receive competitive preference priority points, the applicant must upload a document indicating which of the following competitive preference priority or priorities they qualify for:
- Kindergarten through 12th grade teachers or administrators who work at schools that meet the criteria identified in section 465(a)(2)(A) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (schools at which eligible teachers may obtain Perkins Loan Cancellation or Teacher Loan forgiveness), which includes schools eligible for assistance under Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, (see links below) will receive two points;
- Faculty members who teach at Minority-Serving Institutions (as defined in this application) will receive two points;
- Faculty members who teach at Community Colleges (as defined in this application) will receive two points;
- New applicants (as defined in this application) will receive three points.
Local Educational Agency means:
- A public board of education or other public authority legally constituted within a State for either administrative control of or direction of, or to perform service functions for, public elementary or secondary schools in:
- A city, county, township, school district, or other political subdivision of a State; or
- Such combination of school districts or counties a State recognizes as an administrative agency for its public elementary or secondary schools; or
- Any other public institution or agency that has administrative control and direction of a public elementary or secondary school.
- As used in 34 CFR parts 400, 408, 525, 526 and 527 (vocational education programs), the term also includes any other public institution or agency that has administrative control and direction of a vocational education program. 34 CFR 77.1(c).
State Educational Agency means the State board of education or other agency or officer primarily responsible for the supervision of public elementary and secondary schools in a State. In the absence of this officer or agency, it is an officer or agency designated by the Governor or State law. 34 CFR 77.1(c).
Minority-Serving Institution means an institution that is eligible to receive assistance under sections 316 through 320 of part A of Title III, under part B of Title III, or under title V of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA).
Note: HBCUs that meet the criteria in 34 CFR 608.2, HSIs that meet the criteria in 34 CFR 606.2(a), and institutions that meet the definition of Tribal Colleges or Universities in section 316(b)(3) of the HEA, are, among other qualifying institutions, “minority-serving institutions.”
Community College means an institution that meets the definition in section 312(f) of the HEA (20 U.S.C. 1058(f)); or an institution of higher education (as defined in section 101 of the HEA (20 U.S.C. 1001)) that awards degrees and certificates, more than 50 percent of which are not bachelor's degrees (or an equivalent).
New Applicant means any applicant that has not received: 1) a fellowship from the U.S. Department of Education or the U.S. Department of State under the Mutual Cultural and Educational Exchange Act of 1961 (Fulbright-Hays Act) or 2) a discretionary grant from the U.S. Department of Education under Title VI of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended prior to the deadline date for applications under this program.
Condition of Eligibility
Any applicant who has participated previously in the Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad or Group Projects Abroad program(s) and has not completed the program requirement of a curriculum project or final report will have their application deemed ineligible.
Program Requirements
Participants in the SA program must complete a project report which must be submitted to the Department of Education, and a curriculum project to be submitted to both the Department and the seminar's administering agency no later than 90 days after the conclusion of the seminar.
Note: We are inviting applications to allow enough time to complete the grant process; nonetheless, seminars are contingent upon many factors, including the availability of funds, the number or quality of applications, and travel alerts. The actual level of funding, if any, depends on final congressional action. The Department is not bound by any estimates in this notice.
The Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Program does not provide awards. The program gives funds to international administering agencies to plan and execute overseas programs. The following is an overview of program funding and the seminars offered in recent years.
FY 2024
Google Map of FY 2024 IFLE Grantees
FY 2023
Appropriation: $750,000
Number of new seminars: 3
Number of participants: 48
Seminars scheduled for summer 2024: Finland (K-8), Thailand (Secondary), Colombia (Postsecondary) – Google Map of FY 2023 IFLE Grantees
FY 2022
Appropriation: $677,500
Number of new seminars: 4
Number of participants: 64
Seminars scheduled for summer 2023: Jordan (K-8), Argentina & Brazil (Secondary), Mexico (Postsecondary) – Google Map of FY 2022 IFLE Grantees
FY 2021
Appropriation: $677,500
Number of new seminars: 3
Number of participants: 48
Seminars scheduled for summer 2022: Philippines (K-8), Hungary (Secondary), Norway (Postsecondary), Germany (Career & Technical Education)
FY 2020
Appropriation: $618,600
Number of new seminars: 3
Number of participants: 48
Seminars scheduled for summer 2021: Iceland (K-8), Morocco (Secondary), Mexico (Postsecondary)
FY 2019
Appropriation: $617,366
Number of new seminars: 3
Number of participants: 48
Seminars scheduled for summer 2020: Uruguay (K-8), Czech Republic & Slovakia (Secondary)
Useful Links
- Seminars Abroad Program Press Kit — PDF (8.98M)
- Hear from previous participants of the Seminars Abroad program (as well as other Fulbright-Hays programs) in IFLE YouTube channel videos.
- International Resource Information System (IRIS): a performance reporting system and searchable database for 14 international education programs
- Related Program: Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Program
- Office of Postsecondary Education - Other Applicant and Grantee Resources
Section 102(b)(6) of the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961 (Fulbright-Hays): Word (88K) | PDF (87K); 22 U.S.C. 2452(b)(6)
Performance Reporting
Grantees under this program are required to submit an annual performance report (APR) through the International Resource Information System (IRIS). The Department provides grantees with the required password and other information needed to access the IRIS system. IRIS also includes a publicly accessible searchable database of abstracts of projects funded under OPE's international education programs.
|| Eligibility and Pre-Award Issues || Application Process || Post-Award Issues and Participant Requirements ||
|| Hints for Preparing a Competitive Application ||
Eligibility and Pre-Award Issues:
I teach in an American school abroad. Am I eligible?
Yes. Educators working at official U.S. Embassy or Department of Defense schools may apply. Teachers at other American programs or schools abroad are not eligible.
Which disciplines are eligible for the program?
The purpose of the program is to provide short-term study opportunities for U.S. educators and administrators (generally those in the social sciences and humanities) for the purpose of improving their understanding and knowledge of the peoples and cultures of other countries. Participants are expected to develop and disseminate a curriculum project upon return to share their broadened knowledge and understanding of the host country(ies) with students, colleagues, civic and professional organizations, and the public in their respective home communities. Please contact the program officer for details.
I am a Kindergarten teacher. Am I eligible to apply?
Yes. Kindergarten teachers are eligible to apply for the seminar specified for the K-8 level.
I am a middle school teacher. Am I eligible for the elementary or secondary seminars?
Educators working at middle schools should apply based on the following definition: elementary/middle includes grades K-8 and secondary consists of grades 9-12.
I graduated from college last year and am in my first year of teaching. Am I eligible to apply?
No. Program requirements state that an applicant must have at least three years of full-time professional experience prior to participating in a seminar. An applicant in his or her third year of professional full-time teaching may apply for a seminar to take place the following summer. Part-time work or teaching as a graduate or teaching assistant is not applicable toward the three years.
Are colleagues from the same school or institution allowed to apply to the same country seminar?
Yes. An applicant may apply to any country seminar for which she or he is eligible. However, it should be noted that the Seminars Abroad program is meant to have a multiplier effect in that the information learned and benefits gained from participating in a given seminar are meant to be shared not only with students and classrooms, but also the school or institution and community at large. It is in the program's best interest to select the most highly qualified candidates who will provide extensive outreach as a whole nationwide.
I currently teach at two half-time permanent positions at two different institutions. Am I eligible?
Yes. However, the applicant must provide the required information about these two positions in the C.V.: Applicants must include the number of regular hours worked per week at each institution/school, thereby demonstrating their eligibility. Applicants who fail to do this in the C.V. may be deemed ineligible.
Are there limits on the number of times that an individual can apply to the Seminars Abroad Program?
No. As long as an applicant is eligible, there are no limits to the number of times that an individual may apply.
Are there limits on the number of times that an individual can participate in the Seminars Abroad Program?
No. Preference will be given to qualified candidates who have not had substantial recent experience abroad, especially in the country to which they are applying.
Application Process:
When I go to the G5 website I am redirected to the G6 website. Do I have to apply in G6?
No, applications for this year's Seminars Abroad program will only be accepted through G5. You can still access the G5 website once redirected to G6. Click the "Sign In" button, and scroll down to the G5 "Sign In" button. From there, you will be able to create a new account or sign in as per usual to G5. Please contact the G5 helpdesk for further assistance if necessary.
Can I apply for countries not listed in the application package?
No. An applicant may only apply for the country seminars that are offered during a given year. The list of countries or country pairs and the educational level at which these are offered changes on a yearly basis. Please consult the current year's application package and eligibility criteria.
I do not have a passport; do I need one to apply?
It is essential to have a valid passport to travel and participate in the program. Passports must be valid for a period of at least 6 months after the end of the program to which applicants are applying. Valid passports also should contain 6 double blank pages. Having a passport is not a requirement to apply, but having one is helpful to speed up the processes associated with participation in the program. We do ask for the information inside the application. Having this information speeds up the processes for visas and related documents. The U.S. Department of Education is not responsible for procuring or assisting in any of the processes involved in the acquisition of passports and/or visas. Not all countries require visas before arrival, for those countries that do have such a requirement, it is up to the individual applicant to complete and submit all the required paperwork to the appropriate office, embassy, and/or consulate. It is also not the responsibility of the U.S. Department of Education to cover the costs of any of these processes. Should the applicant fail to have the required documents prior to travel, they will be prohibited from participating in the program.
What do you ask the people writing the letters of reference to write about?
The letter that is written should address each of the following areas: 1) demonstrated interest in their career; 2) ability to work with colleagues; 3) ability to communicate effectively; 4) adaptability; 5) leadership; 6) impact in and beyond the classroom; 7) ability to work and travel in a group setting; and 8) ability to exercise good judgment.
How should the reference forms and statements be submitted?
The two letters of reference, including one from an immediate supervisor, should be submitted electronically according to online application instructions. Only letters of reference submitted via the G5 e-application system are accepted. Letters sent via mail, fax, or e-mail are not accepted.
My referees can't locate the automatically generated e-mail from the U.S. Department of Education (CIO/EDCAPS) with a link and PIN. What should they do?
If the e-mail is not in their inbox, it is recommended that the referees check their spam or junk mail folders. However, if referees still cannot locate the link with a pin from CIO in their folder, the applicant should delete the referees; previous email addresses in G5, and enter the referees' personal email addresses. It is possible that the schools'/employers' network have blocked the email for security purposes. Additionally, if the referees receive the email, but the system is not accepting the PIN, applicant should inform referees to save their work each time and try a different browser or computer.
Is there a separate deadline for reference forms?
No. Both letters of reference must be received by the application deadline date. No exceptions will be made. Each applicant must take responsibility for ensuring that the individuals they have contacted to submit references on their behalf have completed and submitted their forms to the appropriate place so that the applicant can submit the application as a whole by the closing date. If the application is missing one or both references, but is otherwise complete, it will be reviewed as is and points will be deducted accordingly. If there are any questions or concerns about whether your letters have been submitted properly, please contact the G5 Help Desk (and it is strongly suggested not to wait until the last day to do this).
Can a referee submit a reference after I have submitted my part of the application?
No. Referees cannot submit references after the applicant has submitted his/her application. Prior to the applicant submitting his/her application, the reference forms will have a "Sent to Referee" or Complete" if the referee has submitted his/her reference form before the applicant has submitted his/her application. We encourage all applicants to work directly with their referees to ensure all references are submitted before the application closing date. If a referee tries to submit his/her reference after the applicant submits his/her application, he/she will receive an error message that the reference form is no longer valid.
If an application is incomplete, will the Department of Education notify the applicant?
Yes. However, notification will happen only after the review process has been completed and too late for the applicant to send in supplemental materials. Each applicant must take responsibility for ensuring that his or her application is complete and submitted by the deadline date.
What expenses will the program pay for and what will I be expected to provide?
Participants may expect to have the following expenses paid for by the program: round-trip economy airfare to and from their home base; room and board for the length of the seminar; and program-related travel and other program-related expenses within the host country(ies). Participants should be prepared to pay for the following: $750.00, which is a cost-share to help defray pre-departure orientation costs; passport and visa fees; inoculations; gifts for host country presenters and schools; short-term overseas insurance coverage; books and other curriculum materials; and per diem expenses, including personal expenses such as laundry and postage.
Where will I stay during the overseas seminar?
Accommodations will be provided by the administering agency (in most cases, the host country Fulbright Commission) at mid-range hotels during the majority of the program. In some cases, university housing or one- to three-day home stays with host country families will be arranged. Participants should be prepared to share a room throughout the duration of the seminar.
Is there an age limit? Can I apply to the program after I retire?
There is no age limit for participating in the program; however, an applicant must hold a full-time teaching or administering position to apply. In addition, the program is designed for educators who plan to disseminate and incorporate information learned in their classroom and educational environments for several years after the seminar ends. A successful participant must also provide documentation that testifies to his or her current sound physical and mental health to participate in the seminar, based on a recent physical examination conducted within six months of the seminar departure.
Are younger educators at a disadvantage in the competition?
No. The Seminars Abroad Program is interested in selecting applicants who can best address the various selection criteria. These may include educators new to the field with little to no travel experience and/or those who have a wealth of professional and international expertise.
Am I required to list two seminar preferences?
No. Please choose only one seminar. Note that even in the case that more than one seminar is offered for the same level (e.g., two postsecondary level seminars are offered), the applicant may only apply to one of the seminars.
Can I get an extension in case the G5 e-application system is unavailable?
If an applicant experiences problems submitting his/her application through G5 Electronic Application system, he/she should contact the G5 Help Desk immediately, toll-free, at 1-888-336-8930. The G5 Help Desk will provide the applicant with a Support Desk Case Number documenting the communication. The applicant must retain his/her Support Desk Case Number for future reference as proof of communication with the Support Center. Applicant should subsequently contact the person listed in this application under Contact Information for Applicants and provide an explanation of the technical problem experienced, along with the G5 Help Desk Case Number.
If the applicant is prevented from electronically submitting the application on the application deadline date because of technical problems within G5, an extension until 11:59:59 P.M., Eastern Time, the following business day will be granted to enable successful submission of the application electronically, provided that technical issues affected the ability to submit the application on time via the G5 Help Desk Case Number can be verified.
How will applicants be selected?
Applicants will be selected based on their responses to the selection criteria described in the application package. Preference may be given to applicants who have not already received a Fulbright-Hays award. Applications will be evaluated and scored by a technical review panel of international education experts and former Seminars Abroad participants. Their recommendations are forwarded to various levels at the U.S. Department of Education, including the Secretary's office, for approval. Final selection for the program is made by the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board, which takes into account the recommendations of the U.S. Department of Education, availability of funds, and other program requirements.
What happens in cases where there are several applications that have the same final numerical scores, but there are insufficient funds to support all of the applications?
Scores under Criterion 3 (Demonstrated Need) will be used as a tiebreaker. If scores under Criterion 3 remain tied, then scores under Criterion 4 (Project Plan and Implementation) will be used to break the tie. If scores under Criterion 4 remain tied, then new applicants will receive the award.
When will I be notified whether or not I have been selected?
Notifications will be sent to all applicants. E-mails will be sent out in the spring.
If I move or change my e-mail after submitting my application, should I send you address updates?
Yes. Please send any changes of address, e-mail, or position to the program office contacts so that your file may be updated.
Post-Award Issues and Participant Requirements:
May I request copies of my reviewer's comments?
This is not necessary. Reviewers' comments are automatically sent to all applicants, regardless of their successful or unsuccessful status, with their notification e-mails from the Department. If an application is determined to be ineligible during the pre-screening process, it will not be reviewed through the panel review process. A letter explaining the reason for being found ineligible will be sent instead.
Is short-term overseas insurance required?
Yes. All participants, once selected and notified, are required to send documentation of specific kinds of insurance coverage during the seminar period. If this coverage is not already included in an individual's personal insurance plan, they will be required to purchase it independently. Failure to obtain insurance could prohibit participation in the program.
Do I need to obtain a physical examination?
Yes. All participants, once selected and notified, must provide documentation of physical and psychological health that will enable each individual to participate fully in all phases of the seminar. Our office also needs to be notified of any change in your medical condition prior to departure. You will be notified if, in compliance with country-specific travel requirements, you are required to complete COVID-19 vaccination or tests in order to participate in your seminar.
Can I take my family or significant others with me?
No. Seminars are short-term and require intense group travel and participation.
Do I have to attend the pre-departure orientation?
Yes, it is mandatory for all participants (there are no exceptions). A pre-departure orientation (PDO) session lasting one to three days will be arranged in the United States prior to international departures. All participants are required to attend. The program will provide flights or other transportation to and from the PDO site and, in most cases, room and board.
What are my responsibilities as a participant with the Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Program?
Participants must read, sign, and agree to abide by the program "Terms and Conditions of the Award" document contained in the application materials. They are required to complete and submit a curriculum project to the Department of Education and the administering agency 90 days after the seminar end date. In addition, participants are required to use their curriculum projects in their classrooms, share them with colleagues, and conduct outreach activities in their schools, institutions, and communities as well as professional and/or academic organizations upon return to the United States. Finally, each participant must complete an electronic evaluation of the seminar for U.S. Department of Education purposes.
Will I receive academic credit for participation?
The U.S. Department of Education does not offer academic credit to participants in the Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Program.
Can I publish the curriculum project that I create?
There are no restrictions on a participant publishing materials created as part of their Seminars Abroad experience. However, these materials must also be made available to the general public at no charge either through a Web site or other means.
What if there are new travel restrictions in my seminar destination?
We work closely with our host country counterparts for each seminar, and the safety of our seminar participants is our highest priority. Note that if conditions in a seminar destination becomes unsafe for travel, seminar dates can be postponed. Be sure to keep current with your email to receive any timely updates on seminar travel from the program officer.
Do I have to get vaccinated to travel to my seminar destination?
We require participants to comply with any and all safety requirements given by host country Fulbright commissions. Many host commissions will require the participants to be fully vaccinated by the time of the departure. Participants may be asked to take COVID-19 tests, if required for international or domestic travel.
What happens if I fall ill abroad?
There are inherent risks associated with living, traveling, studying, and/or working in a foreign country that may result in injury, illness, or loss. We require all participants to fully abide by the health and safety requirements of the administering Fulbright commission. In case of illness, they will work with impacted participants to access local medical care and arrange treatment; however, in accepting this award, participants expressly and voluntarily assume all of these and any and all other risks that may occur during or after your participation in the Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Program.
Hints for Preparing a Competitive Application
- Plan ahead. Producing a strong application takes time and careful effort.
- Double check that you are applying to the appropriate seminar based on the educational level at which you work (elementary, secondary, postsecondary).
- Begin the application process by requesting letters of reference and follow-up with individuals who are providing letters to ensure that they are submitted as soon as possible.
- Do not wait until the last minute to submit the application.
- Make sure that the application is successfully submitted by checking for a confirmation message with an application number.
- Be sure to check the eligibility requirements (if uncertain, call program contacts).
- The program does not lend itself to those who wish to apply in pairs or groups. This is an application process for individuals.
- Make sure your curriculum vita clearly explains your job responsibilities, including the specific courses and grade levels that you teach.
- Focus on illustrating your leadership qualities through specific examples of professional and community activities.
- Emphasize the nature of your active membership and involvement vs. simply listing organizations.
- Include any awards or honors, especially at the district, regional, or national levels. If necessary, explain briefly.
- In the essays, show a clear connection between your professional responsibilities and the country seminar choices and, although of lesser importance, the seminar themes. Explain where the country and/or theme of the seminar fit into the unit(s) and course(s) for which you have responsibility.
- The curriculum project is very important. Be sure to consider this and write about a proposed project in the essay. A strong applicant should have a definite, but flexible, plan of how to implement learning experiences into their classrooms and communities.
- Consider what your outreach and dissemination plan will be (for the classroom, colleagues, community, district, and other educational arenas) and detail proposed activities in the application essays.
- Be sure to follow up with individuals who are providing references on your behalf so that their information is submitted by the application submission deadline.
- Students should be the ultimate beneficiaries of a Seminars Abroad experience. Be sure to discuss in your application how your participation in a seminar would benefit them directly.
- Proofread!
- Re-read each application question and then re-check your responses to ensure you have addressed in a specific manner all of the seminar objectives as given in each section.
- Have a trusted colleague or friend review your application materials and offer feedback.
- It is not unusual for an applicant's initial attempts to be unsuccessful. Please review the readers' comments and consider re-applying if this is the case.
- It is recommended that each essay is no longer than three pages.
- It is recommended that each essay be in portrait orientation.
- A page is 8.5” X 11” on one side only and with 1 inch margins at the top, bottom, and both sides.
- We recommend all essays to be written in Times New Roman, Courier, Courier New, Arial, Calibri, Cambria, 12 point font or larger, and double-spaced.
- It is not recommended to single space your essays.