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American Overseas Research Centers

Grant Type
Discretionary grant
Cheryl E. Gibbs
(202) 453-5690
Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs)
Application Deadline
Application Status


The Title VI American Overseas Research Centers (AORC) Program provides grants to consortia of institutions of higher education (IHEs) in the United States to establish or operate an overseas research center (Center) to promote postgraduate research, exchanges, and area studies.

AORC grants may be used for all or a portion of the costs to operate or maintain the overseas Center or program; organize and manage conferences; develop of acquire teaching and research materials; acquire or preserve library collections; bring scholars and faculty to the Center to teach or conduct research; support the salaries for Center staff and visiting faculty and professional development stipends and fellowships; pay the travel costs for Center staff and project participants; and to publish and disseminate materials for the academic community and the public.


Cheryl E. Gibbs
Tel: (202) 453-5690

U.S. Department of Education
Office of Postsecondary Education
International and Foreign Language Education 
American Overseas Research Centers Program
400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Room 5C103
Washington, DC 20202

Program Classification

Program Office: International and Foreign Language Education
Assistance Listing Number (ALN): 84.274A
Program Type: Discretionary/Competitive Grants


|| Competition Timeline || Application Materials || Tips & Assistance || Eligibility ||

Competition Timeline

The notice of funding opportunity (notice inviting applications) for the Title VI American Overseas Research Centers (AORC) program is published in the Federal Register every four years. Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 was the most recent grant competition, and grants were awarded for the FY 2024-2027 grant cycle. To learn about future AORC program competitions, please check this website and subscribe to the International and Foreign Language Education office newsletter listserv to receive updates.

Last competition: FY 2024
Next competition: FY 2028

Application Materials

The FY 2024 competition is closed. The deadline to apply was March 26, 2024. All information below is provided for reference only.

Applications for the AORC program must be submitted online through

Tips & Assistance

IFLE held a technical assistance webinar for the FY 2024 AORC competition on February 7, 2024. A recording of the webinar is available to stream on YouTube.


Who May Apply: (by category) Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs)

Who May Apply: (specifically) Consortia of IHEs that:

  • Receive more than 50 percent of their funding from public or private U.S. sources;
  • Have a permanent presence in the country in which the center is located; and
  • Are tax-exempt nonprofit organizations described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.


FY 2024

Appropriation: $1,347,635
New Awards:  17
Range of Awards: $61,843 – $83,578 for each budget period of 12 months

List of FY 2024-2027 Grantees and Project Abstracts: PDF (474K)
Google Map of FY 2024 IFLE Grantees


FY 2023

Appropriation: $1,023,749
New Awards: 0
Continuation Awards: 15
Average Continuation Award: $68,250

List of FY 2020-2023 Grantees and Project Abstracts: PDF (450K)
Google Map of FY 2023 IFLE Grantees

FY 2022

Appropriation: $1,015,400
New Awards: 0
Continuation Awards: 15
Average Continuation Award: $67,693

List of FY 2020-2023 Grantees and Project Abstracts: PDF (450K)
Google Map of FY 2022 IFLE Grantees

FY 2021

Appropriation: $1,008,292
New Awards: 0
Continuation Awards: 15
Average Continuation Award: $67,219

List of FY 2020-2023 Grantees and Project Abstracts: PDF (450K)

FY 2020

Appropriation: $1,008,292
New Awards: 15
Continuation Awards: 0
Average New Award: $67,219

List of FY 2020-2023 Grantees and Project Abstracts: PDF (450K)

FY 2019

Appropriation: $650,000
New Awards: 0
Continuation Awards: 10
Average Continuation Award: $65,000

List of FY 2016-2019 Grantees and Project Abstracts:  MS Word (371K) 


Useful Links



Performance Report

Grantees under this program are required to submit an annual performance report (APR) through the International Resource Information System (IRIS). The Department provides grantees with the required password and other information needed to access the IRIS system. IRIS also includes a publicly accessible searchable database of abstracts of projects funded under OPE's international education programs.


Frequently Asked Questions

  Select a link below to jump to the relevant page section.
  1. What is the purpose of the American Overseas Research Centers (AORC) program?
  2. Who is eligible to apply for grants under this program?
  3. Is it permissible for the applicant consortium to include institutions in the United States and institutions overseas?
  4. What kinds of activities can be supported with grant funds?
  5. What are concrete examples of allowable activities?
  6. How often does the Department conduct the AORC program competition?
  7. What is the duration (project period) for grants awarded under this program?
  8. What is the average annual grant amount?
  9. Is there a cost-sharing or matching requirement?
  10. What are the reporting requirements for grantees?
  11. Who reviews submitted applications, and how are applications evaluated?
  12. How are applicants notified about the outcome of their applications?

1. What is the purpose of the American Overseas Research Centers (AORC) program?

The AORC program awards grants to any American overseas research center to establish or operate an overseas center to promote postgraduate research, exchanges, and area studies.


2. Who is eligible to apply for grants under this program?

Any American overseas research center that is a consortium of institutions of higher education that receives more than 50 percent of funding from public or private United States sources, has a permanent presence in the country in which the center is located, and is a tax exempt organization.


3. Is it permissible for the applicant consortium to include institutions in the United States and institutions overseas?

No. The eligible consortium (center) is comprised of institutions in the United States only.


4. What kinds of activities can be supported with grant funds?

AORC grants may be used to pay all or a portion of the cost of establishing or operating a center or program, including—

  • Cost of operation and maintenance of overseas facilities
  • Cost of organizing and managing conferences
  • Cost of teaching and research materials
  • Cost of acquisition, maintenance, and preservation of library collections
  • Cost of bringing visiting scholars and faculty to the center to teach or to conduct research
  • Cost of faculty and staff stipends and salaries
  • Cost of faculty, staff, and student travel
  • Cost of publication and dissemination of materials for the scholarly and general public

In conducting these kinds of activities and more, the centers contribute to the generation of knowledge about a country or world region and they promote a greater understanding about the cultures in which the centers are located.


5. What are concrete examples of allowable activities?

The American Institute of Indian Studies (AIIS) has operated intensive summer and academic-year language programs in India for decades and has provided language training to nearly 4,000 students. The number of language programs has expanded in recent years; in addition to offering regular programs in Bengali, Hindi, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Tamil and Urdu, the Institute will operate summer programs in lesser-taught Indian languages upon demand, even for one student. The Institute's intensive language programs provide invaluable training to students who need the language training in order to conduct their research projects or pursue their other career goals.

The West Africa Research Center (WARC) in Dakar, Senegal plays an important role as a center for academic activity in the region. It has contributed significantly to the development of area and language expertise through programs that promote postgraduate research in a range of disciplines; scholarly exchanges between U.S. faculty and researchers and their West African counterparts; and African area studies through conferences, workshops, and publications. WARC's conferences and programs stimulate critical inquiry into issues such as conflict resolution, regional security, and development.


6. How often does the Department conduct the AORC program competition?

The Department invites applications under the AORC program every four years, contingent upon available funds.


7. What is the duration (project period) for grants awarded under this program?

The duration for AORC grants is up to 48 months.


8. What is the average annual grant amount?

The estimated average annual grant amount is $65,000.


9. Is there a cost-sharing or matching requirement?

No. This program does not have a cost-sharing or matching requirement.


10. What are the reporting requirements for grantees?

Grant recipients are required to submit an interim report in the fall and an annual performance report in the spring through the International Resource Information System (IRIS). Grantees are expected to report on the following categories:

  • Objectives and Accomplishments
  • Collaboration Activities
  • Adjustments to Project
  • Exemplary Activities
  • Priorities
  • International Travel
  • Center Information
  • Center Contacts
  • Researcher Profiles
  • Center Activities/Services
  • Publications
  • Sources of U.S. Funding
  • Budget — Use of Funds and Expected Use


11. Who reviews submitted applications, and how are applications evaluated?

Applications are reviewed by panels of peers with area studies expertise, overseas research experience, and foreign language specialization. Reviewers are selected from the Office of Postsecondary Education Field Reader System. Review panels evaluate applications using the selection criteria in the Education Department General Administrative Regulations as well as the extent to which the applicant meets any announced priorities.


12. How are applicants notified about the outcome of their applications?

If your application is successful, we notify your U.S. Representative and U.S. Senators first and subsequently send you a Grant Award Notification document. If your application is not selected for funding, we will notify you.



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Page Last Reviewed:
December 9, 2024