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Comprehensive Literacy State Development

Grant Type
Discretionary grant
State Educational Agencies (SEAs)
Application Deadline
Application Status

About CLSD

The Comprehensive Literacy State Development (CLSD) program is authorized under Sections 2221-2225 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended (ESEA). The purpose of the CLSD discretionary grants is to create a comprehensive literacy program to advance literacy skills, including pre-literacy skills, reading, and writing, for children from birth through grade 12, with an emphasis on disadvantaged children, including children living in poverty, English learners, and children with disabilities.

Note: A portion of the funds appropriated for CLSD are set aside for Outlying Areas and Bureau of Indian Education schools.

CLSD National Literacy Center

The CLSD National Literacy Center launched in 2024. The Center offers evidence-based literacy resources for birth through grade 12, with new resources added monthly.


CLSD Program Officers & Grant Portfolios

Michael BerryJennifer BrianasStephanie Badger
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana IslandsAlaskaBureau of Indian Education
GuamAmerican SamoaIowa
TexasDistrict of ColumbiaNebraska
VirginiaFloridaNew Jersey
WyomingGeorgiaNorth Dakota
 New MexicoSouth Dakota
 Rhode IslandTennessee
 U.S. Virgin Islands 

The FY 2024 CLSD competition has concluded.

Future competitions will be announced on the Department's "Available Grants" page.

FY 2024 CLSD Awards

Total Number of Awards: 23

Range of Awards: $527,078 – $14,766,038

PR Award NumberStateFunding Amount
S371C240033Alaska Department of Education and Early Development$10,000,000
S371C240010California Department of Education$3,802,533
S371C240005Colorado Department of Education$1,498,940
S371C240024DC State Education Office$527,078
S371C240011Hawai’i State Department of Education$5,140,009
S371C240037Iowa Department of Education$4,021,975
S371C240003Kentucky Department of Education$11,001,577
S371C240006Louisiana Department of Education$11,000,000
S371C240009Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education$1,776,531
S371C240028Maryland State Department of Education$4,188,260
S371C240023Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education$5,894,440
S371C240025Montana Office of Public Instruction$916,657
S371C240004North Dakota Department of Public Instruction$11,123,983
S371C240029Nebraska Department of Education$11,020,244
S371C240026New Jersey State Department of Education$14,766,038
S371C240019New Mexico Public Education Department$11,999,725
S371C240012Ohio Department of Education and Workforce$1,619,702
S371C240034Oklahoma State Department of Education$11,228,650
S371C240007Oregon Department of Education$11,578,036
S371C240008Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Education$6,440,811
S371C240030South Dakota Department of Education$618,962
S371C240036Tennessee Department of Education$5,500,000
S371C240031Virginia Department of Education$3,896,000

*Annual continuation awards over a five-year period are contingent upon appropriations from Congress and substantial progress of grantees.

Abstracts - FY 2024 Awards

Alaska Department of Education and Early Development (AK) (S371C240033) $10,000,000 Year One/$50,000,000 Total proposes to deliver high-quality, evidence-based literacy instruction that will improve literacy achievement for underrepresented students, including Alaska Native children.  The project has the following goals: 1) increase reading and English Language Arts achievement for all students; 2) enhance student engagement in learning; and 3) expand educational opportunity and access for all students.  A key feature of this project is the inclusion of literacy coaching for ongoing professional learning within a Multi-Tiered System of Supports framework. The project will partner with institutions of higher education to incorporate evidence-based practices in professional development and preservice preparation programs.  

California Department of Education (CA) (S371C240010) $3,802,533 Year One/ $38,000,002 Total proposes to strengthen California’s educational system through evidence-based literacy instruction, assessment, and intervention.  The project has the following goals: 1) leverage state capacity and partnerships, including coordination with institutions of higher education and subgrantees, to ensure pre-service teachers and in-service teachers have sufficient skills to support evidence-based literacy instruction, interventions, and assessment; 2) revise California’s Comprehensive State Literacy Plan to include updated evidence-based practices; and 3) continue to build local capacity through subgrants to county offices of education to establish, align, and implement literacy initiatives that emphasize family and community involvement.  Students in kindergarten -grade 2 will be screened for reading difficulties, including dyslexia. The State will partner with institutions of higher education to align teacher preparation programs with new standards and teacher performance expectations based on evidence-based instructional practices.  

Colorado Department of Education (CO) (S371C240005) $1,498,940 Year One/$21,000,000 Total proposes a project aligned with the Colorado Comprehensive Literacy State Development Plan to elevate literacy outcomes statewide. The project has established the following goals: 1) all students enter kindergarten ready to learn; 2) all students are literate by third grade; 3) all students enter fourth grade on-time; 4) all students perform at or above grade level in English language arts by eighth grade; 5) all students graduate; and 6) all students enroll in post-secondary education or graduate workforce-ready. The project will address gaps and weaknesses in the State’s literacy support infrastructure, prioritizing high-need communities statewide.  A critical component of the project is the use of evidence-based activities to develop a high-quality teacher workforce trained in screening and interventions for students with dyslexia.  

District of Columbia State Education Office (DC) (S371C240024) $527,078 Year One/ $49,776,235 Total proposes to improve literacy outcomes by embedding the science of reading in every classroom and implementing evidence-based instructional practices and interventions. The project has established the following goals: 1) provide professional learning and technical assistance to local educational agencies to develop comprehensive local literacy plans; 2) adopt and implement high-quality instructional materials and evidence-based curricula in all literacy classrooms; and 3) provide on-the-job support to educators and deliver structured literacy training to administrators. The project includes dyslexia awareness training for educators.  The State will engage with multiple institutions of higher education, including education preparation providers and subject area programs, to ensure all educators are prepared for effective literacy instruction. 

Hawaii State Department of Education (HI) (S371C240011) $5,140,009 Year One/$60,000,000 Total proposes to strengthen a comprehensive Multi-Tiered System of Support for Reading (MTSS-R), informed by evidence-based practices, to increase equity, access, and adequacy of literacy instruction for underserved students from early childhood through high school.  The project has established the following goals: 1) establish a working group with the state-approved teacher education programs and the Hawaii Teaching Standards Board to evaluate the current state of preservice teacher literacy coursework; 2) provide coordinated technical assistance and professional development to strengthen literacy, literacy leadership, and coaching within the MTSS-R framework; 3) strategically monitor and evaluate subgrantees’ execution of their grants, focusing on data-based feedback loops; and 4) develop a working group to review and potentially revise the Hawaii State Literacy Plan. The project will partner with institutions of higher education to collaborate on strategies and recommendations for both new and existing teachers.   

Iowa Department of Education (IA) (S371C240037) $4,021,975 Year One/$24,117,902 Total proposes to expand the use of evidence-based practices and interventions that advance literacy achievement for children from birth to grade 12, with an increased focus on improving outcomes for disadvantaged children. The project has the following goals: 1) by the end of the 2028-2029 school year, students in grades 3 - 10 will have a 5% increase in reading achievement, as reported on the State’s reading assessment; and 2) by the end of the 2028-2029 school year, incoming kindergarten students will increase their fall kindergarten composite literacy screening scores by 5%. Activities include effective implementation of evidence-based literacy instruction for kindergarten – grade 12 students, with an emphasis on disadvantaged students.  The State will partner with the Iowa Association of Colleges for Teacher Education and institutions of higher education to align early education programs with evidence-based practices.    

Kentucky Department of Education (KY) (S371C240003) $11,001,577 Year One/$54,985,544 Total proposes to ensure the use of high-quality instructional resources (HQIR) and support instruction designed to improve literacy outcomes for students reading below grade level. The project has the following goals: 1) every subgrantee will be using evidence-based, HQIR to deliver coherent and aligned instruction to all students; 2) every subgrantee will use evidence-based, HQIR to support struggling readers to narrow the achievement gap; 3) every subgrantee will be engaged in job-embedded, high-quality professional learning; and 4) every subgrantee will increase family engagement.  The project will prioritize funding to districts with a large percentage of low-income, high-need students through implementation of a Multi-Tiered System of Supports.  The State will coordinate with educator preparation programs on effective implementation of HQIR and developing model syllabi for educator coursework. 

Louisiana Department of Education (LA) (S371C240006) $11,000,000 Year One/$70,000,000 Total proposes to advance the use of evidence-based practices and job-embedded professional development to improve literacy outcomes.  Using a universal screener to identify students in need of intervention, practices from the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) practice guides will be selected and implemented. The following goals will guide the project: 1) building capacity in the most struggling schools and systems; 2) providing targeted capacity and resources for schools serving high rates of highest-need students; 3) ensuring every child has access to a highly effective teacher or childcare provider by providing additional capacity to schools with high teacher turnover and/or high numbers of new teachers; and 4) implementing high-quality, evidence-based practices, interventions, and opportunities to support children and families. The State will collaborate with institutions of higher education (IHEs) to create and model effective teacher preparation in English Learner strategies, mentor other IHE faculty to incorporate literacy best practices into their coursework and increase rigor in the English Learner certification pathway. 

Maryland State Department of Education (MD) (S371C240028) $4,188,260 Year One/$40,260,511 Total proposes to create and communicate a comprehensive state-level system of support aimed at improving student literacy outcomes through effective school leadership and evidence-based literacy instruction. The project has the following goals: 1) increase educator capacity to deliver research-based literacy instruction; and 2) increase access to effective literacy programming for all students with priority given to local educational agencies with a high population of underserved students. The State will partner with institutions of higher education to strengthen educator literacy courses and programs.  In addition, the Maryland Initiative for Literacy & Equity at the University of Maryland and Morgan State University will evaluate literacy instruction across the State.   

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education (MA) (S371C240009) $1,776,531 Year One/$38,440,031 Total proposes to improve literacy instruction and close the achievement gaps from pre-k through grade 12. The project has the following goals; 1) increase the use of high-quality core instructional materials in high-need schools and districts; 2) improve educator knowledge and skills with evidence-based instructional practices; 3) increase the number of students, especially historically underserved students, reaching grade-level literacy benchmarks; and 4) build the knowledge and capacity of institutions of higher education (IHEs) faculty to prepare teacher candidates in evidence-based literacy instruction.  Guidelines for early screening, instruction, and intervention of students with dyslexia will be provided.  The State will support a community of practice for IHEs and school districts to strengthen coursework for teacher candidates.  

Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (MO) (S371C240023) $5,894,440 Year One/ $49,184,585 Total proposes to deliver high-quality, evidence-based instruction to improve literacy outcomes. The project has the following goals: 1) build capacity across the state to develop, implement, and sustain equitable systems of support to meet the literacy needs of all children from birth through grade 12; and 2) increase knowledge for local educational agency leaders, educators, and pre-service teachers to advance evidence-based literacy practices and implementation for all children from birth through grade 12. The project will also target students with special education needs and dyslexia. The State will support the work of the previously established Early Literacy Fellows to strengthen educator preparation programs. 

Montana Office of Public Instruction (MT) (S371C240025) $916,657 Year One/$49,998,979 Total proposes to identify and build the capacity of districts serving the highest percentage of disadvantaged students.  Professional development in the science of reading will be implemented to improve student literacy outcomes. The project’s goals are: 1) identify and build the capacity of districts serving the highest percentage of disadvantaged students in the state to accelerate their literacy outcomes; 2) increase the number of disadvantaged students with access to effective educators prepared to implement and sustain scientifically based reading instruction; and 3) strengthen systems at both the State educational agency and local educational agency levels to provide and implement high-quality evidence-based literacy instruction.  School personnel will have the opportunity to receive dyslexia training. The project will also collaborate with Montana State University to review pre-service education coursework for alignment with evidence-based practices.  

Nebraska Department of Education (NE) (S371C240029) $11,020,244 Year One/$54,999,967 Total proposes to increase system-wide capacity and cohesion by implementing literacy initiatives that will support every student to read at or above grade level. The project has the following goals: 1) cohesion and alignment of statewide tools and resources; 2) statewide teacher and leader training and preparation in structured literacy and the science of reading encompassing strategies from early childhood through adult literacy; and 3) support the selection, implementation, and continuation of high-quality instructional materials and evidence-based practices to promote adequacy in resources for underserved students in early learning programs and school settings. The State will partner with educator preparation programs to review and update Nebraska’s teacher certification and licensure standards in literacy instruction in early education through grade 12. 

New Jersey State Department of Education (NJ) (S371C240026) $14,766,038 Year One/$49,951,002 Total proposes to develop and implement an evidence-based comprehensive literacy plan to align local and State initiatives.  The project has the following goals: 1) improve early literacy outcomes; 2) enhance literacy instruction across all grade levels; 3) support developing readers and diverse learners in grades 4 and beyond; 4) foster family and community engagement in literacy; and 5) support required revisions to educator preparation programs.  Early literacy specialists will support interventions for students with dyslexia in preschool through grade 3.  The project will partner with five institutions of higher education to develop and deliver the professional learning program for preschool literacy coaches.  

New Mexico Public Education Department (NM) (S371C240019) $11,999,725 Year One/$59,998,625 Total proposes a project aligned with New Mexico’s Statewide Literacy Framework instituting evidence-based practices as the approach to literacy instruction. The project has the following goals: 1) enhance literacy leadership capacity at the State and district levels; 2) support strong implementation of high-quality instructional materials across all subgrantees; 3) strengthen the State’s professional learning system and create additional training opportunities for structured literacy; 4) increase district, school, and classroom leaders’ capacity to use assessment to drive decision making and instruction; and 5) improve family engagement practices that support literacy. Family engagement will further be supported through a partnership with the New Mexico Early Childhood Education and Care Department to support the transition of children from the early childhood system to kindergarten and beyond.  

North Dakota Department of Public Instruction (ND) (S371C240004) $11,123,983 Year One/$44,888,744 Total proposes to implement a project focused on establishing and sustaining collaborative conditions for delivering high-quality, evidence-based literacy instruction across North Dakota. The project has the following goals: 1) all systems are established to sustain conditions for the delivery of high-quality, evidence-based literacy instruction; 2) all instructional leaders are equipped to create and sustain conditions for educators to deliver high-quality, evidence-based literacy instruction; 3) all educators are prepared and continually supported to deliver high-quality, evidence-based literacy instruction to students; and 4) all students receive high-quality, evidence-based literacy instruction to achieve proficiency in literacy skills. The project will build on the State’s recently updated Student Teacher Standards by partnering with institutions of higher education to evaluate the quality of educator preparation programs in literacy instruction.  

Ohio Department of Education and Workforce (OH) (S371C240012) $1,619,702 Year One/$60,000,000 Total proposes to implement a project to support Ohio districts, schools, and early care and education programs by providing intensive and targeted support.  The project has the following goals: 1) professional learning; 2) coaching; 3) leadership support; 4) multi-tiered systems support; and 5) family and community engagement. The project includes several major components such as developing literacy coach training. The project will leverage the Ohio Dyslexia Committee to ensure support for sites that serve large numbers of students with reading difficulties. Partnerships will be established with various State colleges and universities to update State licensure and certification standards in literacy instruction for early education through grade 12.  

Oklahoma State Department of Education (OK) (S371C240034) $11,228,650 Year One/$58,949,098 Total will implement a project aligned with the Oklahoma’s Comprehensive Literacy Plan, the goal of which is to improve school readiness and success in the areas of language and literacy for disadvantaged students.  The project has the following goals: 1) increase the percentage of participating four-year old children who achieve significant gains in oral language skills as measured by the results of universal screening tools, diagnostic assessment tools and formative assessment processes; 2) increase the percentage of participating fifth-grade students who meet or exceed proficiency on the Oklahoma state reading/language arts assessment; 3) increase the percentage of participating eighth-grade students who meet or exceed proficiency on the Oklahoma state reading/language arts assessment; and 4) train Oklahoma teachers in the science of reading and effective literacy instructional strategies. The State will partner with multiple institutions of higher education to provide recommendations for the strengthening of pre-service courses for educators.    

Oregon Department of Education (OR) (S371C240007) $11,578,036 Year One/$57,890,181 Total proposes to implement literacy programs focused on outcome disparities for underserved students including English language learners and students with dyslexia. The project has the following goals: 1) increase the literacy achievement of students in participating local educational agencies (LEAs) across Oregon; 2) build LEA capacity to implement evidence-based strategies in reading and writing for children from birth to grade 12; and 3) develop and implement a Statewide Comprehensive Literacy Plan. Planned activities include literacy coaching, utilizing research-based literacy instruction, and developing effective school transition practices.  The State will partner with the Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission and the Higher Education Coordinating Commission to align efforts with the Governor’s Early Literacy Educator Preparation Council.   

Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (RI) (S371C240008) $6,440,811 Year One/$40,000,000 Total proposes a project that will focus on effective literacy instruction and achieving the following goals: 1) every subgrantee will improve the quality of literacy instruction through working with a State endorsed literacy coach; 2) every subgrantee will provide student experiences that are aligned and coherent across Tiers I, II, III by implementing evidence-based and intentionally aligned instruction and interventions; 3) every subgrantee will develop a cooperative agreement with an educator preparation provider to implement high quality literacy instruction; and 4) by 2028, educator preparation providers will prepare all graduates to demonstrate proficiency in high-quality curriculum materials.  A learning laboratory will be developed to train parents and guardians in the identification of dyslexia and provide information on evidence-based interventions.  The project will also partner with the University of Rhode Island to enhance literacy instruction for educators.   

South Dakota Department of Education (SD) (S371C240030) $618,962 Year One/$53,786,897 Total proposes, in alignment with the South Dakota Literacy Framework, to ensure that educators are equipped with evidence-based instructional practices. The project has established the following goals: 1) support all local educational agencies in implementing the South Dakota Literacy Framework; 2) equip all early childhood-grade 12 educators with the tools, training, and resources to implement high-quality, evidence-based literacy instruction; 3) increase literacy proficiency rates for all k-12 students; 4) increase the proportion of students entering kindergarten with critical literacy-ready skills; and 5) decrease literacy gaps for students with disabilities and English learners.  A statewide Literacy Advisory Council, including representatives from institutions of higher education, will expand professional learning pathways and update curricular materials.  

Tennessee Department of Education (TN) (S371C240036) $5,500,000 Year One/ $27,500,000 Total proposes to prioritize districts that are currently lacking adequate support with an increased focus on ensuring high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) are being utilized in grades 6-12.  The project has the following goals: 1) increase student achievement in 60 underserved districts by utilizing direct high-quality instructional support, national expertise, and pre-k through grade 12 vertical alignment that ensures sustainable changes in literacy instruction and teacher pedagogy; 2) capitalize on current HQIM implementation plans to deepen high-quality instruction and school leader support and coaching as measured by the Tennessee Instructional Practice Guide; and 3) ensure that children served in Opportunity Zones or in high-poverty areas receive the highest level of instruction, with an emphasis on secondary literacy, resulting in increased literacy proficiency. 

Virginia Department of Education (VA) (S371C240031) $3,896,000 Year One/$29,712,500 Total proposes to implement a project focused on high-quality literacy instruction.  The project has the following goals: 1) increase the number of students with access to high-quality instructional materials (HQIM); 2) increase educator capacity to implement HQIM and evidence-based literacy practices; 3) increase local educational agency (LEA) capacity to support evidence-based literacy practices; 4) increase coherence between pre-k and elementary schools; 5) improve student outcomes in the highest needs schools; and 6) increase growth on literacy assessments for traditionally underserved students. The project will prioritize resources and technical assistance on evidence-based literacy instruction to LEAs and schools with the highest need.  The State will leverage existing partnerships with institutions of higher education through its involvement with the Hunt Institute’s The Path Forward, a project focused on reviewing and updating teacher licensure requirements.   


FY 2023 CLSD Supplemental Awards

Total Number of Awards: 17

Range of Awards: $37,741 - $11,811,510

PR Award NumberStateFunding Amount
S371C190025Alaska Department of Education and Early Development$11,811,510
S371C220004American Samoa Department of Education$64,774
S371C200007Arizona Department of Education$2,064,650
S371C190024Arkansas Department of Education$2,700,000
S371C190017California Department of Education$2,700,000
S371C220001CNMI Public School System$37,741
S371C200008Colorado Department of Education$1,510,875
S371C220003Guam Department of Education$67,567
S371C190018Louisiana Department of Education (FY 2019 cohort)$2,700,000
S371C200015Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education$1,200,000
S371C190002Minnesota Department of Education$2,700,000
S371C200019Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education$1,327,699
S371C190005North Dakota Department of Public Instruction$2,000,000
S371C190007Ohio Department of Education$2,700,000
S371C190019Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Education$1,000,000
S371C200013Tennessee Department of Education$2,700,000
S371C200016Texas Education Agency$2,700,000


FY 2020 CLSD Awards

Number of New Awards: 11
Range of Awards: $141,421 — $8,685,491

PR Award Number and ApplicationStateYear 1 Funding Amount
S371C200015 (2 MB)Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education$1,221,940
S371C200019 (26 MB)Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education$2,906,244
S371C200021 (14 MB)Michigan Department of Education$3,175,598
S371C200013 (11 MB)Tennessee Department of Education$4,004,100
S371C200018 (12 MB)Louisiana Department of Education$8,423,157
S371C200007 (15 MB)Arizona Department of Education$4,000,000
S371C200008 (5 MB)Colorado Department of Education$161,122
S371C200014 (7 MB)Wyoming Department of Education$8,685,491
S371C200016 (21 MB)Texas Education Agency$4,190,340
S371C200017 (2 MB)DC Office of the State Superintendent of Education$141,421
S371C200011 (6 MB)Florida Department of Education$229,621

*Funding for these grantees covers a five-year period.

FY 2019 CLSD Awards

Number of New Awards: 13
Range of Awards: $16,167 - $35,812,394

PR Award Number and ApplicationStateYear 1 Funding Amount
S371C190002Minnesota Department of Education$16,167
(654 KB)
North Dakota Department of Public Instruction$9,114,849
(359 KB)
Ohio Department of Education$8,330,800
S371C190012 (189 KB)Montana Office of Public Instruction$10,012,651
S371C190013 (946 KB)Kentucky Department of Education$7,730,500
(448 KB)
New Mexico Public Education Department$7,999,998
(397 KB)
Georgia Department of Education$35,812,394
(270 KB)
California Department of Education$318,659
(628 KB)
Louisiana Department of Education$20,000,000
(356 KB)
Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Education$2,200,281
(316 KB)
Arkansas Department of Education$1,141,198
(1.2 MB)
Alaska Department of Education & Early Development$4,955,236
(243 KB)
Hawaii State Department of Education$10,036,754

*Funding for these grantees covers a five-year period.


Competitive Grants

Who May Apply:  State educational agencies (SEAs), including the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico



The CLSD program is authorized under Sections 2221 – 2225 and 2301 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended (ESEA).

FY 2024

$194 million

FY 2023

$194 million

FY 2022

$192 million

FY 2021

$192 million

FY 2020

$192 million

FY 2019

$190 million

Evidence-Based Literacy Resources

CLSD National Literacy Center

The CLSD National Literacy Center launched in 2024. The Center offers evidence-based literacy resources for birth through grade 12, with new resources added monthly.

What Works Clearinghouse and Evidence for ESSA

Please visit the What Works Clearinghouse and Evidence for ESSA for additional resources and research on effective, evidence-based literacy practices.

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Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE)
Page Last Reviewed:
January 14, 2025