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American History and Civics-National Activities Grants

Grant Type
Discretionary grant
Orman Feres
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
(202) 453-6921
For Profit Organizations
Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs)
Non-Profit Organizations
Application Deadline
Application Status

American History and Civics Education—National Activities supports Programs that promote innovative instruction, learning strategies, and Professional development in American history, civics and government and Geography, with an emphasis on activities and programs that benefit Low-income students and underserved populations.

What's New

Announcing the FY 2023 American History and Civics - National Activities Grantees

The U.S. Department of Education is pleased to announce that it has made 25 new FY 2023 American History and Civics — National Activities awards. These awards have been made in response to applications submitted under the Notice Inviting Applications (NIA) for the American History and Civics — National Activities program published in the Federal Register on April 28, 2023.To learn more about these new grant awards, please visit the Awards page for more details.

Website Updates

April 28, 2023

  • Initial information published on webpages to show competition publication

May 1, 2023

  • Updated email address to
  • Updated the application instructions with a version that includes the links to the EED budget worksheet

May 22, 2023

  • Added links to the pre-application webinar recording and webinar slides.

June 1, 2023

  • Corrected an error in the application instructions that previously suggested a 40-page limit to the project narrative. The correct suggested project narrative page limit is 50 pages.
  • Uploaded optional checklist (Appendix G)

June 7, 2023

  • Updated Application Instructions to include ED Grant Application Form for Project Objectives and Performance Measures Information - 1894-0017

FY 2023 AHC-NA Notice Inviting Applications

Posted in the Federal Register on April 28, 2023

Applicant Information

The Effective Educator Development Programs Division is excited to announce that on April 28, 2023, the U.S. Department of Education published in the Federal Register a Notice Inviting Applications (NIA) for the American History and Civics Education (AHC-NA) grant program. This AHC-NA FY 2023 grant competition has an estimated $19 Million and anticipates making approximately 25-30 new awards. Please refer to the posting on the Federal Register using the link(s) above for the full text of the FY 2023 AHC-NA Notice Inviting Applications (NIA). The FY 2023 AHC-NA grant competition will close on July 12, 2023.

Download the AHC National Activities Competition Flyer

Download the AHC National Activities Competition Brochure

Grant Opportunity and Application Package (

More information about this grant opportunity is located on at the following address: The application instructions and required forms can be accessed and downloaded from this location.

FY 2023 AHC-NA Competition Timeline

  • AHC-NA Application Publish Date: April 28, 2023
  • Intent to Apply: May 30, 2023 (Email Intents to Apply to SUBJECT: Intent to Apply ACH-National Activities FY 23)
  • Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: July 12, 2023 (11:59:59 p.m. Washington, DC time)
  • Estimated Award Announcement: September 30, 2023

Pre-Application Informational Webinars

On Wednesday, May 17, 2023, we hosted a pre-application webinar designed to provide technical assistance to prospective FY 2023 AHC-NA Competition applicants.

If you were unable to attend the webinar, we have included links to both the video recording as well as presentation slides.

Video of Pre-Application Webinar

Pre-Application Webinar Presentation Slides

In addition to pre-application webinar video, be sure to view our series of discretionary grant competition videos. These videos are designed to be a companion to the pre-application webinars and other competition resources. They cover important topics across the discretionary grant competition timeline such as how to approach the planning process, application preparation and submission, logic model development, application review, and how awards are made and announced.

Electronic Applicant Submission

Applications must be submitted electronically through the system at

  • Applicants are encouraged to download the AHC-NA Application Instructions document and review it in its entirety. It contains information and instructions that will be helpful to you as you prepare to submit your AHC-NA application.
  • The AHC - NA Application Instructions Package should be used as guidance only and applicants should always refer to the AHC-NA NIA for official application instructions.
  • Use the following link to download and review the AHC- NA Application Instructions.

Required Application Forms

The following ED required forms are included in the electronic application package in Below is a list of the required forms that must be completed and submitted at the time of application. Electronic versions of each form can be found at the following link:

  • ED Form 424 — Application for Federal Education Assistance (Form and Instructions)
  • ED Grant Application Form for Project Objectives and Performance Measures Information — 1894-0017
  • gov Lobbying Form
  • Standard Form LLL — Disclosure of Lobbying Activities
  • Required Response to Section 427 of GEPA
  • EED Budget Narrative Template (see below)

Required AHC-NA Program Forms

Required EED Applicant/Grantee Budget Worksheet - This EED Applicant/Grantee Budget Worksheet is REQUIRED and should be submitted in addition to the ED 524 Budget Form for the AHC-NA program. Applicants are strongly encouraged to review the document instructions as well as solicit help from their budget office when completing the worksheet. The worksheet must be submitted at the time of application. This budget worksheet must be completed and uploaded into the Budget Narrative Attachment section of your AHC-NA application.

Optional AHC Program Form

Applicants are encouraged to use the AHC-NA Checklist to assist them in completing the AHC application. The worksheet is optional and can be submitted at the time of application.

Optional AHC Application Checklist

Peer Review Panel Member Opportunity

The U.S. Department of Education (ED) is seeking expert peer reviewers for the Fiscal Year 2023 competition for the American History-National Activities (AHC-NA) program. We invite individuals with backgrounds or expertise in American history, civics education, professional development and/or program evaluation to apply for consideration. If you are interested in serving as a peer reviewer for the FY 2023 AHC-NA competition, please send an email to

Previous Competitions

To learn more about the previous competitions, please visit:

An institution of higher education or other nonprofit or for-profit organization with demonstrated expertise in the development of evidence-based approaches with the potential to improve the quality of American history, civics and government, or geography learning and teaching.

Note:  If multiple eligible entities wish to form a consortium and jointly submit a single application, they must follow the procedures for group applications described in 34 CFR 75.127 through 34 CFR 75.129.

Note:  If you are a nonprofit organization, under 34 CFR 75.51, you may demonstrate your nonprofit status by providing: (1) proof that the Internal Revenue Service currently recognizes the applicant as an organization to which contributions are tax deductible under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; (2) a statement from a State taxing body or the State attorney general certifying that the organization is a nonprofit organization operating within the State and that no part of its net earnings may lawfully benefit any private shareholder or individual; (3) a certified copy of the applicant's certificate of incorporation or similar document if it clearly establishes the nonprofit status of the applicant; or (4) any item described above if that item applies to a State or national parent organization, together with a statement by the State or parent organization that the applicant is a local nonprofit affiliate.

Fiscal Year (FY)Number of new awards
FY 202325
FY 20226
FY 20212
FY 20192
FY 20182
FY 20171
Year AwardedGranteeProject TitleDuration (Years)Year 1Total Expected FundingCityStateScoreAbstractApplicationReviewers' Comments                                      
2023Kentucky Educational Development CorporationReCHARGE5$999,519$2,999,480AshlandKY336PDF (292 KB)Coming SoonPDF (279 KB)                                      
2023Center for the Future of ArizonaSchool Participatory Budgeting: Innovation in Civic Learning5$285,859$1,527,345PhoenixAZ334PDF (273 KB)Coming SoonPDF (212 KB)                                      
2023Loyola University of ChicagoPracticing Democracy in Communities5$661,994$2,040,467ChicagoIL329PDF (408 KB)Coming SoonPDF (210 KB)                                      
2023Nebraska Wesleyan UniversityProviding Rigor and Opportunity: Meaningful Instruction for Success for Every Student (PROMISES)5$539,078$1,915,509LincolnNE328PDF (335 KB)Coming SoonPDF (213 KB)                                      
2023Digital Education ProjectReading Like a Historian: Preparing Students to Understand the Past and Present5$936,760$2,831,497Palo AltoCA327PDF (336 KB)Coming SoonPDF (214 KB)                                      
2023Center for Civic EducationProject Community: Engaging All Students in Media Literacy and Public Policy5$642,338$2,591,875CalabasasCA326Coming SoonComing SoonPDF (222 KB)                                      
2023Cal Poly Humboldt Sponsored Programs FoundationThe Four Freedoms (TFF)5$805,508$2,446,460ArcataCA325PDF (415 KB)Coming SoonPDF (224 KB)                                      
2023National Council for History Education, Inc.EDGE: Engaging Dialogue through Global Encounters: America's Journey on the World Stage5$969,524$2,856,732University HeightsOH325PDF (182 KB)Coming SoonPDF (282 KB)                                      
2023Constitutional Rights FoundationThe Democracy Project5$581,292$1,771,127Los AngelesCA324PDF (234 KB)Coming SoonPDF (289 KB)                                      
2023National Council for History Education, Inc.ACRE: Amplifying Civil Rights Education: The Long Civil Rights Movements5$895,484$2,686,452University HeightsOH323PDF (182 KB)Coming SoonPDF (283 KB)                                      
2023University of South CarolinaAmerica: A Story That Must Not Be Forgotten5$775,689$2,320,441ColumbiaSC319PDF (185 KB)Coming SoonPDF (285 KB)                                      
2023National Constitution CenterConstitution 101 for Middle School Students and Educators5$325,351$1,052,098PhiladelphiaPA319PDF (652 KB)Coming SoonPDF (223 KB)                                      
2023University of South FloridaBill of Writes Storytellers5$866,452$2,599,356TampaFL315PDF (418 KB)Coming SoonPDF (228 KB)                                      
2023Auburn UniversityDeveloping C.L.E.A.R. Thinking (Civic, Legal, Ethical, and Analogous Reasoning)5$732,819$2,058,761AuburnAL315PDF (387 KB)Coming SoonPDF (217 KB)                                      
2023Illinois Institute of TechnologyConnecting Past, Present, & Future: Teaching American History & Civics for Empowered Citizenship5$301,018$750,399ChicagoIL312PDF (348 KB)Coming SoonPDF (204 KB)                                      
2023Young Audiences of Louisiana, Inc.History Education (through) Arts Responsive Training (HEART)5$569,940$1,798,120New OrleansLA311PDF (438 KB)Coming SoonPDF (208 KB)                                      
2023Wilderness Education ProjectProject EXCEL5$99,968$2,999,904NicholasvilleKY311PDF (402 KB)Coming SoonPDF (286 KB)                                      
2023Literacy Design CollaborativeLiteracy for Civic Life5$1,092,483$3,000,001New YorkNY310PDF (408 KB)Coming SoonPDF (211 KB)                                      
2023See StoriesAnchored Histories Teacher Professional Development5$517,519$1,549,003AnchorageAK309PDF (463 KB)Coming SoonPDF (285 KB)                                      
2023Region One Education Service CenterProject Legacy & Legends Live (Project - L3)5$998,151$2,991,067EdinburgTX309PDF (805 KB)Coming SoonPDF (208 KB)                                      
2023University of Maryland College ParkProject DCI5$373,178$1,306,240College ParkMD309PDF (615 KB)Coming SoonPDF (212 KB)                                      
2023AZ Board of Regents on behalf of Arizona State UniversityProject ACCLaIM: Advancing Civics Curriculum Learning through Instructional Microcredentials5$444,971$1,608,263TempeAZ308PDF (243 KB)Coming SoonPDF (209 KB)                                      
2023iCivics, Inc.Establishing A Comprehensive Professional Learning Program for Civics Education (CPL Initiative)5$757,597$2,726,409CambridgeMA308PDF (141 KB)Coming SoonPDF (283 KB)                                      
2023Marquette UniversityMKE Roots: The Democratizing Local History Project5$415,507$1,266,253MilwaukeeWI306PDF (589 KB)Coming SoonPDF (209 KB)                                      
2023Equal Opportunity SchoolsAction For Equity in History and Civics (A4EHC)5$699,300$2,444,904SeattleWA300PDF (404 KB)Coming SoonPDF (281 KB)                                      
2022Purdue UniversityPROJECT RISE3$464,878$1,322,788West LafayetteIN100.33PDF (194 KB)Coming SoonComing Soon                                      
2022Literacy Design Collaborative, Inc.Enacting a Scalable Evidence-Based Civics and American History Instructional
System Approach
3$500,000$1,223,234New YorkNY98.67PDF (162 KB)Coming SoonComing Soon                                      
2022iCivicsSystemic Inquiry-Based American History and Civics Education3$398,584$1,364,240CambridgeMA94.33PDF (170 KB)Coming SoonComing Soon                                      
2022National Council for History EducationCapitol EPiC3$458,984$1,382,738University HeightsOH94.00PDF (57 KB)Coming SoonComing Soon                                      
2022Ball State UniversityCivic Renewal through Education for Agency, Tolerance, and Engagement3$377,636$1,343,292MuniceIN93.33PDF (181 KB)Coming SoonComing Soon                                      
2022KEDCProject HERO3$499,190$1,497,801AshlandKY91.67PDF (130 KB)Coming SoonComing Soon                                      
2021Street Law, IncTalking About Local Current and Contested Issues in Schools (TALCCS)3$309,526$1,116,094Silver SpringMD103PDF (79 KB)Coming SoonPDF (308 KB)                                      
2021Arizona State UniversityGeoCivics: Professional Development to Integrate Geography Across the Social Sciences to Improve
Instruction for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Student Populations
3$377,228$1,189,119TempeAZ101.33PDF (137 KB)Coming SoonPDF (301 KB)                                      
2018 Renewal Award
2018Kentucky Educational Development CorporationProject Civics History through Advanced Research and Geography Education2$852,243$1,704,486AshlandKY99N/AComing SoonPDF (208 KB)                                      

2019D'Youville CollegeData Citizens Western New York (WNY)3$499,022$1,492,475BuffaloNY108.33PDF
(72 KB)
(1 MB)
(179 KB)
2019National Council for History EducationProject Learning and Exploring American Democracy (L.E.A.D.)3$527,217$1,474,657University HeightsOH106.67PDF
(70 KB)
(2 MB)
(1181 KB)

2018Kentucky Educational Development CorporationProject Civics History through Advanced Research and Geography Education3$891,452$2,099,280AshlandKY109.00PDF
(17 KB)
(1 MB)
(190 KB)
2018Univerisity of Texas Rio Grande ValleyHistorias Americanas (American Stories): Engaging History and Citizenship in the Rio Grande Valley3$679,090$2,024,557HidalgoTX108.00PDF
(16 KB)
(276 KB)
(190 KB)

2017Gilder Lehrman Institute of American HistoryA More Perfect Union3$558,648$1,780,053New YorkNY110.00PDF
(16 KB)
(1 MB)
(187 KB)


Funding YearAppropriation for New Awards
FY 2021$3,250,000
FY 2020$3,000,000
FY 2019$1,700,000
FY 2018$1,700,000
FY 2017$1,700,000


Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended, Title II, Part B, Subpart 3, Section 2233.

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Page Last Reviewed:
January 14, 2025