Discretionary grants that help address the the health and well-being of students as well as school safety, security, and emergency management and preparedness.
Improves an SEA's capacity to provide training and technical assistance to LEAs for the development and implementation of high-quality school EOPs.
Provides competitive grants to local educational agencies (LEAs) to improve school climate.
Provides competitive grants to State Educational Agencies (SEAs) to improve behavioral outcomes and learning conditions for all students.
Increases the number of credentialed mental health services providers providing school-based mental health services to students in LEAs.
Supports innovative partnerships to train school-based mental health service providers for employment in schools and LEAs.
Supports model programs that enable a student from a low-income family who has experienced trauma to access trauma-specific mental-health services.
Advances the mental health and well-being of early learners, school-age children and youth, educators, and other school staff.