What's New
FY 2024 SE Grants Competition
On September 27, 2024, the U.S. Department of Education's Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Expanding Opportunity Through Quality Charter Schools Program — Grants to State Entities (SE Grants) awarded $143,009,209 in new grants to fund six State Entities across the country.
For more information about the FY 2024 CSP SE Grants competition, please visit the Applicant Information and Eligibility tab.
For more information about previous awards, please visit the Awards tab.
Program Description
The CSP State Entities program is authorized under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) (20 U.S.C. 7221-7221j). Prior to enactment of the ESSA, the ESEA, as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB), authorized the Secretary to make awards to State educational agencies to enable them to conduct charter school subgrant programs in their States. The CSP State Entities program is under new law and has different eligibility requirements, priorities, definitions, application requirements, and selection criteria.
The major purposes of the CSP are to expand opportunities for all students, particularly traditionally underserved students, to attend charter schools and meet challenging State academic standards; provide financial assistance for the planning, program design, and initial implementation of public charter schools; increase the number of high-quality charter schools available to students across the United States; evaluate the impact of charter schools on student achievement, families, and communities; share best practices between charter schools and other public schools; encourage States to provide facilities support to charter schools; and support efforts to strengthen the charter school authorizing process.
The CSP grants to State Entities (84.282A) is a competitive grant program that enables State entities to award subgrants to eligible applicants in their State to open and prepare for the operation of new charter schools and to replicate and expand high-quality charter schools. Grant funds must also be used by the State entity to provide technical assistance to eligible applicants and authorized public chartering agencies in opening and preparing for the operation of new charter schools, or replicating or expanding high-quality charter schools; and to work with authorized public chartering agencies to improve authorizing quality, including developing capacity for, and conducting, fiscal oversight and auditing of charter schools.
Applicant Information
The Notice Inviting Applications (NIA) for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Expanding Opportunity Through Quality Charter Schools Program — Grants to State Entities (SE Grants) was published in the Federal Register on April 24, 2024, and can be accessed here. The deadline for submission of a grant application under this competition was 11:59:59 p.m., Eastern Time, on June 13, 2024. Awards for FY 2024 SE Grants were made on September 27, 2024.
Additional SE Grant Award information can be accessed on the Awards tab.
State entities with a state statute specifically authorizing the establishment of charter schools were eligible to apply. Under section 4303(e)(1) of the ESEA, no State entity may receive a grant under this program for use in a State in which a State entity is currently using a grant received under this program.
State entity means-->
- A State educational agency;
- A State charter school board;
- A Governor of a State; or
- A charter school support organization.
Eligible applicant, when used with respect to subgrants made by a State entity, means a developer that has --
- applied to an authorized public chartering authority to operate a charter school; and
- provided adequate and timely notice to that authority.
Funding Restrictions:
A State entity receiving a grant under this program shall:
- use not less than 90 percent of the grant funds to award subgrants to eligible applicants for activities related to opening and preparing for the operation of new charter school or to replicate or expand high-quality charter schools;
- reserve not less than seven percent of funds to provide technical assistance to eligible applicants and authorized public chartering agencies in opening and preparing for the operation of new charter schools or to replicate or expand high-quality charter schools and in improving authorizing quality, including developing capacity for, and conducting, fiscal oversight and auditing of charter schools; and
- reserve not more than three percent of funds for administrative costs, which may include technical assistance.
Point of Clarification: Administrative costs and technical assistance costs combined cannot exceed 10% due to the "no less than 90%" subgrant requirement. However, technical assistance must be not less than seven percent and administrative costs can be no more than three percent.
Note: A charter school developer in a State in which no State entity has an application for a grant approved under ALN 84.282A (State entities program or previously State Educational Agencies program) may apply for funding directly from the Department under the CSP Developers Grants competitions. Additional information about the CSP Developers Grants competitions is available at here.
Previous Competition
Applicant Information
The Notice Inviting Applications (NIA) for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Expanding Opportunity Through Quality Charter Schools Program — Grants to State Entities (SE Grants) was published in the Federal Register on April 24, 2024. The deadline for submission of a grant application under this competition was 11:59:59p.m. ET on June 13, 2024.
FY 2024 CSP SE Notice Inviting Applications
Posted in the Federal Register on April 24, 2024 PDF HTML
FY 2024 Competition Timeline
- Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: June 13, 2024
- Deadline for Intergovernmental Review: August 12, 2024
FY 2024 Competition Information
Pre-Application Technical Assistance Webinars:
- FY 2024 Pre-Application Webinar - State Entity Grant Competition ALN 84.282A: This webinar was held on Wednesday, May 8, 2024. During the webinar the Department reviewed the competition eligibility requirements, priorities, selection criteria, and application requirements. The Department also reviewed the steps required to complete the Grants.gov registration process and answered participants' questions.
- Recording: State Entity Grant Competition
- Slides: State Entity Grant Competition
- Transcripts: PDF
- FY 2024 Pre-Application Webinar — Assessing Organizational Readiness for the State Entity Grant: This webinar was held on Thursday, May 9, 2024 and is designed to help potential applicants assess their operational readiness.
- Recording: State Entity Grant Competition
- Slides: Assessing Organizational Readiness for the State Entity Grant
- Transcripts: PDF
- FY 2024 Pre-Application Webinar - Using Technical Assistance Set Aside Funds on 'High-Impact' Activities: This webinar was held on Friday, May 10, 2024 and is designed to help potential applicants develop a TA plan that supports their proposed project.
- FY 2024 Pre-Application Webinar - Budget Webinars:
- Developing the Grant Project Budget Part One: This webinar was held on Monday, May 13, 2024 and is designed to help potential applicants prepare their CSP SE grant proposal budget. Common budget pitfalls, CSP's budget review process and administration, technical assistance and subgrant set-aside funding are covered in this webinar.
- Recording: Developing the Grant Project Budget Part One
- Slides: Developing the Grant Project Budget Part One
- Transcripts: PDF
- Developing the Grant Project Budget Part Two: This pre-recorded webinar is designed to help potential applicants prepare their CSP SE grant proposal budget. The application budget components and budget categories are covered in this webinar.
- Recording: Developing the Grant Project Budget Part Two
- Slides: Developing the Grant Project Budget Part Two
- Transcripts: PDF
- Developing the Grant Project Budget Part One: This webinar was held on Monday, May 13, 2024 and is designed to help potential applicants prepare their CSP SE grant proposal budget. Common budget pitfalls, CSP's budget review process and administration, technical assistance and subgrant set-aside funding are covered in this webinar.
- FY 2024 Pre-Application Webinar for CSP SE Grantees - Logic Models and SMART Performance Measures: This pre-recorded webinar is designed to help potential applicants create a logic model and develop SMART performance measures.
- Recording: Logic Models and SMART Performance Measures Webinar
- Slides: Logic Models and SMART Performance Measures
- Transcripts: PDF
- FY 2024 Pre-Application Webinar for CSP SE Grantees — Approaches to Addressing the Needs Analysis: This pre-recorded webinar is designed to help potential applicants respond to the Application Requirement to provide a description of the application each eligible applicant desiring to receive a subgrant will be required to submit, which must include, among other requirements, a needs analysis and description of the need for the proposed project.
- Recording: Approaching to Addressing the Needs Analysis
- Transcripts: PDF
Application Package and Submission:
- SE Application Package Instructions: Please note this is an electronic copy for you to download and use as a guide only.
- Applications must be submitted electronically through the Grants.gov system at http://www.grants.gov/.
- Please do not e-mail an electronic copy of a grant application to U.S. Department of Education staff.
Hard Copy Applications:
For hard copy application packages, contact:
Charter Schools Program, State Entity Grant Program
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20202
Email: SE_Competition@ed.gov
Required Application Forms:
Note: Most of the forms listed below are in the electronic application package in Grants.gov. The following is a list of the required forms that must be completed, examples of which can be found here.
- Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424) — mandatory
- Dept. of Education Supplemental Information for SF-424 — mandatory
- ED GEPA427 Form — mandatory
- Grants.gov Lobbying Form (ED-80-0013) — mandatory
- ED Abstract Form — mandatory
- Project Narrative Attachment Form — mandatory
- Budget Narrative Attachment Form — mandatory
- Project Objectives and Performance Measures Form — mandatory
- Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (SF-LLL) — optional
- Other Attachments — optional
Registering on Grants.gov and SAM.gov:
- REGISTER EARLY — Grants.gov registration involves many steps including registration on SAM (SAM.gov), which usually takes approximately 7 to 10 business days, but can take longer depending on the completeness and accuracy of the data entered into the SAM database by an applicant.
- You may begin working on your application while completing the registration process, but you cannot submit an application until all of the Registration steps are complete.
- Please note that once your SAM registration is active, it will take 24-48 hours for the information to be available in Grants.gov, and before you can submit an application through Grants.gov.
- For detailed information on the Registration Steps, please go to here. Please note that your organization will need to update its SAM registration annually.
- To register in SAM.gov, click on the "Get Started" link under the "Register Your Entity…" heading in SAM.gov.
- Grantees, and other entities wanting to do business with the U.S. Department of Education (e.g., entities applying for a grant), that are not already registered in SAM.gov must complete the "Register Entity" registration option and NOT the "Get a Unique Entity ID" option. The "Get a Unique Entity ID" option, which is not a full registration, is only available to entities for reporting purposes. Failing to complete the "Register Entity" option may result in loss of funding, loss of applicant eligibility, and/or delays in receiving a grant award.
- Information about SAM is available at SAM.gov. To further assist you with registering in SAM or updating your existing SAM registration, see the Quick Start Guide for Grant Registrations and the Entity Registration Video here.
FY 2024 CSP SE Grant Eligibility Information
States with Active CSP SE Grants: States in which a State entity currently has an approved CSP SE grant application under section 4303 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESEA), that is actively running subgrant competitions are Alabama, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. We will not consider applications from these states.
Included in the chart below is the amount of CSP State Entities funding per fiscal year since FY 2017.
Fiscal Year (FY) | Funding for New Awards* | Funding for Continuation Awards* |
FY 2024 | $143,009,209 | $152,367,956 |
FY 2023 | $147,312,186 | $39,173,918 |
FY 2022 | $60,202,659 | $154,894,184 |
FY 2021 | $0 | $220,842,582 |
FY 2020 | $81,696,397 | $132,251,030 |
FY 2019 | $25,840,123 | $190,756,628 |
FY 2018 | $77,790,768 | $120,005,992 |
FY 2017 | $144,680,792 | $17,864,270 |
*New Awards and Continuation Awards include supplemental and forward funding when applicable.
- Title IV, Part C of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Section 4301 - 4311 (20 U.S.C. 7221-7221j). PDF (485 KB)
- Charter School Program Assurances Grants to State Entities MS Word (31KB)
- 2022 Final Priorities, Requirements, Definitions, and Selection Criteria-Expanding Opportunity Through Quality Charter Schools Program (CSP)-Grants to State Entities (State Entity Grants); Grants to Charter Management Organizations for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (CMO Grants); and Grants to Charter School Developers for the Opening of New Charter Schools and for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (Developer Grants) (87 FR 40406)
- 2015 Notice of Final Priorities, Requirements, Definitions, and Selection Criteria; Charter Schools Program Grants to State Educational Agencies (80 FR 34201)
- Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR)
- Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (2 CFR 200)
- Uniform Guidance Technical Assistance for Grantees (Uniform Guidance TA)
Nonregulatory Guidance
- ESSA Flexibility Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) (December 2017) PDF (190 KB)
- ESSA Flexibility Webinar Slides
- Dear Colleague Letter — ESSA flexibilities for CSP Grantees (November 2017) PDF (196 KB)
- Dear Colleague Letter — Guidance Regarding the Oversight of Charter Schools Program and Regulatory Requirements, Including the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (August 2016) PDF (226 KB)
- Charter Schools Program Nonregulatory Guidance (updated January 2014) PDF (376 KB)
- School Climate and Discipline Resources
- Title I Requirements on Charter Schools Non-Regulatory Guidance (July 2004) MS Word (739KB)
- Allocating Funds to Charter Schools (December 2000) PDF (544 KB)
Application Guidance
Notices Inviting Applications (NIAs) – State Entity Grants
For the most up-to-date information on this grant program and any future or current notices, please continue to check our website and search for current opportunities, and/or register for alerts for Grants.gov (search ALN 84.282).
Included below is information regarding the new awards under the CSP Grants to State Entities Program made in each fiscal year since
Fiscal Year (FY) | Number of New Awards |
FY 2024 | 6 |
FY 2023 | 10 |
FY 2022 | 6 |
FY 2020 | 8 |
FY 2019 | 3 |
FY 2018 | 8 |
FY 2017 | 9 |
- Information regarding the funding request (broken down by year) for the FY 2024 grantees. PDF (23 KB)
- Information regarding the funding request (broken down by year) for the FY 2023 grantees. MS Excel (23 KB)
- Information regarding the funding request (broken down by year) for the FY 2022 grantees. MS Excel (30 KB)
- Information regarding the funding request (broken down by year) for the FY 2020 grantees. MS Excel (91 KB)
- Information regarding the funding request (broken down by year) for the FY 2019 grantees. MS Excel (91 KB)
- Information regarding the funding request (broken down by year) for the FY 2018 grantees. MS Excel (86 KB)
- Information regarding the funding request (broken down by year) for the FY 2017 grantees. MS Excel (36 KB)
*The city and state reflect where the grantee is operating.
Year Awarded | Grantee | Project Title | Duration (Years) | Amount available for Year 1 activities | Total Funding (for Year 1 and 2 Activities) | Total Expected Funding | City | State | Score | Abstract | Application | Reviewers' Comments |
Funded FY 2024 Applications | ||||||||||||
2024 | California Department of Education | California Public Charter School Grant Program (PCSGP) | 5 | $15,275,765 | $24,691,396 | $93,777,778 | Sacramento | CA | 108.61 | PDF (67 KB) | PDF (Coming Soon) | PDF (203 KB) |
2024 | Colorado League of Charter Schools | Great Schools Colorado CSP Project | 5 | $17,702,194 | $30,255,525 | $68,146,405 | Denver | CO | 108.00 | PDF (78 KB) | PDF (30 MB) | PDF (205 KB) |
2024 | New York State Education Department | New York State Charter Schools Program (CSP) Grant Project | 5 | $40,110,061 | $50,072,285 | $121,342,222 | Albany | NY | 98.00 | PDF (69 KB) | PDF (24 MB) | PDF (208 KB) |
2024 | Utah Association of Public Charter Schools | Utah Charter Schools Program (USCP) Grant Project | 5 | $6,822,374 | $15,610,529 | $44,444,445 | American Fork | UT | 97.67 | PDF (77 KB) | PDF (40 MB) | PDF (198 KB) |
2024 | Arizona Department of Education | Arizona Charter Schools Program State Entity Application | 5 | $8,689,822 | $17,359,475 | $34,855,500 | Phoenix | AZ | 90.00 | PDF (67 KB) | PDF (19 MB) | PDF (207 KB) |
2024 | Rhode Island Department of Education | Rhode Island Charter Schools Program (RICSP) | 5 | $1,760,000 | $5,019,999 | $14,300,000 | Providence | RI | 90.00 | PDF (69 KB) | PDF (31 MB) | PDF (216 KB) |
Funded FY 2023 Applications | ||||||||||||
2023 | The Opportunity Trust | Missouri (CSP-MO) | 5 | $15,555,556 | $22,222,223 | $35,555,557 | Saint Louis | MO | 108.33 | PDF (73 KB) | PDF (27 MB) | PDF (239 KB) |
2023 | State of Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction | State of Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Grant Project | 5 | $20,941,075 | $34,921,524 | $58,000,000 | Madison | WI | 97.67 | PDF (72 KB) | PDF (24 MB) | PDF (257 KB) |
2023 | Indiana Department of Education | Quality Counts II | 5 | $21,822,744 | $45,695,745 | $109,740,731 | Indianapolis | IN | 95.33 | PDF (75 KB) | PDF (31 MB) | PDF (224 KB) |
2023 | Louisiana Department of Education | Louisiana Public Charter Schools Program Grant Project | 5 | $4,444,445 | $17,777,778 | $55,555,555 | Baton Rouge | LA | 94.67 | PDF (73 KB) | PDF (74 MB) | PDF (188 KB) |
2023 | West Virginia Professional Charter School Board | West Virginia Professional Charter School Board | 5 | $3,112,213 | $4,627,359 | $12,382,792 | Charleston | WV | 91.67 | PDF (73 KB) | PDF (922 KB) | PDF (206 KB) |
2023 | Maryland Alliance of Public Charter Schools. Inc. | The Maryland Momentum Project | 5 | $4,180,024 | $7,099,318 | $28,720,811 | Baltimore | MD | 91.67 | PDF (73 KB) | PDF (37 MB) | PDF (248 KB) |
2023 | Public Charter Schools of New Mexico | Public Charter Schools of New Mexico | 5 | $7,838,740 | $20,808,680 | $52,777,778 | Albuquerque | NM | 88.67 | PDF (73 KB) | PDF (39 MB) | PDF (246 KB) |
2023 | Minnesota Department of Education | Minnesota Charter Schools Program Grant Project | 5 | $7,953,420 | $17,076,479 | $37,579,122 | Minneapolis | MN | 88.00 | PDF (74 KB) | PDF (9 MB) | PDF (217 KB) |
2023 | Oklahoma Public School Resource Center Inc | Oklahoma Public School Resource Center Charter Schools Program Grant | 5 | $10,958,500 | $21,979,896 | $55,141,012 | Oklahoma City | OK | 87.33 | PDF (73 KB) | PDF (3 MB) | PDF (226 KB) |
2023 | Bluum, Inc. | Building on Success for Future Excellence | 5 | $5,273,200 | $12,693,400 | $24,878,000 | Boise | ID | 84.67 | PDF (75 KB) | PDF (45 MB) | PDF (209 KB) |
Funded FY 2022 Applications | ||||||||||||
2022 | Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education | Massachusetts Charter Schools Program (CSP) Project 2023 — 2028 | 5 | $2,221,661 | $4,537,287 | $11,389,000 | Malden | MA | 102.00 | PDF (80 KB) | PDF (9 MB) | PDF (239 KB) |
2022 | Mississippi First, Inc. | Doubling Mississippi's High-Quality Charter School Sector in Five Years | 5 | $4,333,333 | $7,666,665 | $19,333,333 | Jackson | MS | 99.33 | PDF (63 KB) | PDF (10 MB) | PDF (345 KB) |
2022 | State Charter Schools Foundation of Georgia, Inc | Georgia Strategic Charter School Growth Initiative | 5 | $6,581,013 | $13,950,052 | $38,295,000 | Atlanta | GA | 98.33 | PDF (78 KB) | PDF (29 MB) | PDF (434 KB( |
2022 | Illinois Network of Charter Schools | Illinois Impact Initiative: Creating and expanding high-quality educational opportunities for Illinois' most underserved students and communities. | 5 | $4,388,944 | $8,856,020 | $25,000,000 | Chicago | IL | 96.33 | PDF (78 KB) | PDF (14 MB) | PDF (243 KB) |
2022 | Tennessee Department of Education | Tennessee Charter School Program Project | 5 | $7,938,018 | $15,870,670 | $24,668,630 | Nashville | TN | 96.00 | PDF (60 KB) | PDF (8 MB) | PDF (239 KB) |
2022 | Northeast Charter Schools Network, Inc. | Great Schools for Connecticut CSP Project | 5 | $3,439,894 | $9,321,965 | $24,486,941 | New Haven* | CT* | 93.00 | PDF (78 KB) | PDF (24 MB) | PDF (253 KB) |
Funded FY 2020 Applications | ||||||||||||
2020 | New Jersey Public Charter Schools Association | New Jersey Charter Schools Program State Entities Grant (Project Cultivate 38) | 5 | $13,878,540 | $15,764,45 | $63,232,945 | Hamilton | NJ | 117.67 | PDF (83 KB) | PDF (10 MB) | PDF (292 KB) |
2020 | Florida Department of Education | Florida 2016 CSP Grant Application -- Revised | 5 | $15,666,669 | $18,330,002 | $78,333,333 | Tallahasse | FL | 113.67 | PDF (83 KB) | PDF (10 MB) | PDF (295) |
2020 | CA Department of Education for the State Board of Education | California Public Charter School Grant Program | 3 | $7,777,776 | $9,761,110 | $41,666,667 | Sacramento | CA | 113.33 | PDF (83 KB) | PDF (10 MB) | PDF (317 KB) |
2020 | Office of the State Superintendent of Education | 2020 Charter Schools Program Grant to Increase the Number of High-Quality Charter Seats in DC and Improve Subgrantee and Authorizer Performance | 5 | $3,364,400 | $4,250,848 | $24,222,000 | Washington | DC | 110.00 | PDF (83 KB) | PDF (10 MB) | PDF (11MB) |
2020 | South Carolina Department of Education | South Carolina Quality Charter Schools | 5 | $433,846 | $1,911,781 | $31,553,991 | Columbia | SC | 104.33 | PDF (83 KB) | PDF (10 MB) | PDF (286 KB) |
2020 | Opportunity 180 | Great Schools for Nevada CSP Grant and Program | 5 | $3,244,443 | $4,189,643 | $22,755,555 | Las Vegas | NV | 103.33 | PDF (83 KB) | PDF (10 MB) | PDF (329 KB) |
2020 | Pennsylvania Coalition of Public Charter Schools | Pennsylvania CSP Grant Program | 5 | $3,666,667 | $4,403,334 | $30,000,000 | Glenside | PA | 101.67 | PDF (83 KB) | PDF (10 MB) | PDF (347 KB) |
2020 | Texas Education Agency | Texas Quality Charter Schools Program Grant | 5 | $20,000,000 | $23,085,229 | $100,000,000 | Austin | TX | 101.33 | PDF (83 KB) | PDF (10 MB) | PDF (291 KB) |
Year Awarded | Grantee | Project Title | Duration (Years) | Amount available for Year 1 activities | FY 19 Funding (for Year 1 and 2 Activities) | Total Expected Funding | City | State | Score | Abstract | Application | Reviewers' Comments |
Funded FY 2019 Applications | ||||||||||||
2019 | Alabama Coalition for Public Charter Schools | New Schools for Alabama CSP Grant to award startup funding and provide support services to high quality | 5 | $5,000,000 | $10,000,000 | $25,000,000 | Birmingham | AL | 107.33 | PDF (83 KB) | PDF (10 MB) | PDF (11MB) |
2019 | The New Hampshire Department of Education | NH 2019 Charter Schools Program Grant Application | 5 | $3,309,873 | $10,114,548 | $46,000,000 | Concord | NH | 87.33 | PDF (85 KB) | PDF (9 MB) | PDF (7 MB) |
2019 | Washington State Charter Schools Association | Expanding Opportunity Through Quality Charter Schools Program Grants to State Entities FY19 | 5 | $1,786,360 | $5,725,575 | $19,960,625 | Seattle | WA | 100.33 | PDF (84 KB) | PDF (27 KB) | PDF (11 MB) |
Year Awarded | Grantee | Project Title | Duration (Years) | Amount available for Year 1 activities | FY 18 Funding (for Year 1 and 2 Activities) | Total Expected Funding | City | State | Score | Abstract | Application | Reviewers' Comments |
Funded FY 2018 Applications | ||||||||||||
2018 | Arizona Department of Education | Arizona Department of Education Charter School Program will open 40 high quality charter school over five years. | 5 | $7,395,5497 | $16,334,987 | $55,000,000 | Phoenix | AZ | 91.00 | PDF (55 KB) | PDF (13 MB) | PDF (2 MB) |
2018 | Arkansas Public School Resource Center | Arkansas Public School Resource Center Application for 2018 CSP State Entities Grant as Sole Applicant for State of Arkansas | 5 | $5,600,000 | $5,600,000 (for year 1 activities only) | $23,000,000 | Little Rock | AR | 96.67 | PDF (53 KB) | PDF (16 MB) | PDF (1 MB) |
2018 | Bluum, Inc. | Idaho's Communities of Excellence is a state-wide consortium led by Bluum, Inc., designed to foster the development, expansion, and replication of high quality charter schools in Idaho | 5 | $3,642,400 | $8,939,900 | $17,111,111 | Boise | ID | 95.67 | PDF (54 KB) | - | PDF (2 MB) |
2018 | Colorado Department of Education | CCSP Program and Grant Application | 5 | $814,786 | $14,543,876 | $55,171,335 | Denver | CO | 88.00 | PDF (55 KB) | PDF (16 MB) | PDF (2 MB) |
2018 | Delaware Department of Education | The main objective of the Delaware CSP Grant is to expand opportunities for all students, particularly educationally disadvantaged students, to attend public charter schools. | 5 | $880,000 | $3,496,000 | $10,395,000 | Dover | DE | 89.00 | PDF (52 KB) | - | PDF (2 MB) |
2018 | Michigan Department of Education | Michigan Charter School Grant Program | 5 | $4,200,961 | $14,318,173 | $47,222,222 | Lansing | MI | 108.67 | PDF (55 KB) | PDF (5 MB) | PDF (1 MB) |
2018 | New York State Education Department | New York State Application for CSP Grants to State Entities 2018-2023 | 5 | $4,166,667 | $4,166,667 (for year 1 activities only) | $78,888,888 | Albany | NY | 91.33 | PDF (57 KB) | PDF (26 MB) | PDF (2 MB) |
2018 | North Carolina Department of Public Instruction | NC Advancing Charter Collaboration and Excellence for Student Success (ACCESS) Program: Supporting high quality schools focused on meeting the needs of educationally disadvantaged students | 5 | $5,197,585 | $10,391,165 | $26,633,025 | Raleigh | NC | 93.00 | PDF (54 KB) | PDF (11 MB) | PDF (2 MB) |
Year Awarded | Grantee | Project Title | Duration (Years) | Amount available for Year 1 activities | FY 17 Funding (for Year 1 and 2 Activities) | Total Expected Funding | City | State | Score | Abstract | Application | Reviewers' Comments |
Funded FY 2017 Applications | ||||||||||||
2017 | Indiana Department of Education | Quality Counts | 5 | $9,328,143 | $24,002,291 | $59,966,575 | Indianapolis | IN | 103.33 | PDF (55 KB) | PDF (48 MB) | PDF (261 KB) |
2017 | Maryland State Department of Education | The Maryland Charter School Program to award sub-grants, provide technical assistance and disseminate best practices and performance data | 5 | $1,828,738 | $5,490,859 | $17,222,222 | Baltimore | MD | 97.67 | PDF (61 KB) | PDF (6 MB) | PDF (212 KB) |
2017 | Minnesota Department of Education | MDE's CSP project will increase the number of high-quality and sustainable charter schools in order to improve academic achievement for all students, particularly those who are at-risk | 5 | $7,541,967 | $22,381,611 | $38,500,000 | Roseville | MN | 99.00 | PDF (56 KB) | PDF (4 MB) | PDF (108 KB) |
2017 | Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board | Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board 2017 CSP Grant | 5 | $2,123,299 | $4,240,819 | $15,000,000 | Jackson | MS | 94.33 | PDF (56 KB) | PDF (15 MB) | PDF (229 KB) |
2017 | New Mexico Public Education Department | New Mexico Charter School Program | 5 | $3,031,665 | $6,358,693 | $22,507,805 | Santa Fe | NM | 101.00 | PDF (56 KB) | PDF (69 MB) | PDF (474 KB) |
2017 | Oklahoma Public School Resource Center, Inc. | Oklahoma Charter School Grant Application 2017 | 5 | $1,002,350 | $4,264,870 | $16,499,722 | Oklahoma City | OK | 101.67 | PDF (55 KB) | PDF (8 MB) | PDF (234 KB) |
2017 | Rhode Island Department of Education | Rhode Island Charter Schools Program Grant: Increase number of high quality charter schools, improve quality and efficiency of authorizing to reduce barriers, and foster charter-district partnerships | 5 | $675,000 | $1,953,000 | $6,000,000 | Providence | RI | 116.67 | PDF (56 KB) | PDF (16 MB) | PDF (389 KB) |
2017 | Texas Education Agency | Texas Quality Charter Schools Program Grant | 3 | $17,825,885 | $38,034,535 | $59,164,996 | Austin | TX | 110.33 | PDF (57 KB) | PDF (39 MB) | PDF (223 KB) |
2017 | Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction | Wisconsin Charter Schools Program Application | 5 | $18,280,435 | $37,954,114 | $95,777,775 | Madison | WI | 115.67 | PDF (56 KB) | PDF (56 MB) | PDF (385 KB) |