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Supporting Effective Instruction State Grants (Title II, Part A)

Grant Type
Formula grant
(202) 219-1662
State Educational Agencies (SEAs)
Application Deadline
Application Status
Not Applicable

The purpose of the program is to provide grants to State educational agencies (SEAs) and subgrants to local educational agencies (LEAs) to increase student achievement consistent with the challenging State academic standards; improve the quality and effectiveness of teachers, principals, and other school leaders; increase the number of teachers, principals, and other school leaders who are effective in improving student academic achievement in schools; and provide low-income and minority students greater access to effective teachers, principals, and other school leaders.

Types of Projects

State-level activities include but are not limited to (1) reforming teacher and principal certification programs, (2) providing support for new teachers, and (3) providing professional development for teachers and principals. Local-level activities include but are not limited to (1) recruiting and retaining effective teachers and principals, (2) providing professional development for teachers and principals, and (3) reducing class size.

Additional Information

In exchange for receiving funds, agencies are held accountable to the public for improvements in academic achievement. Title II, Part A provides these agencies the flexibility to use these funds creatively to address challenges to teacher and principal quality, whether they concern preparation and qualifications of new teachers and school leaders, recruitment and hiring, induction, professional development, retention, or the need for more capable principals and other school leaders to serve as effective school leaders.


Data Collection Information

ED Data Express

To access data collected and published by the Department of Education, please see ED Data Express.

EDFacts File Specifications

The specific file specification relevant to the collection and submission of teacher data is FS 203. To access all file specifications for all EDFacts data files, please see the following page. For more information about the Department's EDFacts Initiative, which includes data collection for Title II, Part A, please see the following page.

Monitoring Reports

OESE periodically assesses States' efforts in implementing Federal grant programs. By completing periodic assessments of SEA grant administration across multiple OESE programs, including Title II, Part A, OESE is able to gather accurate information about States' compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements, as well as information about grant performance. OESE uses this information about State and local needs to provide high-quality, differentiated support to States and districts.

Consolidated monitoring reports, monitoring protocols, and information about the consolidated monitoring process are available on the Office of School Support and Accountability's (SSA) Performance Reports page. This page also contains single program monitoring reports.


Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended, Title II, Part A; 20 U.S.C. 6301-6339, 6571-6578

TITLE II—Preparing, Training, and Recruiting High-Quality Teacher, Principals, or Other School Leaders

  • Sec. 2001. Purpose.
  • Sec. 2002. Definitions.
  • Sec. 2003. Authorization of Appropriations.

PART A—Supporting Effective Instruction

  • Sec. 2101. Formula grants to States.
  • Sec. 2102. Subgrants to local educational agencies.
  • Sec. 2103. Local uses of funds.
  • Sec. 2014. Reporting.


Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (commonly called "Uniform Guidance") was adopted by the Department in December 2014, 2 CFR Part 3474, and provides a government-wide framework for grants management and sets an authoritative set of rules and requirements for Federal awards that synthesizes and supersedes guidance from earlier OMB circulars. The Uniform GuidanThe ce addresses such issues as addresses time and effort certifications, indirect cost reimbursement, timely obligation of funds and carryover, financial management rules, program income, record retention, property/equipment/supplies inventory controls, procurement, monitoring, conflicts, travel policies, and allowable costs.

The Education Department of General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR), 34 CFR Parts 75, 76, and 77, are the federal regulations that govern all federal grants awarded by the U.S. Department of Education. EDGAR is read in conjunction with the authorizing statutes, program-specific regulations, the Uniform Guidance, and Federal Register documents, such as Notices Inviting Applications and Notices of Final Priorities.


Letter from Senior Advisor Lane re: Prior Approval for Pre-Award Costs and Participant Support Costs under ESEA Programs | PDF (December 8, 2022)

Title VIII, Part F of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965: Equitable Services for Eligible Private School Children, Teachers, and Other Educational Personnel, Non-Regulatory Guidance | PDF (760 KB) (July 17, 2023)

Fact Sheet for Transferring State- and Local-Level Funds: Section 5103 of the ESEA | PDF (210 KB) (April 29, 2020)

Non-regulatory Guidance for Title II, Part A: Building Systems of Support for Excellent Teaching and Leading | PDF (691 KB) (September 27, 2016)

Improving Teacher Quality State Grants: Title II Part A Non-Regulatory Guidance MS WORD (2M) | PDF (40K) (October 5, 2006)

Non-regulatory Guidance: Fiscal Changes and Equitable Services Requirements Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as Amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) | PDF (November 21, 2016)

Non-regulatory Guidance: Using Evidence to Strengthen Education Investments| PDF (September 16, 2016)

Key Documents

  • Key Documents | U.S. Department of Education. This page provides letters and reports to states for important programmatic activities, including the States’ consolidated State plans, requests for waivers, monitoring reports, and the peer reviews of State assessment systems. The list may be sorted or filtered by State, year, program, and activity.

Title II, Part A Use of Funds Surveys

Section 2104 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act requires each State educational agency (SEA) that receives a Title II, Part A grant to report annually to the Department of Education on how the State is uses program funds. The Department collects this information in annual use of funds surveys. Each SEA receives a survey that addresses how Title II, Part A funds that remain with the SEA for State-level use are spent. In addition, a sample of over 5,000 school districts receive a survey that addresses how Title II, Part A funds that are awarded to school districts are used; the district sample is both nationally representative and representative at the individual State level, making cross-State comparisons possible. Below are the survey instruments for the current school year as well as reports on the results of surveys from prior years.

Local Education Agency (LEA) and State Education Agency (SEA) Uses of Title II, Part A Funds

Webinars Delivered by Title II, Part A Staff

  • Navigating Title II, Part A — Presented on March 27, 2024, this webinar covered topics that some SEAs have found challenging during monitoring by ED. Slides address equitable services with State activities funds, the ESEA definition of professional development (PD), and identifying evidence to support PD and class size reduction.

Additional Resources

Studies of Interest

Recruitment and Retention / Professional Development / Principals and School Leaders / Residency Programs / Equity and Diversity / Data and Evidence / Other Topics

Recruitment and Retention

Professional Development

Principals and School Leaders

Residency Programs

Equity and Diversity

Data and Evidence

Other Topics

Funding Status

 Fiscal Year 2021Fiscal Year 2022Fiscal Year 2023Estimated Fiscal Year 2024*
Total Appropriation$2,143,080,000$2,170,080,000$2,190,080,000$2,190,080,000
Evaluation Set-Aside$10,715,400$620,000$591,165$1,067,699
Total to Outlying Areas & BIE$21,323,646$21,694,600$21,894,890$21,890,124
Total New Awards to States (52 Awards)$2,111,040,954$2,147,765,400$2,167,593,945$2,167,122,177

*Under the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024, the U.S. Department of Education (ED) awarded a portion of the fiscal year (FY) 2024 funds on July 1, 2024, and will award the remaining funds on October 1, 2024. The estimated FY 2024 total award amounts included in this table are based on final FY 2024 allocations, which were used to determine the amount each State received on July 1 and to estimate the amount each State will receive on October 1. Therefore, this column is labeled as an estimate.


AWARDS TO STATESFiscal Year 2021Fiscal Year 2022Fiscal Year 2023Estimated Fiscal Year 2024*
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA$10,421,077$10,671,833$10,837,970$10,835,611
NEW HAMPSHIRE$10,421,077$10,671,833$10,837,970$10,835,611
NEW JERSEY$43,796,661$46,484,045$48,193,988$46,935,004
NEW MEXICO$17,394,047$17,290,298$17,415,780$18,006,586
NEW YORK$133,288,886$126,589,111$124,160,114$125,946,947
NORTH CAROLINA$63,099,865$67,459,806$67,519,563$67,906,396
NORTH DAKOTA$10,421,077$10,671,833$10,837,970$10,835,611
PUERTO RICO$55,505,285$56,430,602$47,885,713$49,581,926
RHODE ISLAND$10,421,077$10,671,833$10,837,970$10,835,611
SOUTH CAROLINA$32,649,724$34,677,992$35,563,090$36,361,210
SOUTH DAKOTA$10,421,077$10,671,833$10,837,970$10,835,611
WEST VIRGINIA$13,700,546$13,119,423$11,949,975$13,043,347

* Under the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024, ED awarded a portion of the FY 2024 funds on July 1, 2024, and will award the remaining funds on October 1, 2024. The estimated FY 2024 total award amounts included in this table are based on final FY 2024 allocations, which were used to determine the amount each State received on July 1 and to estimate the amount each State will receive on October 1. Therefore, this column is labeled as an estimate.

Additional Information

Please see the U.S. Department of Education's (ED's) Budget History Tables for information on the President's budget requests and enacted appropriations for major ED programs.


Who May Apply: ONLY State Educational Agencies (SEAs)

Grantee Information

While only SEAs may apply and directly receive funds from the Department of Education, SEAs are, in turn, required to make formula subgrants to local educational agencies (LEAs).

To receive funds under ESEA formula grant programs, States are required, once per Congressional authorization of the statute, to submit program plans. Each program plan must address program requirements specified in the statute. Section 8303 of the ESEA, however, permits the Department to simplify application requirements and reduce the burden on States by establishing procedures for States to submit a single Consolidated State Plan that addresses multiple programs.

Each State submitted a Consolidated State Plan in 2017 in order to receive funds under nine formula Grant programs, including Title II, Part A. Copies of all current State plans, as well as information about the State plan process, may be found here.


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Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE)
Page Last Reviewed:
October 4, 2024