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Title I, Part A: Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies

Grant Type
Formula grant
State Educational Agencies (SEAs)
Application Deadline
Application Status
Not Applicable

An LEA's Title I allocation is the sum of the amount that the LEA receives under each formula. LEAs target the Title I funds they receive to schools with the highest percentages of children from low-income families. If a Title I school is operating a targeted assistance program, the school provides Title I services to children who are failing, or most at risk of failing, to meet challenging academic standards. Schools in which children from low-income families make up at least 40 percent of enrollment are eligible to use Title I funds to operate schoolwide programs that serve all children in the school in order to raise the achievement of the lowest-achieving students. LEAs also must use Title I funds to provide Title I services to eligible children enrolled in private schools.


The U.S. Department of Education's (ED's) data on participation in the program show that in school year (SY) 2016-2017, 59,743 public schools across the country used Title I funds to provide additional academic support and learning opportunities to help low-achieving children master challenging curricula and meet state standards in core academic subjects. For example, funds support extra instruction in reading and mathematics, as well as special preschool, after-school, and summer programs to extend and reinforce the regular school curriculum.

In (SY) 2016-2017, Title I served approximately 24.6 million children.


Title I, Part A (Title I) is a formula program to States. The U.S. Department of Education allocates Title I funds to State educational agencies (SEAs) through four statutory formulas (Basic Grants, Concentration Grants, Targeted Grants, and Education Finance Incentive Grants) that are based primarily on the annually-updated census poverty local educational agency (LEA) data adjusted for the cost of education in each State. SEAs in turn distribute Title I funds to their LEAs in accordance with Title I requirements.

Basic, Concentration and Targeted Grants

Basic Grants provide funds to LEAs in which the number of children counted in the formula (formula children) is at least 10 and exceeds 2 percent of an LEA’s school-age population. Concentration Grants flow to LEAs where the number of formula children exceeds 6,500 or 15 percent of the total school-age population. Targeted Grants are based on the same data used for Basic and Concentration Grants except that the data are weighted so that LEAs with higher numbers or percentages of formula children receive more funds. Targeted Grants flow to LEAs where the number of formula children is at least 10 and comprises at least 5 percent of the LEA’s school-age population.

Education Finance Incentive Grants

Education Finance Incentive Grants (EFIG) distribute funds to states based on factors that measure (1) a state’s effort to provide financial support for education compared to its relative wealth as measured by its per-capita income and (2) the degree to which education expenditures among LEAs within the state are equalized. Once a state’s EFIG allocation is determined, funds are allocated to LEAs in which the number of formula children is at least 10 and comprises at least 5 percent of the LEA’s school-age population.

Key Documents

  • Key Documents | U.S. Department of Education. This page provides letters and reports to states for important programmatic activities, including the States’ consolidated State plans, requests for waivers, monitoring reports, and the peer reviews of State assessment systems. The list may be sorted or filtered by State, year, program, and activity.

Accountability and School Improvement


Consolidated State Plans

ESSA Flexibilities

Equitable Services

Fiscal Requirements

Graduation Rate Requirements

Parent and Family Engagement

Schoolwide Programs

State and Local Report Cards

Special Populations

Children in Foster Care

Education for Homeless Children and Youths

Early Learning

English Learners

Student-Centered Funding

Transition to the Every Student Succeeds Act



Who May Apply: State Educational Agencies (SEAs)

The U.S. Department of Education (ED) allocates appropriated funds to local educational agencies (LEAs) through participating SEAs. Prior to calculating the LEA allocations, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESEA) generally requires ED to set aside 0.7 percent for the Secretary of the Interior and 0.4 percent for the outlying areas (American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the United States Virgin Islands). The Secretary of the Interior makes subgrants to schools operated by the Bureau of Indian Education, while the outlying areas receive formula grants. In addition, appropriation acts generally make a certain amount of Basic grant funds (e.g., in the FY 2020 appropriation, up to $5 million) available to ED to obtain annually-updated LEA poverty data from the U.S. Census Bureau.

Funding Status

 Fiscal Year 2021Fiscal Year 2022Fiscal Year 2023Estimated Fiscal Year 2024*
Total Appropriation$16,536,802,000$17,536,802,000$18,386,802,000$18,402,802,000
Census Set Aside$5,000,000$5,000,000$5,000,000$5,000,000
Total to Outlying Areas & the Bureau of Indian Education$181,849,822$192,849,822$202,199,822$202,419,822
ESEA Section 1117(e) Bypass$8,335,845$6,734,069$11,370,040$10,362,649
Total New Awards to States (52 Awards)**$16,341,616,333$17,332,218,109$18,168,232,138$18,189,019,529
Basic Grants Amount to States$6,375,066,744$6,376,668,520$6,372,032,549$6,373,039,940
Concentration Grants Amount to States$1,347,315,689$1,347,315,689$1,347,315,689$1,347,315,689
Targeted Grants Amount to States$4,309,616,950$4,804,116,950$5,224,441,950$5,234,331,950
Education Finance Incentive Grants Amount to States$4,309,616,950$4,804,116,950$5,224,441,950$5,234,331,950

* Under the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024, the U.S. Department of Education (ED) awarded a portion of the fiscal year (FY) 2024 funds on July 1, 2024, and will award the remaining funds on October 1, 2024. The estimated FY 2024 total award amounts included in this table are based on final FY 2024 allocations, which were used to determine the amount each State received on July 1 and to estimate the amount each State will receive on October 1. Typically, ED must issue revised final Title I, Part A allocations in September, which determine actual amount each State will receive on October 1. Therefore, this column is labeled as an estimate.

** State amounts do not represent the amounts available for distribution to local educational agencies (LEAs) within the State. As provided in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), each State reserves from its allocation funds for school improvement activities and State administration. States also have the option to reserve funds for Direct Student Services in accordance with the ESEA. A State must also distribute funds generated by children residing in local delinquent institutions in accordance with Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 of the ESEA.


AWARDS TO STATESFiscal Year 2021Fiscal Year 2022Fiscal Year 2023
Estimated Fiscal Year 2024*
ALABAMA $266,382,292 $279,141,859 $303,245,701$302,825,707
ALASKA $47,509,598 $50,604,095 $53,818,062$53,329,948
ARIZONA $355,430,155 $370,384,923 $356,281,409$327,774,647
ARKANSAS $163,805,363 $174,307,328 $177,3072,187$176,232,885
CALIFORNIA $2,040,022,511 $2,076,706,008 $2,108,516,114$2,236,831,646
COLORADO $161,188,874 $174,022,902 $187,782,099$182,938,735
CONNECTICUT $153,914.741 $153,701,110 $156,414,141$155,039,546
DELAWARE $54,032,779 $57,224,018 $58,187,169$58,827,243
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA $48,926,745 $59,793,209 $61,295,998$57,035,181
FLORIDA $907,251,212 $1,006,554,201$1,037,800,442$1,002,331,287
GEORGIA $568,657,600 $655,085,612 $674,982,259$610,206,508
HAWAII $56,700,885 $58,193,269 $73,083,993$69,934,536
IDAHO $57,359,431 $60,274,418 $62,700,869$65,119,517
ILLINOIS $685,475,824 $701,660,960 $766,835,954$794,467,823
INDIANA $251,572,069 $273,340,306 $286,422,432$281,113,513
IOWA $102,836,824 $110,757,782 $114,425,087$110,591,080
KANSAS $110,334,596 $117,527,024 $120,783,715$125,125,252
KENTUCKY $250,129,027 $272,020,435 $276,218,596$251,258,006
LOUISIANA $363,771,234 $358,954,067 $404,061,662$394,660,369
MAINE $55,961,467 $59,492,429 $62,310,440$60,858,365
MARYLAND $282,884,266 $292,786,594 $354,312,840$323,578,061
MASSACHUSETTS $259,045,775 $262,718,204 $290,493,831$285,433,722
MICHIGAN $482,905,001 $514,603,322 $530,826,085$559,431,894
MINNESOTA $179,175,386 $174,738,185 $188,503,553$194,491,073
MISSISSIPPI $223,969,614 $234,557,732 $233,873,060$241,549,939
MISSOURI $256,721,291 $261,748,394 $267,684,116$266,930,404
MONTANA $51,289,895 $54,751,395 $57,693,671$57,762,901
NEBRASKA $68,069,983 $70,062,821 $80,473,008$90,471,385
NEVADA $147,369,407 $157,262,676 $173,052,708$160,995,904
NEW HAMPSHIRE $43,995,985 $49,193,724 $52,870,071$47,046,597
NEW JERSEY $360,293,736 $417,926,808 $465,623,241$457,207,786
NEW MEXICO $129,392,437 $135,700,229 $140,631,172$146,144,834
NEW YORK $1,221,068,608 $1,319,753,513 $1,454,589,699$1,489,257,679
NORTH CAROLINA $493,733,102 $532,882,409 $523,159,326$513,885,525
NORTH DAKOTA $43,267,112 $45,823,193 $49,279,765$513,885,525
OHIO $597,709,276 $618,531,898 $654,440,314$657,261,887
OKLAHOMA $201,507,308 $211,951,355 $224,659,304$229,108,246
OREGON $146,243,353 $145,024,800 $164,133,070$167,711,745
PENNSYLVANIA $706,423,266 $697,679,012 $762,332,443$735,734,176
PUERTO RICO $413,911,156 $472,746,632 $447,700,799$440,613,004
RHODE ISLAND $55,604,547 $57,211,812 $61,608,283$59,352,497
SOUTH CAROLINA $269,752,776 $285,456,522 $285,172,979$279,977,693
SOUTH DAKOTA $51,071,219 $54,599,979 $57,246,174$57,762,901
TENNESSEE $323,379,041 $349,663,715 $346,346,343$335,362,291
TEXAS $1,594,652,206 $1,785,414,630 $1,813,227,886$1,851,185,330
UTAH $87,155,176 $74,464,540 $78,722,107$80,489,806
VERMONT $37,506,577 $40,146,062 $42,812,209$42,723,885
VIRGINIA $287,851,139 $297,826,402 $327,251,331$320,763,857
WASHINGTON $273,415,543 $282,409,293 $304,013,404$306,616,313
WEST VIRGINIA $98,787,010 $107,169,039 $105,341,727$115,931,812
WISCONSIN $212,706,265 $215,867,086 $242,679,064$227,912,003
WYOMING $39,495,650 $41,800,178 $44,940,234$42,276,060

* Under the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024, ED  awarded a portion of the FY 2024 funds on July 1, 2024, and will award the remaining funds on October 1, 2024. The estimated FY 2024 total award amounts included in this table are based on final FY 2024 allocations, which were used to determine the amount each State received on July 1 and to estimate the amount each State will receive on October 1. Typically, ED must issue revised final Title I, Part A allocations in September, which determine actual amount each State will receive on October 1. Therefore, this column is labeled as an estimate.

School Improvement Reservations

As provided in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), each State reserves funds from its Title I, Part A allocation for school improvement activities. Under section 1003(a) of the ESEA, a State must ratably reduce as applicable the total Title I, Part A allocation of LEAs, consistent with the special rule described below, to reserve for school improvement activities the greater of: (1) seven percent of the State’s current fiscal year (FY) Title I, Part A award; or (2) the sum of the total amount that the State reserved for school improvement under section 1003(a) from its FY 2016 Title I, Part A award (generally, four percent of that award) and the amount of the State’s FY 2016 School Improvement Grants (SIG) allocation under section 1003(g) of the ESEA, as amended by NCLB.

With respect to reserving Title I, Part A funds for school improvement, the special rule in section 1003(h) of the ESEA requires a State, in reserving funds for school improvement, to ensure that no LEA receives less in total under Title I, Part A than it received in the prior year. This means that a State may only reserve funds for school improvement from LEAs that have an increase in their Title I, Part A allocation over the prior year’s amount. It is possible that this provision in conjunction with an overall reduction in a State’s Title I, Part A allocation may limit the ability of some States to reserve the full amount for school improvement.

The table below is based on the ED-determined Title I, Part A allocations prior to adjustments by States under 34 C.F.R. § 200.70-75 and § 200.100, including the ESEA section 1003 reservation, and therefore do not take into account the special rule in ESEA section 1003(h) described above. As such, the figures represent the maximum amount an SEA may have been required to reserve for school improvement under ESEA section 1003(a).


STATE SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT RESERVATIONSFiscal Year 2021Fiscal Year 2022Fiscal Year 2023Estimated Fiscal Year 2024*
ALABAMA $18,646,761 $19,539,931 $21,227,200 $21,197,800
ALASKA $3,325,672 $3,542,287 $3,77,265 $3,733,097
ARIZONA $24,880,111 $25,926,945 $24,939,699 $23,166,767
ARKANSAS $11,466,376 $12,201,513 $12,416,054 $12,336,302
CALIFORNIA $142,801,576 $145,369,421 $147,596,128 $156,578,216
COLORADO $11,283,222 $12,181,604 $13,144,747 $12,805,712
CONNECTICUT $10,774,032 $10,759,078 $10,948,990 $10,852,769
DELAWARE $3,782,295 $4,005,682 $4,073,102 $4,117,908
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA $3,424,873 $4,185,525 $4,290,720 $3,991,463
FLORIDA $63,507,585 $70,458,795 $72,646,031 $70,163,191
GEORGIA $39,806,032 $45,855,993 $47,248,759 $42,714,456
HAWAII $3,969,062 $4,073,529 $5,115,880 $4,895,418
IDAHO $4,134,036 $4,219,210 $4,389,061 $4,558,367
ILLINOIS $47,983,308 $49,116,268 $53,678,517 $55,612,748
INDIANA $18,000,236 $19,133,822 $20,049,571 $19,677,946
IOWA $7,198,578 $7,753,045 $8,009,757 $7,741,376
KANSAS $7,991,005 $8,226,892 $8,454,861 $8,758,768
KENTUCKY $17,509,032 $19,041,431 $19,335,302 $19,688,061
LOUISIANA $25,463,987 $25,126,785 $28,284,317 $27,626,226
MAINE $3,917,303 $4,164,471 $4,361,731 $4,260,086
MARYLAND $19,801,899 $20,495,062 $24,801,899 $22,650,465
MASSACHUSETTS $18,133,205 $18,390,275 $20,334,569 $19,980,361
MICHIGAN $33,803,351 $36,022,233 $37,157,826 $39,160,233
MINNESOTA $12,542,278 $12,231,673 $13,195,249 $13,614,376
MISSISSIPPI $15,677,873 $16,419,042 $16,371,115 $16,908,496
MISSOURI $18,302,161 $18,591,188 $19,177,321 $19,061,509
MONTANA $3,590,293 $3,832,598 $4,038,557 $4,043,404
NEBRASKA $5,039,029 $5,039,029 $5,633,111 $6,332,997
NEVADA $10,315,859 $11,008,388 $12,113,690 $11,269,714
NEW HAMPSHIRE $3,079,719 $3,443,561 $3,700,905 $3,293,262
NEW JERSEY $25,220,562 $29,254,877 $32,593,627 $32,004,546
NEW MEXICO $9,057,471 $9,499,017 $9,844,183 $10,230,139
NEW YORK $85,474,803 $92,382,746 $101,821,279 $104,248,038
NORTH CAROLINA $34,561,318 $37,301,769 $36,621,153 $35,971,987
NORTH DAKOTA $3,028,698 $3,207,624 $3,449,584 $3,678,257
OHIO $41,839,650 $43,297,233 $45,810,822 $46,008,333
OKLAHOMA $14,105,512 $14,836,595 $15,726,152 $16,037,578
OREGON $10,458,492 $10,458,492 $11,489,315 $11,739,823
PENNSYLVANIA $49,449,629 $48,837,531 $53,363,272 $51,501,393
PUERTO RICO $28,973,781 $33,092,265 $31,339,056 $30,842,911
RHODE ISLAND $3,892,319 $4,004,827 $4,312,580 $4,154,675
SOUTH CAROLINA $18,882,695 $19,981,957 $19,962,109 $19,598,439
SOUTH DAKOTA $3,574,986 $3,821,999 $4,007,233 $4,043,404
TENNESSEE $22,636,533 $24,476,461 $24,244,245 $23,475,361
TEXAS $111,625,655 $124,979,025 $126,925,953 $129,582,974
UTAH $6,198,581 $6,198,581 $6,198,581 $6,198,581
VERMONT $2,625,461 $2,810,225 $2,996,855 $2,990,672
VIRGINIA $20,401,419 $21,050,433 $23,264,064 $22,802,475
WASHINGTON $19,139,089 $19,768,651 $21,280,939 $21,463,142
WEST VIRGINIA $6,915,091 $7,501,833 $7,373,921 $8,115,227
WISCONSIN $15,055,403 $15,110,697 $16,987,535 $15,953,841
WYOMING $2,764,696 $2,926,013 $3,145,817 $3,309,325

* Under the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024, ED awarded a portion of the FY 2024 funds on July 1, 2024, and will award the remaining funds on October 1, 2024. The estimated FY 2024 school improvement reservations included in this table are based on final FY 2024 allocations. Typically, ED must issue revised final Title I, Part A allocations in September, which determine actual amount each State must reserve for school improvement. Therefore, this column is labeled as an estimate.

Additional Information

Please see ED’s Budget History Tables for information on the President’s budget requests and enacted appropriations for major ED programs.

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Page Last Reviewed:
October 10, 2024