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Program Description
This program is designed to support the development of the additional state assessments and standards required by Sec. 1111(b) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended. If a state has developed the assessments and standards required by Sec. 1111(b), funds support the administration of those assessments or other activities related to ensuring that the state's schools and local education agencies (LEAs) are held accountable for results.
Types of Projects
Projects include development or subsequent implementation of standards-based state academic assessments in reading or language arts, mathematics, and science as required by the authorizing statute. When the state has met all assessment requirements, the funds may be used to improve standards, alignment, reporting, or expanded use of test accommodations.
Key Documents
- Key Documents | U.S. Department of Education. This page provides letters and reports to states for important programmatic activities, including the States’ consolidated State plans, requests for waivers, monitoring reports, and the peer reviews of State assessment systems. The list may be sorted or filtered by State, year, program, and activity.
- Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act, Title VI, Part A, Subpart I, Sec. 6111, GRANTS FOR STATE ASSESSMENTS AND RELATED ACTIVITIES.
- Public Law print of PL 107-110, the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
Subpart 1 — Basic Program Requirements- Sec. 1111. STATE PLANS.
- Title I--Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged, 34 CFR Part 200, Final Regulations for Standards and Assessments (December 8, 2016)
- EDGAR; 34 CFR 76, 77, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85, 97, 98, and 99
- Peer Review of State Assessment Systems Non-Regulatory Guidance for States (September 24, 2018)
- Standards and Assessments Resources
- Competitive Grants for State Assessments, Title I, Part B of the ESEA
- Office of School Support and Accountability
Funding Status
Fiscal Year 2021 | Fiscal Year 2022 | Fiscal Year 2023 | Fiscal Year 2024 | |
Total Appropriation | $378,000,000 | $378,000,000 | $390,000,000 | $380,000,000 |
Competitive Grants for State Assessments (CGSA) | $8,900,000 | $20,900,000 | $20,900,000 | $10,900,000 |
Total to Outlying Areas & the Bureau of Indian Education | $3,691,000 | $3,691,000 | $3,691,000 | $3,691,000 |
Total New Awards to States (52 Awards) | $365,409,000 | $365,409,000 | $365,409,000 | $365,409,000 |
AWARDS TO STATES | Fiscal Year 2021 | Fiscal Year 2022 | Fiscal Year 2023 | Fiscal Year 2024 |
ALABAMA | $6,086,751 | $6,151,571 | $6,165,395 | $6,205,803 |
ALASKA | $3,500,571 | $3,498,077 | $3,499,972 | $3,496,138 |
ARIZONA | $7,741,212 | $7,600,060 | $7,602,051 | $7,551,932 |
ARKANSAS | $4,992,557 | $4,980,349 | $4,991,633 | $5,008,179 |
CALIFORNIA | $28,151,762 | $28,878,175 | $27,583,745 | $27,291,752 |
COLORADO | $6,591,617 | $6,530,488 | $6,494,136 | $6,465,984 |
CONNECTICUT | $5,093,224 | $5,092,948 | $5,117,642 | $5,075,297 |
DELAWARE | $3,582,897 | $3,587,442 | $3,594,954 | $3,602,587 |
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA | $3,330,997 | $3,322,865 | $3,329,065 | $3,336,777 |
FLORIDA | $15,091,929 | $15,088,971 | $15,293,485 | $15,460,234 |
GEORGIA | $10,189,064 | $10,176,326 | $10,240,605 | $10,281,729 |
HAWAII | $3,821,896 | $3,841,029 | $3,839,181 | $3,826,437 |
IDAHO | $4,308,631 | $4,346,100 | $4,349,472 | $4,354,513 |
ILLINOIS | $10,957,656 | $10,956,642 | $10,861,964 | $10,809,052 |
INDIANA | $7,467,036 | $7,473,174 | $7,490,172 | $7,521,425 |
IOWA | $5,068,448 | $5,077,088 | $5,074,728 | $5,082,070 |
KANSAS | $4,993,410 | $4,992,068 | $4,986,468 | $4,987,419 |
KENTUCKY | $5,840,180 | $5,849,264 | $5,859,359 | $5,881,670 |
LOUISIANA | $6,047,988 | $6,027,641 | $6,012,803 | $6,014,416 |
MAINE | $3,717,150 | $3,719,417 | $3,717,494 | $3,717,160 |
MARYLAND | $6,784,065 | $6,828,093 | $6,841,755 | $6,873,449 |
MASSACHUSETTS | $6,840,991 | $6,852,742 | $6,830,551 | $6,818,554 |
MICHIGAN | $9,084,038 | $9,091,092 | $9,063,856 | $9,053,725 |
MINNESOTA | $6,707,176 | $6,719,355 | $6,715,685 | $6,721,531 |
MISSISSIPPI | $4,984,981 | $4,958,016 | $4,940,806 | $4,936,168 |
MISSOURI | $6,895,879 | $6,888,040 | $6,897,866 | $6,914,586 |
MONTANA | $3,658,862 | $3,671,031 | $3,678,769 | $3,681,456 |
NEBRASKA | $4,343,959 | $4,355,177 | $4,359,952 | $4,367,447 |
NEVADA | $4,990,624 | $4,975,955 | $4,987,023 | $4,968,925 |
NEW HAMPSHIRE | $3,737,552 | $3,736,552 | $3,732,240 | $3,725,035 |
NEW JERSEY | $8,513,192 | $8,707,450 | $8,695,323 | $8,706,527 |
NEW MEXICO | $4,372,942 | $4,359,424 | $4,347,020 | $4,316,502 |
NEW YORK | $14,177,201 | $14,439,169 | $14,293,375 | $14,178,292 |
NORTH CAROLINA | $9,595,953 | $9,497,219 | $9,546,102 | $9,620,922 |
NORTH DAKOTA | $3,498,894 | $3,509,712 | $3,512,028 | $3,518,245 |
OHIO | $10,312,777 | $10,331,675 | $10,327,523 | $10,345,682 |
OKLAHOMA | $5,716,669 | $5,714,048 | $5,734,530 | $5,764,177 |
OREGON | $5,482,757 | $5,461,322 | $5,431,732 | $5,408,932 |
PENNSYLVANIA | $10,496,616 | $10,562,158 | $10,528,452 | $10,512,287 |
PUERTO RICO | $4,698,261 | $4,673,253 | $4,614,104 | $4,537,206 |
RHODE ISLAND | $3,574,716 | $3,589,279 | $3,582,817 | $3,580,243 |
SOUTH CAROLINA | $6,208,092 | $6,165,529 | $6,206,736 | $6,262,646 |
SOUTH DAKOTA | $3,613,246 | $3,613,886 | $3,620,820 | $3,627,446 |
TENNESSEE | $7,292,324 | $7,319,958 | $7,365,828 | $7,436,536 |
TEXAS | $24,214,055 | $24,138,206 | $24,405,627 | $24,522,535 |
UTAH | $5,668,309 | $5,694,496 | $5,692,360 | $5,685,832 |
VERMONT | $3,329,522 | $3,336,720 | $3,335,952 | $3,334,029 |
VIRGINIA | $8,289,537 | $8,290,321 | $8,316,688 | $8,340,606 |
WASHINGTON | $7,718,559 | $7,713,809 | $7,705,115 | $7,695,205 |
WEST VIRGINIA | $4,028,894 | $4,023,227 | $4,017,246 | $4,013,373 |
WISCONSIN | $6,617,981 | $6,622,385 | $6,596,090 | $6,592,382 |
WYOMING | $3,385,400 | $3,380,006 | $3,380,705 | $3,377,945 |
Additional Information
Please see the U.S. Department of Education's (ED's) Budget History Tables for information on the President's budget requests and enacted appropriations for major ED programs.
Who May Apply: (by category) State Education Agencies (SEAs)
Who May Apply: (specifically) The SEAs for the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the outlying areas (American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands) may apply.
Eligibility for a State Assessment grant is determined for each State Educational Agency based on each State Agency's share of the total number of students ages 5 through 17 nationally. Congress has appropriated $369.1 million for Title IB State Assessment Grants for FY 2019.
Grant awards are made annually to States with approved Consolidated State Applications on file with the US Department of Education automatically during the Federal grant award cycle in July of each year.
Federal Register Notices
None currently.
US Department of Education Contacts
State Assessment Team Lead: Dr. Donald Peasley Donald.Peasley@ed.gov
For general information please email us at: ESEA.Assessment@ed.gov
Program Officers | States | |
Kathleen Banks | Kathleen.Banks@ed.gov | AR, AZ, CO, DC, HI, IN, MD, NE, NH, NJ, OH, PA, RI, SC, TX, VA, WI |
Clayton Hollingshead | Clayton.Hollingshead@ed.gov | AK, AL, CT, DE, FL, IL, KS, KY, MO, MT, NC, NV, OK, PR, SD, VT, WA, BIE |
Lauren Boyter | Lauren.Boyter@ed.gov | CA, GA, IA, ID, LA, MA, ME, MI, MN, MS, ND, NM, NY, OR, TN, UT, WV, WY |
State Department of Education Websites and Contacts
Program Description
This program is designed to support the development of the additional state assessments and standards required by Sec. 1111(b) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended. If a state has developed the assessments and standards required by Sec. 1111(b), funds support the administration of those assessments or other activities related to ensuring that the state's schools and local education agencies (LEAs) are held accountable for results.
Types of Projects
Projects include development or subsequent implementation of standards-based state academic assessments in reading or language arts, mathematics, and science as required by the authorizing statute. When the state has met all assessment requirements, the funds may be used to improve standards, alignment, reporting, or expanded use of test accommodations.
Key Documents
- Key Documents | U.S. Department of Education. This page provides letters and reports to states for important programmatic activities, including the States’ consolidated State plans, requests for waivers, monitoring reports, and the peer reviews of State assessment systems. The list may be sorted or filtered by State, year, program, and activity.
- Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act, Title VI, Part A, Subpart I, Sec. 6111, GRANTS FOR STATE ASSESSMENTS AND RELATED ACTIVITIES.
- Public Law print of PL 107-110, the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
Subpart 1 — Basic Program Requirements- Sec. 1111. STATE PLANS.
- Title I--Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged, 34 CFR Part 200, Final Regulations for Standards and Assessments (December 8, 2016)
- EDGAR; 34 CFR 76, 77, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85, 97, 98, and 99
- Peer Review of State Assessment Systems Non-Regulatory Guidance for States (September 24, 2018)
- Standards and Assessments Resources
- Competitive Grants for State Assessments, Title I, Part B of the ESEA
- Office of School Support and Accountability
Funding Status
Fiscal Year 2021 | Fiscal Year 2022 | Fiscal Year 2023 | Fiscal Year 2024 | |
Total Appropriation | $378,000,000 | $378,000,000 | $390,000,000 | $380,000,000 |
Competitive Grants for State Assessments (CGSA) | $8,900,000 | $20,900,000 | $20,900,000 | $10,900,000 |
Total to Outlying Areas & the Bureau of Indian Education | $3,691,000 | $3,691,000 | $3,691,000 | $3,691,000 |
Total New Awards to States (52 Awards) | $365,409,000 | $365,409,000 | $365,409,000 | $365,409,000 |
AWARDS TO STATES | Fiscal Year 2021 | Fiscal Year 2022 | Fiscal Year 2023 | Fiscal Year 2024 |
ALABAMA | $6,086,751 | $6,151,571 | $6,165,395 | $6,205,803 |
ALASKA | $3,500,571 | $3,498,077 | $3,499,972 | $3,496,138 |
ARIZONA | $7,741,212 | $7,600,060 | $7,602,051 | $7,551,932 |
ARKANSAS | $4,992,557 | $4,980,349 | $4,991,633 | $5,008,179 |
CALIFORNIA | $28,151,762 | $28,878,175 | $27,583,745 | $27,291,752 |
COLORADO | $6,591,617 | $6,530,488 | $6,494,136 | $6,465,984 |
CONNECTICUT | $5,093,224 | $5,092,948 | $5,117,642 | $5,075,297 |
DELAWARE | $3,582,897 | $3,587,442 | $3,594,954 | $3,602,587 |
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA | $3,330,997 | $3,322,865 | $3,329,065 | $3,336,777 |
FLORIDA | $15,091,929 | $15,088,971 | $15,293,485 | $15,460,234 |
GEORGIA | $10,189,064 | $10,176,326 | $10,240,605 | $10,281,729 |
HAWAII | $3,821,896 | $3,841,029 | $3,839,181 | $3,826,437 |
IDAHO | $4,308,631 | $4,346,100 | $4,349,472 | $4,354,513 |
ILLINOIS | $10,957,656 | $10,956,642 | $10,861,964 | $10,809,052 |
INDIANA | $7,467,036 | $7,473,174 | $7,490,172 | $7,521,425 |
IOWA | $5,068,448 | $5,077,088 | $5,074,728 | $5,082,070 |
KANSAS | $4,993,410 | $4,992,068 | $4,986,468 | $4,987,419 |
KENTUCKY | $5,840,180 | $5,849,264 | $5,859,359 | $5,881,670 |
LOUISIANA | $6,047,988 | $6,027,641 | $6,012,803 | $6,014,416 |
MAINE | $3,717,150 | $3,719,417 | $3,717,494 | $3,717,160 |
MARYLAND | $6,784,065 | $6,828,093 | $6,841,755 | $6,873,449 |
MASSACHUSETTS | $6,840,991 | $6,852,742 | $6,830,551 | $6,818,554 |
MICHIGAN | $9,084,038 | $9,091,092 | $9,063,856 | $9,053,725 |
MINNESOTA | $6,707,176 | $6,719,355 | $6,715,685 | $6,721,531 |
MISSISSIPPI | $4,984,981 | $4,958,016 | $4,940,806 | $4,936,168 |
MISSOURI | $6,895,879 | $6,888,040 | $6,897,866 | $6,914,586 |
MONTANA | $3,658,862 | $3,671,031 | $3,678,769 | $3,681,456 |
NEBRASKA | $4,343,959 | $4,355,177 | $4,359,952 | $4,367,447 |
NEVADA | $4,990,624 | $4,975,955 | $4,987,023 | $4,968,925 |
NEW HAMPSHIRE | $3,737,552 | $3,736,552 | $3,732,240 | $3,725,035 |
NEW JERSEY | $8,513,192 | $8,707,450 | $8,695,323 | $8,706,527 |
NEW MEXICO | $4,372,942 | $4,359,424 | $4,347,020 | $4,316,502 |
NEW YORK | $14,177,201 | $14,439,169 | $14,293,375 | $14,178,292 |
NORTH CAROLINA | $9,595,953 | $9,497,219 | $9,546,102 | $9,620,922 |
NORTH DAKOTA | $3,498,894 | $3,509,712 | $3,512,028 | $3,518,245 |
OHIO | $10,312,777 | $10,331,675 | $10,327,523 | $10,345,682 |
OKLAHOMA | $5,716,669 | $5,714,048 | $5,734,530 | $5,764,177 |
OREGON | $5,482,757 | $5,461,322 | $5,431,732 | $5,408,932 |
PENNSYLVANIA | $10,496,616 | $10,562,158 | $10,528,452 | $10,512,287 |
PUERTO RICO | $4,698,261 | $4,673,253 | $4,614,104 | $4,537,206 |
RHODE ISLAND | $3,574,716 | $3,589,279 | $3,582,817 | $3,580,243 |
SOUTH CAROLINA | $6,208,092 | $6,165,529 | $6,206,736 | $6,262,646 |
SOUTH DAKOTA | $3,613,246 | $3,613,886 | $3,620,820 | $3,627,446 |
TENNESSEE | $7,292,324 | $7,319,958 | $7,365,828 | $7,436,536 |
TEXAS | $24,214,055 | $24,138,206 | $24,405,627 | $24,522,535 |
UTAH | $5,668,309 | $5,694,496 | $5,692,360 | $5,685,832 |
VERMONT | $3,329,522 | $3,336,720 | $3,335,952 | $3,334,029 |
VIRGINIA | $8,289,537 | $8,290,321 | $8,316,688 | $8,340,606 |
WASHINGTON | $7,718,559 | $7,713,809 | $7,705,115 | $7,695,205 |
WEST VIRGINIA | $4,028,894 | $4,023,227 | $4,017,246 | $4,013,373 |
WISCONSIN | $6,617,981 | $6,622,385 | $6,596,090 | $6,592,382 |
WYOMING | $3,385,400 | $3,380,006 | $3,380,705 | $3,377,945 |
Additional Information
Please see the U.S. Department of Education's (ED's) Budget History Tables for information on the President's budget requests and enacted appropriations for major ED programs.
Who May Apply: (by category) State Education Agencies (SEAs)
Who May Apply: (specifically) The SEAs for the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the outlying areas (American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands) may apply.
Eligibility for a State Assessment grant is determined for each State Educational Agency based on each State Agency's share of the total number of students ages 5 through 17 nationally. Congress has appropriated $369.1 million for Title IB State Assessment Grants for FY 2019.
Grant awards are made annually to States with approved Consolidated State Applications on file with the US Department of Education automatically during the Federal grant award cycle in July of each year.
Federal Register Notices
None currently.
US Department of Education Contacts
State Assessment Team Lead: Dr. Donald Peasley Donald.Peasley@ed.gov
For general information please email us at: ESEA.Assessment@ed.gov
Program Officers | States | |
Kathleen Banks | Kathleen.Banks@ed.gov | AR, AZ, CO, DC, HI, IN, MD, NE, NH, NJ, OH, PA, RI, SC, TX, VA, WI |
Clayton Hollingshead | Clayton.Hollingshead@ed.gov | AK, AL, CT, DE, FL, IL, KS, KY, MO, MT, NC, NV, OK, PR, SD, VT, WA, BIE |
Lauren Boyter | Lauren.Boyter@ed.gov | CA, GA, IA, ID, LA, MA, ME, MI, MN, MS, ND, NM, NY, OR, TN, UT, WV, WY |