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Program Description
The purpose of the Competitive Grants for State Assessments (CGSA program is to enhance the quality of assessment instruments and assessment systems used by States for measuring the academic achievement of elementary and secondary school students. This program is authorized by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). This program replaces a similar program, the Enhanced Assessment Grants (EAG) program authorized by the ESEA as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB).
Types of Projects
Projects that address program objectives by producing significant research methodologies products or tools, regarding assessment systems, or assessments.
An eligible applicant awarded a grant under this program must propose activities that fit one or more of the following categories:
- Developing or improving assessments for English learners, including assessments of English language proficiency as required under ESEA section 1111(b)(2)(G) and academic assessments in languages other than English to meet the State's obligations under ESEA section 1111(b)(2)(F).
- Developing or improving models to measure and assess student progress or student growth on State assessments under ESEA section 1111(b)(2) and other assessments not required under ESEA section 1111(b)(2).
- Developing or improving assessments for children with disabilities, including alternate assessments aligned to alternate academic achievement standards for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities described in ESEA section 1111(b)(2)(D), and using the principles of universal design for learning.
- Allowing for collaboration with institutions of higher education, other research institutions, or other organizations to improve the quality, validity, and reliability of State academic assessments beyond the requirements for such assessments described in ESEA section 1111(b)(2).
- Measuring student academic achievement using multiple measures of student academic achievement from multiple sources.
- Evaluating student academic achievement through the development of comprehensive academic assessment instruments (such as performance and technology-based academic assessments, computer adaptive assessments, projects, or extended performance task assessments) that emphasize the mastery of standards and aligned competencies in a competency-based education model.
Other Information
Proficiency on State assessments required under Title I, Part A, of the ESEA is the primary indicator in the ESEA of student academic achievement and, hence, the primary measure of State success in meeting the goals of ESEA. In view of the critical importance of these State assessments, section 6361 provides formula grants to all SEAs, and section 6363 authorizes the Secretary to make competitive grant awards to State educational agencies (SEAs) to help them enhance the quality of assessment and accountability systems. Formula Grants for State Assessments, Title I, Part B of the ESEA.
Awarded through a competition in 2024
Lead State | Award Amount |
Arkansas Department of Education | $3,641,720 |
Connecticut State Department of Education | $1,238,363 |
Indiana Department of Education | $2,986,685 |
Kansas State Department of Education | $2,206,425 |
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education | $3,944,375 |
Minnesota Department of Education | $3,999,688 |
Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education | $995,587 |
Montana Office of Public Instruction | $3,999,974 |
Nebraska Department of Education | $2,908,565 |
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction | $3,989,451 |
Awarded through a competition in 2022
Abstracts for 2022 Competitive Grant Awards
Lead State | Award Amount |
Arkansas Division of Elementary and Secondary Education | $2,145,418 |
Hawaii Department of Education | $2,998,466 |
Illinois State Board of Education | $3,000,000 |
Kentucky Department of Education | $3,000,000 |
Louisiana Department of Education | $2,943,173 |
Louisiana Department of Education | $2,953,137 |
Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education | $2,544,344 |
Montana Office of Public Instruction | $2,967,259 |
Nebraska Department of Education | $2,999,858 |
New York State Education Department | $2,999,713 |
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction | $2,988,951* |
*a partial award of $1,171,196 was made with FY 22 funds; and a supplemental award of $1,817,755 was subsequently made using FY23 funds.
Awarded through a competition in 2020
Abstracts for 2020 Competitive Grant State Assessment Awards
Lead State | Award Amount |
Nebraska Department of Education | $2,999,878 |
Hawaii Department of Education | $500,000 |
Louisiana Department of Education | $2,948,166 |
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education | $2,891,504 |
Texas Education Agency | $3,000,000 |
Awarded through a competition in 2019
Abstracts for 2019 Competitive Grant State Assessment Awards
Lead State | Award Amount |
Iowa Department of Education | $7,823,519 |
Mississippi State Department of Education | $2,376,010 |
Minnesota Department of Education | $3,998,938 |
Awards made under the predecessor to the Competitive Grants for State Assessments program, the Enhanced Assessment Grants (EAG)
Awarded through a competition in 2016
Lead State | Award Amount |
Maryland State Department of Education | $3,843,805 |
Nebraska Department of Education | $3,987,395 |
Awarded through a competition in 2015
Lead State | Award Amount |
Arizona State Department of Education | $1,977,086 |
California Department of Education For the State Board of Education | $2,690,672 |
Kansas State Education Agency | $5,816,159 |
Michigan Education Agency | $4,341,835 |
Minnesota Education Agency | $2,961,888 |
Awarded through a competition in 2013
Lead State | Award Amount |
Maryland State Department of Education | $4,999,994 |
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction | $6,131,422 |
Texas Education Agency | $3,988,124 |
2011 Funds (awarded through competitions in 2012)
Lead State | Award Amount |
Kansas State Department of Education | $1,757,103 |
Maryland State Department of Education | $1,926,577 |
Oregon Department of Education | $6,273,320 |
2010 Funds (awarded through a competition in 2011)
Lead State | Award Amount |
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction | $10,486,195 |
Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended
- The Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) in 34 CFR parts 74, 75, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 86, 97, 98, and 99.
- The Education Department suspension and debarment regulations in 2 CFR part 3485.
Program-Specific Regulations
- Notice of final priorities (May 1, 2020)
- Notice of final priorities, requirements, definitions, and selection criteria (August 8, 2016)
- Notice of final priorities, requirement, definitions, and selection criteria (May 23, 2013) | PDF
- Notice of final priorities, requirements, definitions, and selection criteria(April 30, 2012) PDF
- Notice of final priorities, requirements, definitions, and selection criteria(April 19, 2011) (PDF)
- Notice of final requirements for optional State consolidated applications submitted under section 9302 of the ESEA see Appendix E (May 22, 2002) PDF
FY 2021 and 2022 Funds Awarded through a Competition in 2022
Estimated Available Funds: $29,200,000
Estimated Range of Awards: $1,000,000 to $3,000,000 Estimated Average Size of Awards $2,500,000 Number of Awards: 9-10
FY 2019 and 2020 Funds Awarded through a Competition in 2020
Estimated Available Funds: $12,300,000
Estimated Range of Awards: $750,000 to $3,000,000 Estimated Average Size of Awards $2,500,000 Number of Awards: 4-6
FY 2018 and 2019 Funds Awarded through a Competition in 2019
Estimated Available Funds: $17,622,000
Estimated Range of Awards: $1,000,000 to $4,000,000
Estimated Average Size of Awards $2,500,000
Number of Awards: 4-8
FY 2016 Funds Awarded through a Competition in 2016
Estimated Available Funds: $8,860,000
Estimated Range of Awards: $100,000 to $4,000,000
Estimated Average Size of Awards $2,500,000
Estimated Number of Awards: 3-6
Note: funding under the predecessor to the Competitive Grants for State Assessments program, the Enhanced Assessment Grants (EAG)
FY 2014 Funds Awarded through a Competition in 2015
Estimated Available Funds: $8,495,000 to $17,870.000
Estimated Range of Awards: $1,000,000 to $6,000,000
Estimated Average Size of Awards $2,500,000
Estimated Number of Awards: 3-6
Note: The Department is not bound by these estimates.
FY 2012 Funds Awarded through a Competition in 2013
Estimated Available Funds: $9,200,000
Estimated Range of Awards: $4,200,000 to 5,000,000
Estimated Average Size of Awards $4,600,000
Estimated Number of Awards: 2
Note: The Department is not bound by these estimates.
FY 2011 Funds Awarded through Competitions in 2012
Available Funds: $9,900,000
EAG English Language Proficiency (ELP) Competition
Size of Award: $6,273,320
Number of New Awards: 1
EAG Accessibility Competition
Range of Awards: $1,757,103 to $1,926,577
Number of New Awards: 2
FY 2010 Funds Awarded through a Competition in 2011
Size of Award $10,486,195
Number of New Awards: 1
FY 2009 Funds
Range of Awards: $930,982 to $1,918,845
Number of New Awards: 7
FY 2008 Funds
Available Funds: $8,732,480
Range of Awards: $789,179 to $1,961,563
Number of New Awards: 6
FY 2007 Funds
Available Funds: $7,563,200
Range of Awards: $1,220,427 to $1,729,088
Number of Awards: 5
FY 2006 Funds
Available Funds: $7,563,200
Range of Awards: $708,537 to $1,890,401
Number of Awards: 6
FY 2005 Funds
Available Funds: $11,680,000
Range of Awards: $1,061,204 to $2,117,809
Number of Awards: 8
FY 2004 Funds
No awards.
FY 2003 Funds
Available Funds: $4,484,000
Range of Awards: $723,009 to $1,058,243
Number of Awards: 5
FY 2002 Funds
Available Funds: $17,000,000
Range of Awards: $1,442,453 to $2,338,169
Number of Awards: 9
Who May Apply: (by category) State Education Agencies (SEAs)
Who May Apply: (specifically) A consortium of SEAs also may apply.
An application from a consortium of SEAs must designate one SEA as the fiscal agent.
Federal Register Notices
- Notice Extending Deadline for 2024 Competition available for public inspection (May 13, 2024)
- Notice Inviting Applications (March 8, 2024)
- Notice Inviting Applications (February 16, 2022)
- Notice Extending Deadline for 2022 Competition (April 7, 2022)
- Notice Inviting Applications (May 1, 2020)
- Notice of Final Priorities (May 1, 2020)
- Notice of Proposed Priorities (January 8, 2020)
- Notice Inviting Applications (January 28, 2019)
- Notice Inviting Applications (August 8, 2016)
- Notice of final priorities, requirements, definitions, and selection criteria (August 8, 2016)
- Notice Inviting Applications (April 28, 2015)
- Notice Inviting Applications (May 23, 2013)
- Notice of final priorities, requirements, definitions, and selection criteria PDF (May 23, 2013)
- Notice of of final priorities, requirements, definitions, and selection criteria (PDF) (April 19, 2011)
Current Application
- 2024 Competitive Grants for State Assessments Application Package, WORD — PDF
- 2024 CGSA Applicant Webinar March 20, 2024 (webinar recording and presentation slides).
Program Specific Resources
- Monitoring Plans
- Student Achievement and School Accountability Programs Monitoring Plan for the Enhanced Assessment Grants Program For Grants Funded through a 2013 Competition
MS WORD (178K) - Student Achievement and School Accountability Programs Monitoring Plan for the Enhanced Assessment Grants Program For Grants Funded with FY2011 Funds
MS WORD (209K) - Student Achievement and School Accountability Programs Monitoring Plan for the Enhanced Assessment Grants Program For Grants Funded with FY2010 Funds
MS WORD (209K) - Student Achievement and School Accountability Programs Monitoring Plan for the Enhanced Assessment Grants Program For Grants Funded with FY2009 Funds
MS WORD (104K) - Student Achievement and School Accountability Programs Monitoring Plan for the Enhanced Assessment Grants Program For Grants Funded with FY2008 Funds
MS WORD (121K) - Enhanced Assessment Grant Program Performance Indicators under the Government Performance & Results Act (GPRA)
- Student Achievement and School Accountability Programs Monitoring Plan for the Enhanced Assessment Grants Program For Grants Funded through a 2013 Competition
Training Resources for Grant Administration
- Competitive Grants for State Assessments Program 2022 Competition Pre-Application Webinar February 25, 2022 Slide Deck — Webinar Chat Transcript
- Competitive Grants for State Assessments Program 2020 Competition Pre-Application Webinar May 12, 2020 Recording.
- Competitive Grants for State Assessments Program 2020 Competition Pre-Application Webinar May 12, 2020 PDF (778KB)
- Competitive Grants For State Assessments Program 2019 Competition Pre-Application Webinar February 2019 PDF
Program Description
The purpose of the Competitive Grants for State Assessments (CGSA program is to enhance the quality of assessment instruments and assessment systems used by States for measuring the academic achievement of elementary and secondary school students. This program is authorized by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). This program replaces a similar program, the Enhanced Assessment Grants (EAG) program authorized by the ESEA as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB).
Types of Projects
Projects that address program objectives by producing significant research methodologies products or tools, regarding assessment systems, or assessments.
An eligible applicant awarded a grant under this program must propose activities that fit one or more of the following categories:
- Developing or improving assessments for English learners, including assessments of English language proficiency as required under ESEA section 1111(b)(2)(G) and academic assessments in languages other than English to meet the State's obligations under ESEA section 1111(b)(2)(F).
- Developing or improving models to measure and assess student progress or student growth on State assessments under ESEA section 1111(b)(2) and other assessments not required under ESEA section 1111(b)(2).
- Developing or improving assessments for children with disabilities, including alternate assessments aligned to alternate academic achievement standards for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities described in ESEA section 1111(b)(2)(D), and using the principles of universal design for learning.
- Allowing for collaboration with institutions of higher education, other research institutions, or other organizations to improve the quality, validity, and reliability of State academic assessments beyond the requirements for such assessments described in ESEA section 1111(b)(2).
- Measuring student academic achievement using multiple measures of student academic achievement from multiple sources.
- Evaluating student academic achievement through the development of comprehensive academic assessment instruments (such as performance and technology-based academic assessments, computer adaptive assessments, projects, or extended performance task assessments) that emphasize the mastery of standards and aligned competencies in a competency-based education model.
Other Information
Proficiency on State assessments required under Title I, Part A, of the ESEA is the primary indicator in the ESEA of student academic achievement and, hence, the primary measure of State success in meeting the goals of ESEA. In view of the critical importance of these State assessments, section 6361 provides formula grants to all SEAs, and section 6363 authorizes the Secretary to make competitive grant awards to State educational agencies (SEAs) to help them enhance the quality of assessment and accountability systems. Formula Grants for State Assessments, Title I, Part B of the ESEA.
Awarded through a competition in 2024
Lead State | Award Amount |
Arkansas Department of Education | $3,641,720 |
Connecticut State Department of Education | $1,238,363 |
Indiana Department of Education | $2,986,685 |
Kansas State Department of Education | $2,206,425 |
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education | $3,944,375 |
Minnesota Department of Education | $3,999,688 |
Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education | $995,587 |
Montana Office of Public Instruction | $3,999,974 |
Nebraska Department of Education | $2,908,565 |
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction | $3,989,451 |
Awarded through a competition in 2022
Abstracts for 2022 Competitive Grant Awards
Lead State | Award Amount |
Arkansas Division of Elementary and Secondary Education | $2,145,418 |
Hawaii Department of Education | $2,998,466 |
Illinois State Board of Education | $3,000,000 |
Kentucky Department of Education | $3,000,000 |
Louisiana Department of Education | $2,943,173 |
Louisiana Department of Education | $2,953,137 |
Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education | $2,544,344 |
Montana Office of Public Instruction | $2,967,259 |
Nebraska Department of Education | $2,999,858 |
New York State Education Department | $2,999,713 |
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction | $2,988,951* |
*a partial award of $1,171,196 was made with FY 22 funds; and a supplemental award of $1,817,755 was subsequently made using FY23 funds.
Awarded through a competition in 2020
Abstracts for 2020 Competitive Grant State Assessment Awards
Lead State | Award Amount |
Nebraska Department of Education | $2,999,878 |
Hawaii Department of Education | $500,000 |
Louisiana Department of Education | $2,948,166 |
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education | $2,891,504 |
Texas Education Agency | $3,000,000 |
Awarded through a competition in 2019
Abstracts for 2019 Competitive Grant State Assessment Awards
Lead State | Award Amount |
Iowa Department of Education | $7,823,519 |
Mississippi State Department of Education | $2,376,010 |
Minnesota Department of Education | $3,998,938 |
Awards made under the predecessor to the Competitive Grants for State Assessments program, the Enhanced Assessment Grants (EAG)
Awarded through a competition in 2016
Lead State | Award Amount |
Maryland State Department of Education | $3,843,805 |
Nebraska Department of Education | $3,987,395 |
Awarded through a competition in 2015
Lead State | Award Amount |
Arizona State Department of Education | $1,977,086 |
California Department of Education For the State Board of Education | $2,690,672 |
Kansas State Education Agency | $5,816,159 |
Michigan Education Agency | $4,341,835 |
Minnesota Education Agency | $2,961,888 |
Awarded through a competition in 2013
Lead State | Award Amount |
Maryland State Department of Education | $4,999,994 |
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction | $6,131,422 |
Texas Education Agency | $3,988,124 |
2011 Funds (awarded through competitions in 2012)
Lead State | Award Amount |
Kansas State Department of Education | $1,757,103 |
Maryland State Department of Education | $1,926,577 |
Oregon Department of Education | $6,273,320 |
2010 Funds (awarded through a competition in 2011)
Lead State | Award Amount |
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction | $10,486,195 |
Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended
- The Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) in 34 CFR parts 74, 75, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 86, 97, 98, and 99.
- The Education Department suspension and debarment regulations in 2 CFR part 3485.
Program-Specific Regulations
- Notice of final priorities (May 1, 2020)
- Notice of final priorities, requirements, definitions, and selection criteria (August 8, 2016)
- Notice of final priorities, requirement, definitions, and selection criteria (May 23, 2013) | PDF
- Notice of final priorities, requirements, definitions, and selection criteria(April 30, 2012) PDF
- Notice of final priorities, requirements, definitions, and selection criteria(April 19, 2011) (PDF)
- Notice of final requirements for optional State consolidated applications submitted under section 9302 of the ESEA see Appendix E (May 22, 2002) PDF
FY 2021 and 2022 Funds Awarded through a Competition in 2022
Estimated Available Funds: $29,200,000
Estimated Range of Awards: $1,000,000 to $3,000,000 Estimated Average Size of Awards $2,500,000 Number of Awards: 9-10
FY 2019 and 2020 Funds Awarded through a Competition in 2020
Estimated Available Funds: $12,300,000
Estimated Range of Awards: $750,000 to $3,000,000 Estimated Average Size of Awards $2,500,000 Number of Awards: 4-6
FY 2018 and 2019 Funds Awarded through a Competition in 2019
Estimated Available Funds: $17,622,000
Estimated Range of Awards: $1,000,000 to $4,000,000
Estimated Average Size of Awards $2,500,000
Number of Awards: 4-8
FY 2016 Funds Awarded through a Competition in 2016
Estimated Available Funds: $8,860,000
Estimated Range of Awards: $100,000 to $4,000,000
Estimated Average Size of Awards $2,500,000
Estimated Number of Awards: 3-6
Note: funding under the predecessor to the Competitive Grants for State Assessments program, the Enhanced Assessment Grants (EAG)
FY 2014 Funds Awarded through a Competition in 2015
Estimated Available Funds: $8,495,000 to $17,870.000
Estimated Range of Awards: $1,000,000 to $6,000,000
Estimated Average Size of Awards $2,500,000
Estimated Number of Awards: 3-6
Note: The Department is not bound by these estimates.
FY 2012 Funds Awarded through a Competition in 2013
Estimated Available Funds: $9,200,000
Estimated Range of Awards: $4,200,000 to 5,000,000
Estimated Average Size of Awards $4,600,000
Estimated Number of Awards: 2
Note: The Department is not bound by these estimates.
FY 2011 Funds Awarded through Competitions in 2012
Available Funds: $9,900,000
EAG English Language Proficiency (ELP) Competition
Size of Award: $6,273,320
Number of New Awards: 1
EAG Accessibility Competition
Range of Awards: $1,757,103 to $1,926,577
Number of New Awards: 2
FY 2010 Funds Awarded through a Competition in 2011
Size of Award $10,486,195
Number of New Awards: 1
FY 2009 Funds
Range of Awards: $930,982 to $1,918,845
Number of New Awards: 7
FY 2008 Funds
Available Funds: $8,732,480
Range of Awards: $789,179 to $1,961,563
Number of New Awards: 6
FY 2007 Funds
Available Funds: $7,563,200
Range of Awards: $1,220,427 to $1,729,088
Number of Awards: 5
FY 2006 Funds
Available Funds: $7,563,200
Range of Awards: $708,537 to $1,890,401
Number of Awards: 6
FY 2005 Funds
Available Funds: $11,680,000
Range of Awards: $1,061,204 to $2,117,809
Number of Awards: 8
FY 2004 Funds
No awards.
FY 2003 Funds
Available Funds: $4,484,000
Range of Awards: $723,009 to $1,058,243
Number of Awards: 5
FY 2002 Funds
Available Funds: $17,000,000
Range of Awards: $1,442,453 to $2,338,169
Number of Awards: 9
Who May Apply: (by category) State Education Agencies (SEAs)
Who May Apply: (specifically) A consortium of SEAs also may apply.
An application from a consortium of SEAs must designate one SEA as the fiscal agent.
Federal Register Notices
- Notice Extending Deadline for 2024 Competition available for public inspection (May 13, 2024)
- Notice Inviting Applications (March 8, 2024)
- Notice Inviting Applications (February 16, 2022)
- Notice Extending Deadline for 2022 Competition (April 7, 2022)
- Notice Inviting Applications (May 1, 2020)
- Notice of Final Priorities (May 1, 2020)
- Notice of Proposed Priorities (January 8, 2020)
- Notice Inviting Applications (January 28, 2019)
- Notice Inviting Applications (August 8, 2016)
- Notice of final priorities, requirements, definitions, and selection criteria (August 8, 2016)
- Notice Inviting Applications (April 28, 2015)
- Notice Inviting Applications (May 23, 2013)
- Notice of final priorities, requirements, definitions, and selection criteria PDF (May 23, 2013)
- Notice of of final priorities, requirements, definitions, and selection criteria (PDF) (April 19, 2011)
Current Application
- 2024 Competitive Grants for State Assessments Application Package, WORD — PDF
- 2024 CGSA Applicant Webinar March 20, 2024 (webinar recording and presentation slides).
Program Specific Resources
- Monitoring Plans
- Student Achievement and School Accountability Programs Monitoring Plan for the Enhanced Assessment Grants Program For Grants Funded through a 2013 Competition
MS WORD (178K) - Student Achievement and School Accountability Programs Monitoring Plan for the Enhanced Assessment Grants Program For Grants Funded with FY2011 Funds
MS WORD (209K) - Student Achievement and School Accountability Programs Monitoring Plan for the Enhanced Assessment Grants Program For Grants Funded with FY2010 Funds
MS WORD (209K) - Student Achievement and School Accountability Programs Monitoring Plan for the Enhanced Assessment Grants Program For Grants Funded with FY2009 Funds
MS WORD (104K) - Student Achievement and School Accountability Programs Monitoring Plan for the Enhanced Assessment Grants Program For Grants Funded with FY2008 Funds
MS WORD (121K) - Enhanced Assessment Grant Program Performance Indicators under the Government Performance & Results Act (GPRA)
- Student Achievement and School Accountability Programs Monitoring Plan for the Enhanced Assessment Grants Program For Grants Funded through a 2013 Competition
Training Resources for Grant Administration
- Competitive Grants for State Assessments Program 2022 Competition Pre-Application Webinar February 25, 2022 Slide Deck — Webinar Chat Transcript
- Competitive Grants for State Assessments Program 2020 Competition Pre-Application Webinar May 12, 2020 Recording.
- Competitive Grants for State Assessments Program 2020 Competition Pre-Application Webinar May 12, 2020 PDF (778KB)
- Competitive Grants For State Assessments Program 2019 Competition Pre-Application Webinar February 2019 PDF