Program Office: Adult Education and Literacy
CFDA Number: 84.002 Program Type: Formula Grants
This program provides grants to states to fund local programs of adult education and literacy services, including workplace literacy services; family literacy services; English literacy programs and integrated English literacy-civics education programs. Participation in these programs is limited to adults and out-of-school youths age 16 and older who are not enrolled or required to be enrolled in secondary school under state law.
NACTEP grantees use funds for expenses associated with developing rigorous academic and technical standards, especially in preparation for high-skill, high-wage, or in--demand occupations in established or emerging professions; providing professional development to improve the quality of career and technical education teachers, principals, administrators, and counselors; and providing stipends, tuition, books, fees, childcare, counseling, job placement, transportation, supplies, specialized tools and uniforms that are necessary for students to fully and effectively participate in CTE programs.
Who May Apply: (by category) State Education Agencies(SEAs)
Who May Apply: (by specifically) Awards are made to state eligible agencies that under state law are solely responsible for administering or supervising statewide policy for adult education and literacy, including such entities as SEAs, postsecondary agencies, or workforce agencies.
The Department provides grants to these state eligible agencies, which in turn, fund local projects. The following types of entities are eligible to apply to state eligible agencies for funds: local education agencies (LEAs); community-based organizations of demonstrated effectiveness; volunteer literacy organizations of demonstrated effectiveness; institutions of higher education (IHEs); public or private nonprofit agencies; libraries; public housing authorities; other nonprofit institutions that have the ability to provide literacy services to adults and families; and consortia of the agencies, organizations, institutions, libraries or authorities previously described.
Fiscal Year 2024:
Fiscal Year 2023: $715,455,000
Fiscal Year 2022: $690,455,000
Fiscal Year 2021: $674,955,000
Fiscal Year 2020: $656,955,000
Fiscal Year 2019: $641,955,000
Fiscal Year 2018: $616,955,000
Fiscal Year 2017: $581,955,000
Fiscal Year 2016: $581,955,000
Fiscal Year 2015: $568,955,000
Fiscal Year 2014: $563,955,000
Fiscal Year 2013: $563,954,515
Fiscal Year 2012: $594,993,333
Fiscal Year 2011: $596,120,370
Fiscal Year 2010: $628,221,000
Fiscal Year 2009: $554,122,000
Fiscal Year 2008: $554,122,357
Fiscal Year 2007: $563,975,280
Fiscal Year 2006: $563,975,280
Fiscal Year 2005: $569,671,872
Fiscal Year 2004: $574,372,092
Fiscal Year 2003: $561,162,349
Fiscal Year 2002: $564,833,768
Fiscal Year 2001: $530,359,400
Fiscal Year 2000: $441,916,000
Note: The FY 2023 appropriation includes a $85,854,600 set-aside for Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education formula grants to States. The FY 2022 appropriation includes a $82,854,600 set-aside for Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education formula grants to States. The FY 2021 appropriation included a $80,994,600 set-aside for Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education formula grants to States. The FY 2020 appropriation included a $78,834,600 set-aside for Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education formula grants to States. The FY 2019 appropriation included a $77,034,600 set-aside for Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education formula grants to States. The FY 2018 appropriation included a $74,034,600 set-aside for Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education formula grants to States. The FY 2017 appropriation included a $69,834,600 set-aside for Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education formula grants to States. The FY 2016 appropriation included a $69,834,600 set-aside for Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education. The FY 2015 appropriation included a $71,439,000 set-aside for Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education formula grants to states.
Awards Information
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Average New Award: $12,550,214
Range of Awards: $7,179-$116,770,172
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Average New Award: $12,111,631
Range of Awards: $7,977-$110,917,999
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Average New Award: $11,839,717
Range of Awards: $8,863-$108,376,766
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Average New Award: $11,523,945
Range of Awards: $9,848-$105,036,558
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Average New Award: $11,260,806
Range of Awards: $10,942-$103,037,992
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Average New Award: $10,822,231
Range of Awards: $12,158-$100,012,921
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Average New Award: $9,862,178
Range of Awards: $13,509-$93,808,504
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Average New Award: $9,862,204
Range of Awards: $15,010-$92,242,040
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Average New Award: $9,980,205
Range of Awards: $16,678-$89,375,086
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Average New Award: $9,718,205
Range of Awards: $18,531-$86,696,471
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Average New Award: $9,719,138
Range of Awards: $20,590-$85,948,533
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Average New Award: $10,254,174
Range of Awards: $22,878-$90,933,921
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Average New Award: $10,828,429
Range of Awards: $25,420-$94,380,154
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Average New Award: $10,841,022
Range of Awards: $28,244-$92,268,935
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Average New Award: $10,439,299
Range of Awards: $31,382 — $81,801,424
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Average New Award: $10,442,445
Range of Awards: $34,869 — $77,897,938
Distribution of Funds Allotted by Year:
- 2023
PDF (292K)
- 2022
PDF (292K)
- 2021
PDF (225K)
- 2020
PDF (225K)
- 2019
PDF (140K)
- 2018
PDF (166K)
- 2017
PDF (160K)
- 2016
PDF (363K)
- 2015
PDF (315K)
- 2014
PDF (316K)
- 2014 Supplement
PDF (72K)
- 2013
PDF (223K)
- 2012
PDF (360K)
- 2011
PDF (870K)
- 2010
PDF (1.03M)
- 2009
PDF (1.03M)
- 2008
PDF (151K)
- 2007
- 2006
- 2005
- 2004
- 2003
- 2002
- 2001
- 2000
- 1999
- 1998
- 1997
- 1996
Mailing Address:
U.S. Department of Education
Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE)
Division of Adult Education and Literacy
550 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20202-7100
Telephone: (202) 245-6836
Fax: (202) 245-7171
Program Office: Adult Education and Literacy
CFDA Number: 84.002 Program Type: Formula Grants
This program provides grants to states to fund local programs of adult education and literacy services, including workplace literacy services; family literacy services; English literacy programs and integrated English literacy-civics education programs. Participation in these programs is limited to adults and out-of-school youths age 16 and older who are not enrolled or required to be enrolled in secondary school under state law.
NACTEP grantees use funds for expenses associated with developing rigorous academic and technical standards, especially in preparation for high-skill, high-wage, or in--demand occupations in established or emerging professions; providing professional development to improve the quality of career and technical education teachers, principals, administrators, and counselors; and providing stipends, tuition, books, fees, childcare, counseling, job placement, transportation, supplies, specialized tools and uniforms that are necessary for students to fully and effectively participate in CTE programs.
Who May Apply: (by category) State Education Agencies(SEAs)
Who May Apply: (by specifically) Awards are made to state eligible agencies that under state law are solely responsible for administering or supervising statewide policy for adult education and literacy, including such entities as SEAs, postsecondary agencies, or workforce agencies.
The Department provides grants to these state eligible agencies, which in turn, fund local projects. The following types of entities are eligible to apply to state eligible agencies for funds: local education agencies (LEAs); community-based organizations of demonstrated effectiveness; volunteer literacy organizations of demonstrated effectiveness; institutions of higher education (IHEs); public or private nonprofit agencies; libraries; public housing authorities; other nonprofit institutions that have the ability to provide literacy services to adults and families; and consortia of the agencies, organizations, institutions, libraries or authorities previously described.
Fiscal Year 2024:
Fiscal Year 2023: $715,455,000
Fiscal Year 2022: $690,455,000
Fiscal Year 2021: $674,955,000
Fiscal Year 2020: $656,955,000
Fiscal Year 2019: $641,955,000
Fiscal Year 2018: $616,955,000
Fiscal Year 2017: $581,955,000
Fiscal Year 2016: $581,955,000
Fiscal Year 2015: $568,955,000
Fiscal Year 2014: $563,955,000
Fiscal Year 2013: $563,954,515
Fiscal Year 2012: $594,993,333
Fiscal Year 2011: $596,120,370
Fiscal Year 2010: $628,221,000
Fiscal Year 2009: $554,122,000
Fiscal Year 2008: $554,122,357
Fiscal Year 2007: $563,975,280
Fiscal Year 2006: $563,975,280
Fiscal Year 2005: $569,671,872
Fiscal Year 2004: $574,372,092
Fiscal Year 2003: $561,162,349
Fiscal Year 2002: $564,833,768
Fiscal Year 2001: $530,359,400
Fiscal Year 2000: $441,916,000
Note: The FY 2023 appropriation includes a $85,854,600 set-aside for Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education formula grants to States. The FY 2022 appropriation includes a $82,854,600 set-aside for Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education formula grants to States. The FY 2021 appropriation included a $80,994,600 set-aside for Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education formula grants to States. The FY 2020 appropriation included a $78,834,600 set-aside for Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education formula grants to States. The FY 2019 appropriation included a $77,034,600 set-aside for Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education formula grants to States. The FY 2018 appropriation included a $74,034,600 set-aside for Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education formula grants to States. The FY 2017 appropriation included a $69,834,600 set-aside for Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education formula grants to States. The FY 2016 appropriation included a $69,834,600 set-aside for Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education. The FY 2015 appropriation included a $71,439,000 set-aside for Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education formula grants to states.
Awards Information
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Average New Award: $12,550,214
Range of Awards: $7,179-$116,770,172
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Average New Award: $12,111,631
Range of Awards: $7,977-$110,917,999
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Average New Award: $11,839,717
Range of Awards: $8,863-$108,376,766
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Average New Award: $11,523,945
Range of Awards: $9,848-$105,036,558
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Average New Award: $11,260,806
Range of Awards: $10,942-$103,037,992
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Average New Award: $10,822,231
Range of Awards: $12,158-$100,012,921
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Average New Award: $9,862,178
Range of Awards: $13,509-$93,808,504
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Average New Award: $9,862,204
Range of Awards: $15,010-$92,242,040
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Average New Award: $9,980,205
Range of Awards: $16,678-$89,375,086
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Average New Award: $9,718,205
Range of Awards: $18,531-$86,696,471
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Average New Award: $9,719,138
Range of Awards: $20,590-$85,948,533
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Average New Award: $10,254,174
Range of Awards: $22,878-$90,933,921
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Average New Award: $10,828,429
Range of Awards: $25,420-$94,380,154
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Average New Award: $10,841,022
Range of Awards: $28,244-$92,268,935
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Average New Award: $10,439,299
Range of Awards: $31,382 — $81,801,424
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 57
Average New Award: $10,442,445
Range of Awards: $34,869 — $77,897,938
Distribution of Funds Allotted by Year:
- 2023
PDF (292K)
- 2022
PDF (292K)
- 2021
PDF (225K)
- 2020
PDF (225K)
- 2019
PDF (140K)
- 2018
PDF (166K)
- 2017
PDF (160K)
- 2016
PDF (363K)
- 2015
PDF (315K)
- 2014
PDF (316K)
- 2014 Supplement
PDF (72K)
- 2013
PDF (223K)
- 2012
PDF (360K)
- 2011
PDF (870K)
- 2010
PDF (1.03M)
- 2009
PDF (1.03M)
- 2008
PDF (151K)
- 2007
- 2006
- 2005
- 2004
- 2003
- 2002
- 2001
- 2000
- 1999
- 1998
- 1997
- 1996
Mailing Address:
U.S. Department of Education
Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE)
Division of Adult Education and Literacy
550 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20202-7100
Telephone: (202) 245-6836
Fax: (202) 245-7171