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Rural and Insular Areas

Formula grants that provide financial support and technical assistance to improve the educational outcomes of students, particularly those in rural and insular areas.

Consolidated Grants to the Insular Areas

Allows the Insular Areas to apply for two or more formula grant programs under one application.

Republic of Palau Grant

Reserves $1,000,000 for the Republic of Palau from the amount of funds appropriated for payments to States for any fiscal year.

Rural and Low-Income School Program (RLIS)

Provides funds to eligible school districts to pay for activities authorized under Titles I-IV of the ESEA as well as parental involvement activities.

Small, Rural School Achievement Program (SRSA)

Provides rural local educational agencies (LEAs) with financial assistance to fund initiatives aimed at improving student academic achievement.

Office of Communications and Outreach (OCO)
Page Last Reviewed:
September 25, 2024