Learn about the ED programs and initiatives that help adults acquire the basic skills they need including reading, writing, math, English language proficiency, and problem-solving to be productive workers, family members, and citizens.

Learn more about adult education laws, such as AEFLA and Perkins V, and find policy memoranda and guidance.

Visit the AEFLA site to learn more about how AEFLA supports and promotes adult education and literacy services.

PCRN provides resources and tools for state directors and state staff who administer career and technical education programs.

Learn about the formula and discretionary grant programs administered by RSA that support individuals with disabilities.

HEP helps migratory and seasonal farmworkers obtain the equivalent of a high school diploma, and gain employment or begin a postsecondary education.

Learn more about the VR program that supports individuals with disabilities to achieve competitive integrated employment.
Unlocking Career Success
An interagency initiative that supports public and private sector leaders, government agencies, and other organizations to help students earn degrees and industry credentials.