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Adult Education and Literacy Facts and Figures


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  • Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education Report to Congress. This biennial report provides an overview of the most recent two program years (PYs) of data available through the National Reporting System for Adult Education (NRS) on the activities carried out under the IELCE program (section 243 of WIOA). [PDF].
  • Adult Basic Education Grant Program Factsheet. Program overview from the Division of Adult Education and Literacy. [PDF].
  • The National Reporting System (NRS) for Adult Education is a performance and financial reporting system designed to collect aggregate statewide data from formula grantees on an annual basis. It reflects the requirements of the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA), Title II of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). The public may view state and national data in the NRS data system. To log into the system as a public user, select the blue "Public Access" box.
  • Institute of Educational Sciences Evaluation Report. Find an evaluation report titled "Linking Adult Education to Workforce Development in 2018-19: Early Implementation of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act at the Local Level", which examines the extent to which local adult education providers' instructional approaches and coordination with other agencies strengthens the link between the adult education program and the overall workforce development system, and highlights the challenges providers reported in collecting related performance data. The report was produced by the Institute of Educational Sciences, National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance.
  • Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC). The goal of this survey, conducted by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), is to assess and compare the basic skills and the broad range of competencies of adults around the world. The assessment focuses on cognitive and workplace skills needed for successful participation in 21st-century society and the global economy. Find PIAAC publications and products produced by the NCES.
  • PIAAC Gateway Find news, updates, and resources about PIAAC data analyses in the news, workshop presentations, and conference presentations. Use the Toolkit to create your own presentation. Sign up to receive the PIAAC Buzz newsletter.
Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE)
Page Last Reviewed:
January 14, 2025