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Rural-Relevant Resources

Native American Education Resources

Office of Indian Education (OIE): OIE is committed to providing leadership for ED-wide policy coordination in Indian Education, formulating policy and guidance, identifying key issue areas, and overseeing and administering all types of Indian Education grants, including formula and discretionary. Explore OIE’s resources or Join OIE’s Mailing List.

Bureau of Indian Education (BIE): BIE’s mission is to provide quality education opportunities from early childhood through life in accordance with a tribe’s needs for cultural and economic well-being, in keeping with the vast diversity of Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages and distinct cultural and governmental entities. Explore BIE’s Resources.

National Museum of the American Indian: In partnership with Native peoples and their allies, the National Museum of the American Indian fosters a richer shared human experience through a more informed understanding of Native peoples. Learn more about the National Museum of the American Indian.

Early Learning Resources

Kindergarten Sturdy Bridge: The Kindergarten Sturdy Bridge agenda prioritizes meeting the needs of our young learners and kindergarten as a key inflection point for their early school success. The Department continues to build support, momentum, and sustainability for the Kindergarten Sturdy Bridge two track agenda. Read the Sturdy Bridge Dear Colleague Letter.

Family Engagement to Support Kindergarten Readiness and Early School Success: This brief outlines bright spots, resources, and evidence based strategies to engage parents, families, and caregivers in ensuring students are prepared for kindergarten ready to learn. Read the brief.

Head Start: Operated out of the Department of Health & Human Services’ Administration for Children & Families, Head Start programs support children’s growth from birth to age 5 through services centered around early learning and development, health, and family well-being. See what Head Start programs are in your area.

Accelerating Learning Resources

Raise the Bar: Accelerating Learning for Every Student: Outlines the Department’s strategies for attaining student achievement levels that exceed pre-pandemic performance and close underlying achievement and opportunity gaps. Learn about ED’s strategies.

Accelerating Learning One-Pager: This high-level, printable, and easily digestible one-pager outlines the Department’s strategies for accelerating learning for every student. Print the English version. or Print the Spanish version.

The National Partnership for Student Success (NPSS): NPSS is a public-private partnership committed to providing the supports that will help our students succeed. Connect with NPSS.

Engage Every Student: A bold call to action to provide high-quality out-of-school time learning opportunities for every child who wants to participate. Explore resources.

Family Engagement to Support Student Success: This brief outlines bright spots, resources, and evidence based strategies to engage parents, families, and caregivers in accelerating student success. Read the brief.

Family Engagement to Support Student Engagement and Attendance: This brief outlines bright spots, resources, and evidence based strategies to engage parents, families, and caregivers in increasing everyday attendance. Read the brief.

Comprehensive and Rigorous Education Resources

National Blue Ribbon Schools Program: This recognition program recognizes public and private elementary, middle, and high schools for their academic excellence or their progress in closing achievement gaps. See Blue Ribbon Schools.

President’s Education Awards Program (PEAP): PEAP honors elementary, middle, and high school students for their achievement and hard work. Read about PEAP.

U.S. Presidential Scholars Program (PSP): PSP recognizes and honors some of our nation’s most distinguished graduating high school seniors. Learn more about PSP.

STEM Resources

National Science Foundation Directorate for STEM Education (EDU): EDU programs support STEM education at all educational levels and in a variety of settings. The directorate funds cutting edge research and invests in activities aimed to improve knowledge of accessibility, integration, and adaptability in STEM education and beyond. Explore EDU’s resources.

Eliminating the Educator Shortage Resources

Recognizing Inspiring School Employees Award (RISE): This recognition recognizes the commitment of classified school employees who provide exemplary service to students and inspire innovation and excellence. Explore awardees.

Registered Apprenticeships for Educators: Departments of Labor and Education collaborate on joint strategies to address Teacher workforce challenges, including through Registered Teacher Apprenticeship Programs. Read more about apprenticeships.

Safety, Health, and Mental Health Wellbeing Resources

Delivering Services in School-Based Settings: A Comprehensive Guide to Medicaid Services and Administrative Claiming: A technical assistance guide on Medicaid school-based services to help schools work with their Medicaid agencies. Read the guide.

Family Engagement to Support Student Mental Health and Wellbeing: This brief outlines bright spots, resources, and evidence based strategies to engage parents, families, and caregivers to support student wellbeing both in- and out-of-school, prioritizing mental health from the early grades through college, and the effects of social media on young people’s emotional well-being. Read the brief.

School Safety and Security: Learn how ED supports school efforts to improve school safety and provide related support to students. Explore resources.

Federal Office of Rural Health Policy: Operated out of the Department of Health & Human Services’ (HHS) Health Resources & Services Administration, the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy coordinates activities related to rural healthcare within DHS. Activities include: capacity building support & funding at every level and rural health policy analysis & research. Explore resources.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): Operated by the Department of Health and Human Services, SAMHSA leads public health efforts to advance the behavioral health of the nation. Explore SAMHSA resources.

Pathways to Multilingualism Resources

Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA): OELA provides national leadership to help ensure that English learners and immigrant students attain English proficiency and achievement academic success. Additionally, OELA is committed to prompting opportunities for biliteracy or multiliteracy skills for all students. Learn more about providing students with a pathway to multilingualism.

Family Engagement to Support Immigrant and Multilingual Families: This brief outlines bright spots, resources, and evidence based strategies to engage parents, families, and caregivers in building culturally affirming and welcoming school communities where immigrant and emerging bilingual learners are supported to thrive and excel. Read the brief here.

Postsecondary and Career Pathways Resources

Unlocking Career Success: Unlocking Career Success is an interagency initiative that reimagines how our nation’s high schools prepare all students to thrive in their future career. The Initiative focuses on four keys to unlocking career success: dual enrollment, work-based learning, workforce credentials, and career advising and navigation. Get connected today.

Rural Tech Project: The Rural Tech Project was a $600,000 challenge to advance technology education in rural schools. Explore the winning projects.

Family Engagement to Support College and Career Pathway Success: This brief outlines bright spots, resources, and evidence based strategies to engage parents, families, and caregivers in preparing this generation for the workforce of the future. Read the brief.

College Access and Equity Resources

Higher Education Homepage: Explore information about colleges, universities, and other higher education programs and supports. Includes resources on finding the right college, paying for college, managing student loans, earning a degree or expanding job skills after military service, among others. Explore resources.

Federal Student Aid (FSA): FSA helps you to apply for, access, and manage your financial aid. Visit FSA.

Student Loan Forgiveness: In certain situations, you can have your federal student loans forgiven, canceled, or discharged. That means you won’t have to pay back some or all of your loan(s). Explore your options.

Infrastructure and Sustainability Resources

School Infrastructure Programs (SIP): Local Educational Agencies, especially high need LEAs, face ongoing challenges in ensuring that their school facilities provide safe, healthy, sustainable, and equitable learning. To address these challenges, ED recently awarded funding for two school infrastructure programs: Supporting America’s School Infrastructure Grant Program (SASI), and the National Center on School Infrastructure (NCSI). Learn more about SIP.

Infrastructure and Sustainability Initiative: The Department promotes school infrastructure and sustainability through multiple communications and outreach tools designed to share best practices and connect schools with partnerships and resources. Explore resources.

Green Ribbon Schools (GRS): GRS is federal recognition award that highlights schools, districts, postsecondary institutions, and early learning centers’ cost-saving, health promoting, and performance-enhancing sustainability practices. See GRS Awardees.

Renew America’s Schools Program: The U.S. Department of Energy has invested $500 million in the Renew America School’s program to promote implementation of clean energy improvements at K12 public schools across the country. Learn more.

Clean School Bus Program: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), supported by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, will provide $5 billion over five years (FY 2022-2026) to replace existing school buses with zero-emission and clean school buses. Explore resources.

White House Toolkit for Sustainable and Healthy Schools: This 2024 update outlines federal resources to address K12 school infrastructure needs. Read the toolkit.

USDA and Agriculture Resources

Rural Partners Network: The Department of Education is one of 20 federal agencies and regional commissions that make up the Rural Partners Network (RPN). The RPN, led by USDA’s Rural Development team, works to expand rural prosperity through job creation, infrastructure development, and community improvement. Connect with RPN.

USDA Rural Information Center: Provides information to support rural communities and their efforts towards development and revitalization. Explore resources.

National Future Farmers of America (FFA): Operated with support from the U.S. Department of Education, FFA prepares students for careers in agriculture, agribusiness, and other agriculture-related occupations. Learn more about FFA.

National 4-H Programs: Operated by both the Nation’s Cooperative System and USDA, National 4-H programs help children complete projects in areas like health, science, agriculture, and civic engagement to empower them with the skills to lead. Learn more about 4-H.

Tech and Broadband Resources

National ED Tech Plan: In early 2024, ED released the 2024 National Educational Technology Plan (NETP): A call to Action for Closing the Digital Access, Design, and Use Divides. Read the report.

E-Rate: Universal Service Program for Schools and Libraries: The Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) E-Rate program make telecommunications and information services more affordable for schools and libraries by offering discounts for telecommunications, Internet access, and internal connections. See if you’re eligible.

Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program: BEAD provides $42.45 billion to expand high-speed internet access by funding planning, infrastructure deployment, and adoption programs in all 50 states, DC, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands. Learn more about the program.

See Also
Rural Education Resource Center

ED supports rural communities with funding opportunities, technical assistance, and other resources tailored to the rural context.

Grants Relevant to Rural Education

The Department of Education supports many programs serving students in rural areas across the nation through both formula and competitive grant funds.

How Mentoring is Reaching New Teachers in Rural Alaska

The Alaska Statewide Mentor Project (ASMP) connects new teachers often isolated by physical distance with experienced mentor teachers.

Office of Communications and Outreach (OCO)
Page Last Reviewed:
January 7, 2025