The Department of Education supports many programs serving students in rural areas across the nation through both formula and competitive grant funds. Certain competitive grants available at the Department may prioritize rural applicants. Listed below are a number of grants relevant to rural schools—not all may be currently accepting applications, and this is not an exhaustive list. To see upcoming grant competitions, see our Grants Forecast Page; for an overview of ED grants, see here.
Formula grants that provide financial support and technical assistance to improve the educational outcomes in rural and insular areas.
REAP is designed to help rural districts that may lack the personnel and resources compete effectively for federal grants.
This program provides financial support to organizations that provide technical assistance and training to state and local educational agencies.
Grantees provide comprehensive social, health, and academic services. At least 15% of funds must support projects in rural areas.
EIR Funding supports evidence-based innovations to improve achievement for underserved students. At least 25% of the funds must serve rural areas.
Supports distressed communities in improving outcomes for children, youth, and their families. At least 15% of funds must support rural areas.
Seeks projects to help students identify and navigate pathways to postsecondary education. At least 25% of funds go towards rural-serving projects.
Supports projects to improve rates of postsecondary enrollment, persistence, and completion among rural students through high-quality career pathways.
Awards are three-year competitive grants to eligible applicants to provide supplemental educational programs designed to improve education.
Formula grants provide assistance to elementary and secondary schools serving Indian students, including preschool children.
Grants to support educational programs designed for students who are engaged in, migrant and other seasonal farm work.
Competitive grants to states and districts to increase the number of credentialed mental health services to students.
Funds teacher preparation programs at the undergraduate or “fifth-year” and teaching residency programs.
Provides competitive grants to State educational agencies for improving behavioral outcomes and learning conditions for all students.
Congress appropriates roughly $1.4 billion in state formula grant funds for career and technical education programs.
Provides grants to eligible institutions of higher education (IHEs) to support programs that address the basic needs of students.

The Department of Education supports many programs serving students in rural areas across the nation.

ED supports rural communities with funding opportunities, technical assistance, and other resources tailored to the rural context.