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The Office of the Secretary FOIA Service Center (FSC) advises the public and U.S. Department of Education (ED) employees regarding FOIA requests and ED information available to the public. As the lead organization for ED's FOIA Program, the FSC provides training for ED officials and guidance and support to the FOIA Coordinators and FOIA Review Officers in the Department's Principal Offices and 12 regional and field offices.
Send requests via email to: EDFOIAManager@ed.gov
Send requests via mail to:
U.S. Department of Education
Office of the Secretary
400 Maryland Ave., SW, LBJ 7W104
Washington, DC 20202-4500
Attn: FOIA Service Center
FOIA Service Center
(202) 401-8365
Chief FOIA Officer
(202) 401-8365
Deborah O. Moore, Ph.D.
FOIA Public Liaison and Director of Operations
(202) 205-0733
Robert Wehausen
Office for Civil Rights Field Office Directors
Region I - Boston
Joel Berner (617) 289-0111
Region II - New York
Timothy Blanchard (646) 428-3900
Region III - Philadelphia
Wendella Fox (215) 656-8541
Region IV - Atlanta
Deborah Floyd, Acting Regional Director (404) 562-6350
Region V - Chicago
Adele Rapport (312) 730-1560
Region VI - Dallas
Taylor August (214) 661-9600
Region VII - Kansas City
Bill Dittmeier (816) 268-0550
Region VIII - Denver
Aaron Romine (303) 844-5695
Region IX - San Francisco
Arthur Zeidman (415) 486-5555
Region X - Seattle
Monique M. Malson, Acting Director (206) 607-1600
Cleveland Office
Meena Morey Chandra (216) 522-4970
Metro Office
Alice Wender (202) 786-0500