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OSEP: RTP, Secondary, Transition, and Post-Secondary Team


The Secondary, Transition, and Post-Secondary Team of OSERS Office of Special Education (OSEP) administers discretionary grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts for projects that directly support federally established priorities and initiatives designed to initiate, expand, and improve current practice or advance the state-or-the-art related to the provision of secondary school services, transition services, and post-secondary school services to youth with disabilities.

The team is also responsible for administering projects to:

  • help address state-identified needs for highly qualified personnel—in special education, related services, and regular education—to work with children with disabilities; and
  • ensure that those personnel have the necessary skills and knowledge, derived from practices that have been determined through scientifically-based research and experience, to be successful in serving those children.

In addition, the team is responsible for administering projects to promote the development, demonstration and use of technology, including projects focused on accessible instructional materials and the National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard.


Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS)
Page Last Reviewed:
September 16, 2024