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OSEP: Research to Practice Division


The Research to Practice Division (RTP) within OSERS Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) administers the discretionary grant programs designed to help infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities achieve improved educational results and functional outcomes. RTP's goal is to positively influence the field of early intervention and special education policy and practice, and respond to the needs of state educational agencies and lead agencies, along with local districts, schools and programs, as they work to improve and deliver practices based on evidence for children and families.

The core functions of RTP to meet its goal are:

  • Serving as a national leader in early intervention and special education programs, policies, and activities;
  • Collaborating with federal partners and key stakeholders in education and related fields;
  • Developing and administering grants and contracts; and
  • Providing information and data to the public, including policy leaders and other stakeholders

The division is organized into five teams for administrative purposes:

The discretionary grant programs administered by RTP are authorized under:

In addition, RTP is responsible for providing an Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of IDEA.

RTP Staff

Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS)
Page Last Reviewed:
January 14, 2025