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Technical Assistance

As outlined in the August 2016 Dear Colleague Letter on ESSA Transition Technical Assistance and Resource, the Office of State Support (OSS), in collaboration with other OESE programs, offers technical assistance across grant programs to address State needs through one-on-one individualized support for States to problem solve specific State needs; through peer-to-peer interactions that provide opportunities for collaboration with peer States, communities of practice, and interstate working groups around relevant issues and challenges; and through building awareness of information and resources in response to needs identified in the field through ongoing guidance and technical support to all States.

Technical Assistance Resources

The sections below provide links to technical assistance resources and supports across multiple priority areas. Priorities align with consolidated State plans and support State capacity building, standards and assessments, teachers and leaders, accountability and support, and unique student populations. Highlighted resources include websites, webinars, guidance documents, resources, and tools created by the Department and other technical assistance partners. Click on each topic to explore available resources and supports.

"New English Learner Resource Page is now available"

Consolidated State Plans

These resources provide assistance to States for preparing and submitting consolidated State plans. Additional information about ESSA consolidated State plans may be found on the Department's ESSA Consolidated State Plans webpage



TA Partners

Consultation, Performance Management, Capacity Building

These resources provide assistance to States and school districts to enhance systems and build capacity, including tools to build strong performance management systems, plan for sustainability, communicate and engage with stakeholders, and leverage federal funds to implement education programs.



TA Partners

Academic Assessments

These resources can help education leaders address common challenges related to challenging academic standards, including support for English Learners, teacher professional development around standards/lesson planning, and the development of high-quality assessments.


TA Partners


Accountability Systems

These resources can help improve the effectiveness of differentiated recognition, accountability, and support systems designed to close achievement gaps for all students


TA Partners

Archived Information

Evidence-based Interventions and Supports for School Improvement

These resources address the identification and implementation of evidence-based school improvement strategies and interventions designed to support schools designated for improvement.

Regulations and Guidance

Communities of Practice




TA Partners

Supporting Excellent Educators

These resources can help education leaders address supports for teachers and leaders, including strategies to ensure that all students have access to excellent educators and recruiting, preparing, training, and supporting high quality teachers, principals and other school leaders.

TA Partners

Support for All Students

These resources are geared toward helping States support all student populations, (including English Learners, Students with Disabilities, Children in Foster Care, Homeless Youth, Migrant Students, and Recently-Arrived Youth), and social-emotional and engagement supports for all students.


TA Partners

Fiscal and Program Management

These resources provide guidance applicable to cross-cutting requirements around fiscal and program management of ESSA Title programs


TA Partners

Data and Reporting

These resources provide guidance for cross-cutting data and reporting requirements for ESSA Title programs.


TA Partners

2018 National Title I Conference | February 8-11, 2018

Staff from the Department, including OSS, the Office of Special Education Programs, the Office of Non-public Education, and the Office of the General Counsel, presented nine sessions at the 2018 National Title I Conference, hosted by the National Association of ESEA State Program Administrators.

Accountability and Support for English Learners| July 31, 2018

The U.S. Department of Education's Office of State Support (OSS) hosted the Accountability and Support for English Learners Peer Convening for state accountability and English learner leaders. Interactive sessions focused on applications and analyses states can conduct using a new user-friendly statistical tool, The English Learner State Accountability Resource (ELSTAR), designed to support SEA leaders in making data-based decisions related to ESSA provisions and checking the validity of their ELP indicator, as well as states sharing strategies for monitoring, reporting, and assisting districts in meeting ELP goals.

State Assessment Peer Review Seminar | August 1-2, 2018

An assessment peer review seminar was held in Washington, DC on August 1 and 2, 2018. The seminar was focused on the updated guide for State Assessment Peer review, including the peer review of English Language Proficiency (ELP) assessments. Panel discussions that involved assessment experts (including many assessment peer reviewers) on a variety of salient topics were held. A complete summary of the seminar materials, including handouts, summary notes, participant list and video of all sessions are available on the meeting website.

2018 Combined Federal Programs Meeting | December 6-7, 2018

The Office of State Support and the Office of Special Education Programs hosted the 2018 Combined Federal Programs Meeting in December 2018. The theme for the 2018 conference was "Improving Student Achievement through Analysis, Evaluation, and Accountability", and the conference featured presenters from the U.S. Department of Education, State educational agencies, and partner organizations.

2019 National ESEA Conference | January 30 — February 2, 2019

Staff from the Department—including staff from the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, the Office of Special Education Programs, the Office of Non-public Education, and the Office of the General Counsel—presented ten sessions at the 2019 National ESEA Conference, hosted by the National Association of ESEA State Program Administrators:

OSS Technical Assistance Networks

  • State Support Network - The State Support Network is a four-year technical assistance initiative to support States' efforts to achieve significant improvements in student outcomes, scale up effective systemic approaches and practices within and across States and districts, and identify and share evidence-based activities to facilitate learning across States and districts.
  • Equitable Access Support Network - The Equitable Access Support Network (EASN) offers collective and individualized technical assistance (TA) and resources to all 50 States, Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, and the Bureau of Indian Education. The EASN, as a partner in the Equitable Access Consortium, provides assistance to States as they put in place strategies to ensure equitable access to excellent educators for all students.
  • Reform Support Network - The Reform Support Network (RSN) is a partnership with the U.S. Department of Education to provide collective and individualized technical assistance (TA) and resources to State grantees of the Race to the Top program.

Technical Assistance Partners

OESE supports numerous technical assistance providers, including technical assistance networks, with the Comprehensive Centers and other partners Comprehensive Centers and other partners to leverage provide content expertise and resources to effectively address State grantee needs and assist with implementation challenges of federal programs across in key reform program areas. Please visit partner websites to learn more about the resources and supports available.

  • Click Here for a list of OESE technical assistance partners websites.

Request Technical Assistance

We are committed to working with States to explore available technical assistance support. For State educational agency staff that have technical assistance needs, please reach out to your State contacts or your Regional Comprehensive Center

Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE)
Page Last Reviewed:
September 16, 2024