Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed into law on December 10, 2015, and represents good news for our nation's schools. This bipartisan measure reauthorizes the 50-year-old Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), the nation's national education law and longstanding commitment to equal opportunity for all students.
Technical Assistance
The Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE) offers technical assistance to address grantee needs across multiple ESEA programs. OESE offices and technical assistance partners provide one-on-one individualized support for States to problem solve specific State needs; peer-to-peer interactions that provide opportunities for collaboration with peer States, communities of practice, and interstate working groups around relevant issues and challenges; and build awareness of information and resources in response to needs identified in the field through ongoing guidance and technical support to all States. This technical assistance page provides information for State grantees and links to useful guidance, webinars, tools and resources, and technical assistance partners to support implementation of ESEA programs.
Click Here for more information concerning our new Technical Assistance Resource Page.
Getting America's Schools Covered: It Begins with You!
Applying for Healthcare is only a click, phone call or visit away. Please log on to: http://www.healthcare.gov/ to learn more about the affordable health coverage options under the new Health Insurance Marketplace.
Publications and Links
- Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development Publications
- National Center for Education Statistics (NCES): Find statistical publications, fast facts, survey and program areas, the Encyclopedia of ED Stats, and education related resources.
- Guide to the U.S. Department of Education Programs
- ED Priorities: Up to date information about new initiatives.
- Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC)
- The Education Resources Organization Directory (EROD)
Labs, Centers, and Clearinghouses
- The National Evaluation and Technical Assistance Center for the Education of Children and Youth Who Are Neglected, Delinquent or At Risk (NDTAC)
- Comprehensive Assistance Centers established to help low-performing schools and districts close achievement gaps
- Equity Assistance Centers provide assistance in the areas of race, gender, and national origin equity to public school districts
- National Clearinghouse for Comprehensive School Reform
- National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition & Language Instruction Educational Programs
- Regional Educational Laboratories: are educational research and development organizations supported by contracts with the U.S. Department of Education.
- National Center for School Safety
- School Safety Resources