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Office of Formula Grants


The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Formula Grants (OFG) leads the implementation and development of effective and efficient policies, processes, and strategies related to the administration and management of the organization's formula grant programs.

Selected Responsibilities

  • Grants Administration:  Administer formula grant programs through all phases of the grants cycle, including award, post-award, and close-out activities.
  • Policy Development:  Develop program requirements, contribute to the development of Department policy, answer policy questions, and perform other activities that direct or guide the design and implementation of a grant.
  • Technical Assistance:  Help grantees understand the process of designing, implementing, evaluating, and improving effective grant programs.
  • Monitoring and Audit Resolution:  Help grantees identify and properly address program implementation issues that will result in a more effective and efficient grant program.
  • Data Reporting and Analysis:  Collect, analyze and use data to help assess grant program progress (e.g., EDFacts, Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR), and Annual Performance Report (APR)); help grantees focus on and evaluate the attainment of important grant program outputs and outcomes; produce required congressional reports and meet public transparency requirements.
  • Program Evaluation:  Design, implement and use of formal program evaluations (formative or summative) for the purpose of program improvement and determining grant program merit or worth.

Offices and Programs under OFG

Impact Aid Program

Program and Grantee Support Services

Rural, Insular & Native Achievement Programs

Safe & Supportive Schools

School Support & Accountability

Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE)
Page Last Reviewed:
September 17, 2024