Welcome to OCTAE
Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) administers, coordinates programs that are related to adult education and literacy, career and technical education, and community colleges.
For the latest news and information about career, technical, and adult education, see the OCTAE Connections Newsletter.
Adult Education and Literacy
The Division of Adult Education and Literacy (DAEL) is responsible for enabling adults to acquire the basic skills necessary to function in today's society so that they can benefit from the completion of secondary school, enhanced family life, attaining citizenship and participating in job training and retraining programs. The Office of Correctional Education is also located in DAEL.
OCTAE's Adult Education and Literacy initiatives are designed to:
- Administer the Adult Education formula grant program to the States.
- Provide assistance to States to improve program quality, accountability and capacity.
- Establish national leadership activities to enhance the quality of adult education.
Career and Technical Education
The Division of Academic and Technical Education is responsible for helping all students acquire challenging academic and technical skills and be prepared for high-skill, high-wage, or high-demand occupations in the 21st century global economy.
OCTAE's Career and Technical Education initiatives are designed to:
- Administering state formula and discretionary grant programs under the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act (Perkins).
- Providing assistance to states to improve program quality, implementation, and accountability.
- Establishing national initiatives that help states implement rigorous career and technical education programs.
Community College
OCTAE provides national leadership to strengthen the role of community colleges in expanding access to postsecondary education for youth and adults and advancing workforce development.
OCTAE's community college initiatives are designed to:
- Build public support for community colleges as centers of innovation and providers of excellent education and training that are affordable and accessible to all Americans;
- Facilitate the dissemination of timely and actionable guidance on community college educations for teachers, administrators, students, parents, and employers; and
- Promote the development of strategies that support students in the completion of their postsecondary certification and degree programs.
Office Contacts
Mailing Address:
US Department of Education
Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education Office
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
LBJ, Room 4A197
Washington, DC 20202
Email: octae@ed.gov
U.S. Department of Education Information Resource Center:
1-800-872-5327 (toll-free)
Key Staff
Office of the Assistant Secretary: Vacant Assistant Secretary
Office of the Assistant Secretary: Vacant, Deputy Assistant Secretary
Office of the Assistant Secretary: TBD, Chief of Staff
Office of the Assistant Secretary: Gregory Fortelny, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Management and Planning
Office of the Assistant Secretary: Stacey St. Holder, Executive Officer
Division of Adult Education and Literacy: LaToya Newson, Director
Division of Academic and Technical Education: Dr. Sharon Miller, Director
Policy, Research, and Evaluation Staff: Adam Flynn-Tabloff, Director
Get more information about the laws and policies governing career, technical, and adult education.
Performance measures are used to quantitatively assess the implementation and outcomes of educational systems.
WIOA Statewide Performance Reports
See policy resources related to adult education and career and technical education.
More information about career, technical, and adult education from the team at OCTAE.
The U.S. Department of Education does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this outside information.
Get the latest news from OCTAE.
Learn about important intersections and opportunities for CTE programs and students.
The NRS is an outcome-based reporting system for the State-administered, federally funded adult education program.
LINCS provides adult educators with resources, PD activities, an online community of practice, and online lessons to help enhance their practice.
Learn what States/Territories are doing to help citizens get high-quality jobs and careers and employers hire and retain skilled workers.
See programs, grants, and initiatives managed by OCTAE.
The programs and grants managed by OCTAE support a wide range of activities that help prepare young people and adults for further education.
OCTAE investments total approximately $1.9 billion annually.
See grant programs available to help adults interested in furthering their education.