Language Translations | ||
Amharic አማርኛ | Arabic العربيّة | Bengali বাংলা |
Burmese ဗမာ | Cambodian ប្រទេសកម្ពុជា | Chinese 中文: 繁體版 |
Dari فارسی | Farsi فارسی | French français |
Haitian Creole kreyòl ayisyen | Hakha Chin Laiṭong | Hebrew עִברִית |
Hindi हिंदी | Hmong Hmong | Japanese 日本語 |
Karen ကညီကလုာ် | Khmer ខ្មែរ | K’iche’ |
Korean 한국어 | Laotian ຄົນລາວ | Mam |
Montenegrin crnogorski | Pashto پښتو | Punjabi ਪੰਜਾਬੀ |
Russian русский | Somali Af-Soomaali | |
Spanish español | Swahili Kiswahili | Tagalog Tagalog |
Thai ภาษาไทย | Vietnamese Việt-ngữ | Urdu اردو |
Yiddish יידיש | ||
NOTE: Certain languages are only visible if the fonts are loaded onto your computer. |
- Amharic አማርኛ
- መድልዎን የተመለከተ ቅሬታን ማመልከት የሚቻልበት መንገድ PDF (248K) | How to File a Complaint
- መድልዎ ለመፈጸሙ አቤቱታ ማቅረቢያ ቅፅ PDF (93K) | Complaint Form
- ለሌሎች ስም እና የግል መረጃ ተላልፎ እንዲሰጥ - ፈቃድ መስጫ ቅፅ PDF (93K) | Consent Form - For Revealing Name and Personal Information to Others
- እኩል የሆነ ከፍተኛ የትምህርት ደረጃ ለመስጠት PDF (96K) | Ensuring Equal Access to High-Quality Education
- Arabic العربيّة
- كیفیة تقدیم شكوى PDF (2M) | How to File a Complaint
- نَموذج طلب شَكوى PDF (1.8M) | Complaint Form
- نموذج موافقة - للكشف عن الاسم والمعلومات الشخصية للآخرين PDF (149K) | Consent Form - For Revealing Name and Personal Information to Others
- إجراءات تقديم ومعالجة الشكاوى PDF (307K) | OCR Complaint Processing Procedures
- ضَمان فُرَصالتعلیم الممتازللجمیع PDF (168K) | Ensuring Equal Access to High-Quality Education
- خطاب زميلي العزيز: معالجة التمييز المعادي للسامية ضد الطلاب اليهود | Dear Colleague Letter: Addressing Discrimination Against Jewish Students PDF (260.6K) - 05-25-2023
- شكوى | Fact Sheet: Protecting Students from Discrimination Based on Shared Ancestry or Ethnic Characteristics (Jan. 2023) PDF (266K)
- ضمان المشاركة الهادفة في الدورات الدراسية المتقدمة والبرامج المتخصصة للطلاب من متعلمي اللغة الإنجليزية | U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights, Ensuring Meaningful Participation in Advanced Coursework and Specialized Programs for Students Who Are English Learners (June 2023) PDF (325K)
- حماية حق التعليم للأطفال المهاجرين | Protecting Access to Education for Migratory Children PDF (652K)
- حماية حق الوصول إلى التعليم للأطفال غير المصحوبين بذويهم | Protecting Access to Education for Unaccompanied Children PDF (800K)
- صحيفة الوقائع: أنشطة التنوع والدمج بموجب الباب السادس PDF | Fact Sheet: Diversity & Inclusion Activities Under Title VI - 01-31-2023
- إجراءات الا لتحاق بالمدارس | School Enrollment Procedures - 05-08-2014
- التحرش والبلطجة | Harassment and Bullying - 10-26-2010
- صحيفة وقائع: مكافحة التمييز ضد الطلاب الآسيويين الأمريكيين والطلاب من سكان هاواي الأصليين ومن سكان جزر المحيط الهادئ الأصليين (AANHPI) والطلبة المسلمين والعرب والسيخ ومن جنوب آسيا (MASSA) PDF (195.83K)
| Fact Sheet: Combating Discrimination Against Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) and Muslim, Arab, Sikh, and South Asian (MASSA) Students]
- Bengali বাংলা
- ফ্যাক্ট শিট (গুরুত্বপূর্ণ তথ্য জ্ঞাপক পৃষ্ঠা): এশীয় আমেরিকান, জন্মসূত্রে হাওয়াইয়ান দেশের লোক, ও প্রশান্ত মহাসাগরীয় দ্বীপকুঞ্জ নিবাসী (এএএনএইচপিআই) এবং মুসলিম, আরব, শিখ ও দক্ষিণ এশীয় (এমএএসএসএ) শিক্ষার্থীদের বিরুদ্ধে হওয়া বৈষম্যের প্রতিরোধ করা। । PDF (190.23K) | Fact Sheet: Combating Discrimination Against Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) and Muslim, Arab, Sikh, and South Asian (MASSA) Students
- Bosnian bosanski
- Burmese
- PDF (150.77) | Fact Sheet: Combating Discrimination Against Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) and Muslim, Arab, Sikh, and South Asian (MASSA) Students
- Cambodian ប្រទេសកម្ពុជា
- សិស្សដែលជាអ្នកសិក្សាភាសាអង់គ្លេស | English Learner Students — 01-07-2015
- ព័ត៌មានសង្ខេប៖ ការប្រយុទ្ធប្រឆាំងនឹងការរើសអើងចំពោះសិស្សសញ្ជាតិអាមេរិកអាស៊ី ជនជាតិដើមហាវ៉ៃ អ្នករស់នៅលើកោះប៉ាស៊ីហ្វិក (AANHPI) សិស្សសញ្ជាតិមូស្លីម អារ៉ាប់ ស៊ីឃ និងអាស៊ីភាគខាងត្បូង (MASSA)។ PDF (138.22K) | Fact Sheet: Combating Discrimination Against Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) and Muslim, Arab, Sikh, and South Asian (MASSA) Students
- Chinese 中文: 繁體版
- 如何向美國教育部民權事務辦公室 提出歧視投訴 PDF (402K) | How to File a Complaint
- 歧视投诉表格 (Chinese Simplified) PDF (1.0M) | Complaint Form
- 歧視申訴書 (Chinese Traditional) PDF (1.1M) | Complaint Form
- 同意書 — 提供姓名與個人資訊給他人 (Chinese Traditional) PDF (117K) | Consent Form - For Revealing Name and Personal Information to Others
- 同意书——向他人提供姓名及私人信息 (Chinese Simplified) PDF (117K) | Consent Form - For Revealing Name and Personal Information to Others
- 投诉处理程序 (Chinese Simplified) PDF (432K) | OCR Complaint Processing Procedures
- 投訴處理程序 (Chinese Traditional) PDF (425K) | OCR Complaint Processing Procedures
- 確保優質教育機會均等 PDF (366K) | Ensuring Equal Access to High-Quality Education
- 英语学习者 | English Learner Students - 01-07-2015
(Chinese Simplified) PDF (283K) | U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights, Ensuring Meaningful Participation in Advanced Coursework and Specialized Programs for Students Who Are English Learners (June 2023)
(Chinese Traditional) PDF (303K) | U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights, Ensuring Meaningful Participation in Advanced Coursework and Specialized Programs for Students Who Are English Learners (June 2023)
(Chinese Simplified) PDF (277K) | Protecting Access to Education for Migratory Children
(Chinese Traditional) PDF (278K) | Protecting Access to Education for Migratory Children
(Chinese Simplified) PDF (295K) | Protecting Access to Education for Unaccompanied Children
(Chinese Traditional) PDF (332K) | Protecting Access to Education for Unaccompanied Children
- 情况说明书:《第六章》下的多元化和包容性活动 PDF (364K)| Fact Sheet: Diversity & Inclusion Activities Under Title VI - 01-31-2023
- ص情況說明書:《第六章》下的多元化和包容性活動 PDF (302K)| Fact Sheet: Diversity & Inclusion Activities Under Title VI - 01-31-2023
- 情况说明书:Chinese (Simplified):
有关康复法案第504条给公 立中小学家长和教育者的 资源指南 PDF (1.01MB) | Parent and Educator Resource Guide to Section 504 in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools - 12-28-2016 - 情況說明書:Chinese (Traditional):
有關康復法案第504條給公 立中小學家長和教育者的 資源指南 PDF (1.13MB) | Parent and Educator Resource Guide to Section 504 in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools - 12-28-2016 - 情况说明书:Chinese (Simplified):
确保学生无论种族、肤色或国籍都可以获得平等的教育资源 PDF (299K) | Fact Sheet: Ensuring Students Have Equal Access to Educational Resources Without Regard to Race, Color, or National Origin 10-01-2014 - 情況說明書:Chinese (Traditional):
確保學生無論種族、膚色或國籍都可以獲得平等的教育資源 PDF (431K) | Fact Sheet: Ensuring Students Have Equal Access to Educational Resources Without Regard to Race, Color, or National Origin 10-01-2014 - 关于所有学生报名入学的权利 | School Enrollment Procedures - 05-08-2014
- 以促進教育多元化並減少種族孤立 | Voluntary Use of Race - 12-02-2011 RESCINDED
- 騷擾與校園欺淩 | Harassment and Bullying - 10-26-2010
- 情况说明书:打击对亚裔美国人、夏威夷土著和太平洋岛民(AANHPI)及穆斯林、阿拉伯、锡克教和南亚人(MASSA)学生的歧视行为。 PDF (176.55K)| Fact Sheet: Combating Discrimination Against Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) and Muslim, Arab, Sikh, and South Asian (MASSA) Students (Chinese Traditional)
- 情況說明書:打擊對亞裔美國人、夏威夷土著和太平洋島民(AANHPI)及穆斯林、阿拉伯、錫克教和南亞人(MASSA)學生的歧視行為。 PDF (209.80K)| Fact Sheet: Combating Discrimination Against Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) and Muslim, Arab, Sikh, and South Asian (MASSA) Students (Chinese Simplified)
- 公立中小学第 504 节家长和教育者资源指南 PDF Parent and Educator Resource Guide to Section 504 in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools (1.3M) (Chinese Traditional)
- 公立中小学第 504 节家长和教育者资源指南 PDF Parent and Educator Resource Guide to Section 504 in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools (1.3M) (Chinese Simplified)
- Croatian
- Dari فارسی
- حصول اطمینان از فراهم بودن امکان اشتراک معنادار و برابر متعلمین در حال یادگیری لسان انگلیسی در برنامه های تعلیمی | Fact Sheet: English Learner Students - 01-07-2015
- معلومات برای والدین و سرپرستان کم-مهارت در انگلیسی (LEP) و برای مکاتب و ریاست های معارف که با آنها در ارتباط هستند PDF (197K) | Fact Sheet: Confronting Discrimination Based on National Origin And Immigration Status - 08-18-2021
- Farsi فارسی
- شکایت طرح روش PDF (206K) | How to File a Complaint
- تبعیضشکایت فرم PDF (248K) | Complaint Form
- فرم رضایت نامه — برای ارائه نام و اطلاعات شخصی به دیگران PDF (248K) | Consent Form - For Revealing Name and Personal Information to Others
- تضمين دسترسی برابربه آموزش دارای کيفيت بال PDF (222K) | Ensuring Equal Access to High-Quality Education
- نامه همکار گرامی: پرداختن به تبعیض یهودی ستیزانه علیه دانشجویان یهودی | Dear Colleague Letter: Addressing Discrimination Against Jewish Students PDF (210.9K) - 05-25-2023
حفاظت از دسترسی به تعلیم و تربیه برای اطفال بدون همراه
| Protecting Access to Education for Unaccompanied Children PDF (581K)
حفاظت از دسترسی به آموزش برای اطفال مهاجر
| Protecting Access to Education for Migratory Children PDF (702K)
- فارسی | Fact Sheet: Protecting Students from Discrimination Based on Shared Ancestry or Ethnic Characteristics (Jan. 2023) PDF (277K)
حصول اطمینان از مشارکت معنادار در پروگرام های تعلیمی پیشرفته و تخصصی برای متعلمین که شاگردان زبان انگلیسی اند
| U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights, Ensuring Meaningful Participation in Advanced Coursework and Specialized Programs for Students Who Are English Learners (June 2023) PDF (296K)
- French français
- Comment déposer une plainte pour discrimination PDF (243K) | How to File a Complaint
- Formulaire de plainte pour discrimination PDF (50K) | Complaint Form
- Formulaire de Consentement à la Divulgation de Votre Nom Et de Vos Renseignements Personnels PDF (50K) | Consent Form - For Revealing Name and Personal Information to Others
- Haitian Creole kreyòl ayisyen
- Fason pou Pote Plent pou Diskriminasyon PDF (160K) | How to File a Complaint
- Fòm pou Pote Plent Kont Diskriminasyon PDF (36K) | Complaint Form
- Fòm Konsantman — Pou Bay Non Ak Enfòmasyon Pèsonèl pou Lòt Moun PDF (36K) | Consent Form - For Revealing Name and Personal Information to Others
- Pou Pèmèt Tout Moun Jwenn Chans Egal pou Bon Kalite Edikasyon PDF (149K) | Ensuring Equal Access to High-Quality Education
- Hakha Chin Hakha Chin
- Ca hmai: Asian-American Hawaian kek, le Pacific Islander (AANHPI) le Muslim, Arab, Sikh, le tlanglei Asian (MASSA) sianghngakchia cungah thleidannak um lo ding in do PDF (128.50K) | Fact Sheet: Combating Discrimination Against Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) and Muslim, Arab, Sikh, and South Asian (MASSA) Students
- Hebrew עִברִית
- טופס תלונה על אפלי ה PDF (384K) | Complaint Consent Form
- Hindi हिंदी
- एक भेदभाव शिकायत दर्ज करने के लिए कैसे PDF (1.55M) | How to File a Complaint
- भेदभाव शिकायत फ़ॉर्म PDF (174K) | Complaint Form
- सहमति फ़ॉर्म - नाम और अन्य निजी जानकारी का दूसरों के लिए खुलासा करने के लिए PDF (174K) | Consent Form - For Revealing Name and Personal Information to Others
- उच्च गुणवत्ता की शिक्षा के बराबर पहुँच सुनिश्चित करना PDF (194K) | Ensuring Equal Access to High-Quality Education
- Hmong Hmong
- Kev Sau Tsab Ntawv Tsis Txaus Siab Txog Kev Ntxub Ntxaug Rau PDF (317K) | How to File a Complaint
- Daim Ntawv Hais Kev Tsis Txaus Siab txog Qhov Ua Saib Tsis Taus PDF (188K) | Complaint Form
- Daim Ntawv Tso Cai - Rau Txoj Kev Muab Npe Thiab Tej Yam Ntawv Txog Yus Tus Kheej Qhia Rau Lwm Tus PDF (188K) | Consent Form - For Revealing Name and Personal Information to Others
- Xyuas Kom Tau Kev Kawm Ntawv Yam Zoo Heev uas Sib Npaug PDF (78K) | Ensuring Equal Access to High-Quality Education
- Cov tub ntxhais kawm lus Askiv | English Learner Students - 01-07-2015
- Tsab Ntawv Teev Lus Tseeb: Tawm Tsam Kev Ntxub Ntxaug Neeg Esxias Asmeskas, Neeg Xeeb Txawm Hawaii, thiab Neeg Pov Txwv Pacific (AANHPI) thiab Neeg Muslim, Arab, Sikh, thiab Neeg Kawm Ntawv Esxias Sab Qab Teb (MASSA) PDF (117.38K) | Fact Sheet: Combating Discrimination Against Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) and Muslim, Arab, Sikh, and South Asian (MASSA) Students
- Karen
- PDF (172.46K) | Fact Sheet: Combating Discrimination Against Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) and Muslim, Arab, Sikh, and South Asian (MASSA) Students
- khmer ខ្មែរ
- ក្រសួងអប់រំស.រ.អ., ពាក្យបណ្តឹងការរើសអើងរបស់ការិយាល័យសម្រាប់សិទ្ធិពលរដ្ឋ ទម្រង់ការយល់ព្រម និងនីតិវិធីដំណើរការពាក្យបណ្តឹង PDF (655K) | How to File a Complaint
- K’iche’ K’iche’
- Jun toq’ob’ chike ri ak’alab’ k’ota ki chajinel Jun wuj kech tatixelab’ xuquje’ ajtijonelab’ PDF (282K) | Protecting Access to Education for Migratory Children
- Jun toq’ob’ chike ri ak’alab’ k’ota ki chajinel Jun wuj kech tatixelab’ xuquje’ ajtijonelab’ PDF (232K) | Protecting Access to Education for Unaccompanied Children
- Korean 한국어
- 민권 담당국에 차별 대우 고소를 제기하는 방법 PDF (284K) | How to File a Complaint
- 차별 항의서 PDF (1.6M) | Complaint Form
- 이름 및 개인 정보의 제3자에 대한 공개에 관한 동의서 PDF (175K) | Consent Form - For Revealing Name and Personal Information to Others
- 민원 처리 절차 PDF (284K) | OCR Complaint Processing Procedures
- 고품격 교육에 대한 평등한 접근 기회의 보장 PDF (225K) | Ensuring Equal Access to High-Quality Education
영어 학습자(EL)를 위한 상급 학습 과정 및 전문 프로그램에 대한 의미 있는 참여
PDF (235K) | U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights, Ensuring Meaningful Participation in Advanced Coursework and Specialized Programs for Students Who Are English Learners (June 2023)
이주 아동의 교육 접근성 보호
PDF (365K) | Protecting Access to Education for Migratory Children
보호자 미동반 아동의 교육 접근성 보호
PDF (328K) | Protecting Access to Education for Unaccompanied Children
- 영어를 학습하는 학생들은 | English Learner Students - 01-07-2015
- 현황 자료: 타이틀 VI에 따른 다양성 및 포용적 활동 PDF (220K)| Fact Sheet: Diversity & Inclusion Activities Under Title VI - 01-31-2023
- 팩트 시트: 학생들이 인종,피부색 또는 출신국가에 상관없이 교육 자원에 대한 공평한 기회를 갖도록 보장 PDF (352K) | Fact Sheet: Ensuring Students Have Equal Access to Educational Resources Without Regard to Race, Color, or National Origin 10-01-2014
- 모든 어린이들의 학교 입학 권리에 관한 정보| School Enrollment Procedures - 05-08-2014
- 교육의 다양화 촉진 및 인종적 고립 감소를 위한 자발적 노력을 | Voluntary Use of Race - 12-02-2011
- 괴롭힘과 협박 | Harassment and Bullying - 10-26-2010
- Mam Mam
- Juniky’ xnaq’tzb’il kyi’j k’wal junxil kynajb’il PDF (239K) | Protecting Access to Education for Migratory Children
- Juniky’ xnaq’tzb’il kyi’j k’wal miti’ kyman mo nka’yin kyi’j PDF (239K) | Protecting Access to Education for Unaccompanied Children
- Laotian ຄົນລາວ
- ວ່າດ້ວຍສິດທິ ພົນລະເຮືອນ ວິທີການຍື່ນຄຳຟ້ອງຮ້ອງ ໃນການຖືກຈຳແນກນໍາຫ້ອງການ PDF (323K) | How to File a Complaint
- ແບບຟອມການຮ້ອງຮຽນເລື້ອງ ການເລືອກປະຕິບັດ PDF (93K) | Complaint Form
- ແບບຟອມການຍິນຍອມເຫັນດີ - ສໍາລັບການເປີດເຜີຍຊື່ ແລະຂໍ້ມູນສ່ວນຕົວຕໍ່ກັບຄົນອື່ນ PDF (93K) | Consent Form - For Revealing Name and Personal Information to Others
- ນັກຮຽນຜູ້ຮຽນພາສາອັງກິດ | English Learner Students - 01-07-2015
- Montenegrin crnogorski
- Pashto پښتو
په پرمختللي کورس کار او د زده کونکو لپاره ځانګړي پروګرامونو کې د معنی لرونکي ګډون تضمین کول څوک چې د انګلیسي زده کونکي دي
PDF (331K) | U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights, Ensuring Meaningful Participation in Advanced Coursework and Specialized Programs for Students Who Are English Learners (June 2023)
د کډوال ماشومانو لپاره زده کړې ته د لاسرسي ساتنه
PDF (681K) | Protecting Access to Education for Migratory Children
د بې سرپرسته ماشومانو لپاره زده کړې ته د لاسرسي ساتنه
PDF (669K) | Protecting Access to Education for Unaccompanied Children
- ددا ډاډمن کول چې انګلیسي ژبه زده کونکي په ښه او مساوي توګه د ښوونې او روزنې په برنامو کې برخه اخیستلی شي | Fact Sheet: English Learner Students - 01-07-2015
- د تبعیض رسه د مل ۍ اصل او کډوال وضعیت پر بنسټ مبارزه د کورنیو او روزونکو لپاره رسچینه PDF (355K) | Fact Sheet: Confronting Discrimination Based on National Origin And Immigration Status - 08-18-2021
- Punjabi ਪੰਜਾਬੀ
- ਭੇਦਭਾਵ ਸਬੰਧੀ ਸ਼ਿਕਾਇਤ ਨੂੰ ਨਾਗਰਿਕ ਅਧਿਕਾਰ ਦਫਤਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਕਿਵੇਂ ਦਰਜ ਕਰੀਏ PDF (362K) | How to File a Complaint
- ਪੱਖਪਾਤ ਹੋਣ ਸਬੰਧੀ ਸ਼ਿਕਾਇਤ ਫ਼ਾਰਮ PDF (148K) | Complaint Form
- ਸਹਿਮਤੀ ਫ਼ਾਰਮ — ਹੋਰਨਾਂ ਵਾਸਤੇ ਨਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਨਿਜੀ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਦਾ ਖ਼ੁਲਾਸਾ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ PDF (148K) | Consent Form - For Revealing Name and Personal Information to Others
- ਉੱਚ ਗੁਣਵੱਤਾ ਸਿੱਖਿਆ ਲਈ ਬਰਾਬਰ ਦੀ ਪਹੁੰਚ ਨੂੰ ਯਕੀਨੀ ਬਣਾਉਣ PDF (132K) | Ensuring Equal Access to High-Quality Education
- ਪੰਜਾਬੀ (Punjabi) | Fact Sheet: Protecting Students from Discrimination Based on Shared Ancestry or Ethnic Characteristics (Jan. 2023) PDF (283K)
- ڈیئر کولیگ لیٹر: یہودی طالب علماں دے خلاف مذہبی بنیاداں تے امتیازی ورتو نوں روکن بارے اقدامات | Dear Colleague Letter: Addressing Discrimination Against Jewish Students PDF (240.2K) - 05-25-2023
- ਉਤਪੀੜਨ ਅਤੇਧੱਕੇਸ਼ਾਹੀ | Harassment and Bullying - 10-26-2010
- ਤੱਥ ਸ਼ੀਟ: ਏਸ਼ਿਆਈ ਅਮਰੀਕੀਆਂ, ਮੂਲ ਹਵਾਈਅਨ ਅਤੇ ਪੈਸੀਫ਼ਿਕ ਆਈਲੈਂਡਰ (AANHPI) ਅਤੇ ਮੁਸਲਿਮ, ਅਰਬ, ਸਿੱਖ ਅਤੇ ਦੱਖਣ ਏਸ਼ਿਆਈ (MASSA) ਵਿਦਿਆਰਥੀਆਂ ਵਿਰੁੱਧ ਹੋਣ ਵਾਲੇ ਪੱਖਪਾਤ ਦਾ ਮੁਕਾਬਲਾ ਕਰਨਾ PDF (171.15K) | Fact Sheet: Combating Discrimination Against Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) and Muslim, Arab, Sikh, and South Asian (MASSA) Students
- Russian русский
- Как Подать Жалобу О Дискриминации PDF (228K) | How to File a Complaint
- Форма подачи жалоб о случаях дискриминации PDF (242K) | Complaint Form
- Форма Согласия На Раскрытие Идентификационной И Персональной Информации PDF (242K) | Consent Form - For Revealing Name and Personal Information to Others
- обеспечение равного доступа к высококачественному образованию PDF (174K) | Ensuring Equal Access to High-Quality Education
- учащиeся изучающиe английский | English Learner Students - 01-07-2015
- Справочная информация Обеспечение равного доступа учащихся к образовательным ресурсам независимо от расы, цвета кожи и национального происхождения PDF (254K) | Fact Sheet: Ensuring Students Have Equal Access to Educational Resources Without Regard to Race, Color, or National Origin 10-01-2014
- Serbian
- Serbo Croatian hrvatskosrpski, srpskohrvatski,
српскохрватски - Somali Af-Soomaali
- Sida Xafiiska Xuquuqda Rayadka Loogu Gudbinayo Cabashada PDF (123K) | How to File a Complaint
- Foomka Cabashada Takooridda PDF (34K) | Complaint Form
- Foomka Ogolaanshaha-U Muujinta Kuwa Kale Magaca Iyo Xogta Qofka PDF (34K) | Consent Form - For Revealing Name and Personal Information to Others
- Sugidda Helitaan Loo Siman Yahay Xagga Waxbarasho Tayo Sare Leh PDF (121K) | Ensuring Equal Access to High-Quality Education
- Warqada Saaxiibka Qaaliga ah: Soo gudbinta Midab takoorka Ka dhanka ah Ardayda Jewish | Dear Colleague Letter: Addressing Discrimination Against Jewish Students PDF (210.2K) - 05-25-2023
- Ka ilaalinta Ardayda Takoorka Ku salaysan Isirka La wadaago ama Dabeecadaha Qolada PDF (304K) | Fact Sheet: Protecting Students from Discrimination Based on Shared Ancestry or Ethnic Characteristics
- Xaashida Xaqiiqda: La Dagaallanka Takoorka Lagala Horyimaad Ardayda Aasiyaan Ameerikaanka, Asaliga Hawaaii, iyo Ardayda Jasiireylayda Baasifgga (AANHPI) ah iyo Kuwa Muslimka, Carabta, Sikh, iyo Koonfur Aasiyaanka (MASSA) ah PDF (125.79K) | Fact Sheet: Combating Discrimination Against Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) and Muslim, Arab, Sikh, and South Asian (MASSA) Students
- Spanish español
- Cómo presentar una denuncia por discriminación ante la Oficina Para Derechos Civiles PDF (272K) | How to File a Complaint
- Formulario De Quejas Por Motivo De Discriminación PDF (64K) | Complaint Form
- Consentimiento Para Liberar Nombre E Información Personal A Terceros PDF (64K) | Consent Form - For Revealing Name and Personal Information to Others
- Acuerdo de Participación en El Proceso de Resolución Temprana de Quejas PDF (21.87K) | Participation Agreement in Early Complaint Resolution Process
- Acuerdo de Confidencialidad en El Proceso de Resolución Temprana de Quejas PDF (17.19K) | Confidentiality Agreement in Early Complaint Resolution Process
- Asegurar la Igualdad de Acceso a Educación de Alta Calidad | Ensuring Equal Access to High-Quality Education
- Procedimientos de Procesamiento de Demandas de la OCR (Última revisión, Julio de 2022) | OCR’s Complaint Processing Procedures (last updated July 2022)
- Aviso De Derechos Y Protecciones Que Tienen Los Denunciantes Y Testigos En Los Casos Investigados Por La OCR PDF | Notice of Complainant/Interviewee Rights and Protections
- Preparación para la educación postsecundaria para los estudiantes con discapacidades: Conozca sus derechos y responsabilidades | Students with disabilities preparing for postsecondary education
- El Título IX Y La Discriminación Por Sexo PDF (2M) | Title IX and Sex Discrimination
- Carta a los estimados colegas: Abordar la discriminación contra los estudiantes musulmanes, árabes, sij, del sur de Asia, hindúes y palestinos | Dear Colleague Letter: Addressing Discrimination Against Muslim, Arab, Sikh, South Asian, Hindu, and Palestinian Students PDF (202K) (March 14, 2024)
- Carta a los estimados colegas: Discriminación, incluido el acoso basado en ascendencia compartida o características étnicas | Dear Colleague Letter: Discrimination, including Harassment, Based on Shared Ancestry or Ethnic Characteristics PDF (200K) (November 7, 2023)
- Carta a los colegas: Abordaje de la discriminación antisemita contra los estudiantes judíos | Dear Colleague Letter: Addressing Discrimination Against Jewish Students PDF (206.8K) - 05-25-2023
- Protección de los estudiantes contra la discriminación basada en la ascendencia compartida o las características étnicas PDF (319K) | Fact Sheet: Protecting Students from Discrimination Based on Shared Ancestry or Ethnic Characteristics
- Cómo apoyar a los estudiantes intersexuales Una guía para estudiantes, familias y educadores PDF (158K) | Fact Sheet: Supporting Intersex Students
- Cómo enfrentar el acoso anti-LGBTQI+ en las escuelas Una guía para estudiantes y familias PDF (1.2M) | Fact Sheet: Confronting Anti-LGBTQI+ Harassment in Schools
- Preguntas frecuentas sobre los derechos de estudiantes veteranos con discapacidades PDF (474K) | FAQs on the Disability-Related Rights of Student Veterans with Disabilities
- Hoja informativa sobre las actividades de diversidad e inclusión bajo el Título VI PDF (160K) | Fact Sheet: Diversity & Inclusion Activities Under Title VI
- Ayudas y servicios auxiliares para estudiantes de educación superior con discapacidades PDF (154.16K) | Auxiliary Aids and Services for Higher Education Students with Disabilities
- Nueva orientación provisional sobre la mala conducta sexual en el campus | New Interim Guidance on Campus Sexual Misconduct - 09-22-2017
- Guía de Recursos de Sección 504 para Padres y Educadores en las Escuelas Primarias y Secundarias Públicas PDF (387K) | Title IX and Sex Discrimination - 12-28-2016
- Coordinadores del Título IX | Title IX Coordinators - 04-24-2015
- Los estudiantes aprendices del inglés | English Learner Students - 01-07-2015
- Comparabilidad de Recursos | Resource Comparability - 10-01-2014
- Escuelas Chárter | Charter Schools - 05-14-2014
- Los Derechos De Todos Los Niños A Matricularse En La Escuela | School Enrollment Procedures - 05-08-2014
- El uso voluntario de la raza para lograr la diversidad en la educación superior — el caso Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin | Voluntary Use of Race - Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin - 09-27-2013
- Las estudiantes que están embarazadas o tienen hijos | Pregnant and Parenting Students - 06-25-2013
- La retaliación | Retaliation - 04-24-2013
- Los estudiantes con discapacidades en las actividades deportivas extracurriculares | Students with disabilities in extracurricular athletics - 02-25-2013
- Los esfuerzos de voluntarios para promover la diversidad y reducir el aislamiento racial en la educación | Voluntary Use of Race - 12-02-2011
- Acoso y hostigamiento | Harassment and Bullying - 10-26-2010
- Swahili Kiswahili
- Jinsi ya Kuwasilisha Malalamiko ya Ubaguzi PDF (192K) | How to File a Complaint
- Fomu kwa ajili ya Malalamiko dhidi ya Ubaguzi PDF (178K) | Complaint Form
- Fomu Ya Kibali — Ya Kutambua Jina Na Maelezo Ya Binafsi Kwa Watu Wengine PDF (178K) | Consent Form - For Revealing Name and Personal Information to Others
- Ithibati ya Elimu bora ya Hali ya Juu kwa Wote PDF (145K) | Ensuring Equal Access to High-Quality Education
- Tagalog Tagalog
- Pagsampa ng Reklamo Laban sa Diskriminasyon PDF (151K) | How to File a Complaint
- Pormularyo ng Reklamo ukol sa Diskriminasyon PDF (1.6M) | Complaint Form
- Form Ng Pahintulot — Para Sa Paghahayag Ng Pangalan At Personal Na Impormasyon Sa Iba PDF (47K) | Consent Form - For Revealing Name and Personal Information to Others
- Mga Hakbang Sa Paghahain Ng Reklamo PDF (205K) | OCR Complaint Processing Procedures
- Pagsisiguro ng Magkakapantay na Pagkakataon Para sa Mataas na Uri na Edukasyon PDF(135K) | Ensuring Equal Access to High-Quality Education
- Papel ng mga Katotohanan: Mga Aktibidad sa Pagkakaiba-iba at Pagsasama-sama sa Ilalim ng Titulo PDF (145K)| Fact Sheet: Diversity & Inclusion Activities Under Title VI - 01-31-2023
- Estudyanteng natututo ng Ingles | English Learner Students - 01-07-2015
- Papel ng mga Katotohanan: Tinitiyak na Pantay-pantay ang Akses ng mga Estudyante sa Mga Resources ng Edukasyon Nang Walang Pagkiling sa Lahi, Kulay o Bansa na Pinagmulan PDF (180K) | Fact Sheet: Ensuring Students Have Equal Access to Educational Resources Without Regard to Race, Color, or National Origin 10-01-2014
- Impormasyon sa Mga Karapatan ng Lahat ng mga Bata na Magpatala sa Paaralan | School Enrollment Procedures - 05-08-2014
- Patnubay ay Sumusuporta sa Kusang Pagsisikap na Itaguyod ang Iba’t ibang lahi at Bawasan ang Pagbubukod ayon sa Lahi sa Pag-aaral | Voluntary Use of Race - 12-02-2011
- Papel ng mga Katotohanan: Paglaban sa Diskriminasyon sa Amerikanong Asyano, Natibong Hawayano, at Mulang-Isla Pacifico (AANHPI) at mga estudyanteng Muslim, Arabo, Sikh, at mula sa Timog Asya (MASSA). PDF (123.13K) | Fact Sheet: Combating Discrimination Against Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) and Muslim, Arab, Sikh, and South Asian (MASSA) Students
- Urdu اردو
- دفتر برائے شہری حقوق میں امتیازی سلوک روا رکھے جانے کے خلاف کوئی درخواست دینے کا طریقہ PDF (216K) | How to File a Complaint
- ناروا امتیازی سلوک شکایت فارم PDF (197K) | Complaint Form
- منظوری فارم — دوسروں پر نام اور ذاتی معلومات کا افشاء کرنے کے لیے PDF (197K) | Consent Form - For Revealing Name and Personal Information to Others
- اردو (Urdu) | Fact Sheet: Protecting Students from Discrimination Based on Shared Ancestry or Ethnic Characteristics (Jan. 2023) PDF (300K)
- اعلیٰ معیار کی تعلیم تک مساوی دسترس کو یقینی بنانا | Ensuring Equal Access to High-Quality Education PDF (169K)
- ڈیئر کولیگ لیٹر: یہودی طالب علموں کے خلاف مذہبی بنیادوں پر امتیازی سلوک کا تدارک | Dear Colleague Letter: Addressing Discrimination Against Jewish Students PDF (223.9K) - 05-25-2023
- اور (AANHPI) حقائق نامہ: ايشيائی امريکی، مقامی ہوائين، اور جزائر بحرالکاہل کا باشنده طلباء سے امتيازی سلوک کے خلاف جنگ۔ (MASSA) مسلمان، عربی، سکه، اور جنوبی ايشيائی PDF (161.04K) | Fact Sheet: Combating Discrimination Against Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) and Muslim, Arab, Sikh, and South Asian (MASSA) Students
- Vietnamese Việt-ngữ
- Cách Gởi Đơn Khiếu Nại PDF (269K) | How to File a Complaint
- Mẫu Khiếu Nại về Sự Kỳ Thị PDF (1.2M) | Complaint Form
- Mẫu Đơn Chấp Thuận - Tiết Lộ Tên Và Thông Tin Cá Nh — n Cho Người Khác PDF (74K) | Consent Form - For Revealing Name and Personal Information to Others
- Thủ Tục Xử Lý Khiếu Nại PDF (286K) | OCR Complaint Processing Procedures
- Đảm Bảo Sự Công Bằng Có Một Nền Giáo Dục Phẩm Chất Cao PDF (84K) | Ensuring Equal Access to High-Quality Education
- Những Học Sinh Chưa Thạo Anh Ngữ | English Learner Students - 01-07-2015
- Tờ Thông Tin: Các Hoạt Động Về Đa Dạng và Hòa Nhập Theo Tiêu Đề VI PDF (368K)| Fact Sheet: Diversity & Inclusion Activities Under Title VI - 01-31-2023
- Tờ Thông Tin: Bảo đảm học sinh được tiếp cận công bằng các nguồn giáo dục bất kể chủng tộc, màu da, hoặc quốc gia xuất xứ PDF (233K) | Fact Sheet: Ensuring Students Have Equal Access to Educational Resources Without Regard to Race, Color, or National Origin 10-01-2014
- Thông Tin Về Các Quyền Khi Ghi Danh Học | School Enrollment Procedures - 05-08-2014
- Sự Dùng Yếu Tố Chủng Tộc Tự Nguyện | Voluntary Use of Race - 12-02-2011
- Quấy Nhiễu và Hiếp Đáp | Harassment and Bullying - 10-26-2010
- Tờ Thông tin: Phòng chống nạn kỳ thị đối với người Mỹ gốc Á, thổ d — n Hawaii và Hải đảo Thái Bình Dương (AANHPI) và và Hồi giáo, Ả rập, Sikh, và Học sinh Nam Á (MASSA) PDF (308.98K) | Fact Sheet: Combating Discrimination Against Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) and Muslim, Arab, Sikh, and South Asian (MASSA) Students
- Yiddish יידיש
- טייערער קאָלעגע בריוו: אַדרעסירן אַנטיסעמיטישע דיסקרימינאַציע קעגן אידישע שילער | Dear Colleague Letter: Addressing Discrimination Against Jewish Students PDF (209.9K) - 05-25-2023
- יידיש(Yiddish) | Fact Sheet: Protecting Students from Discrimination Based on Shared Ancestry or Ethnic Characteristics (Jan. 2023) PDF (314K)