U.S. Department of Education Newcomer Toolkit
This resource provides information on topics relevant to understanding, supporting, and engaging newcomer students and their families. The toolkit provides tools, strategies, examples of classroom and school wide practices, and professional learning tools that will help educators create a welcoming and supportive environment for newcomer students.
How Schools Can Partner with Afghan Refugee Families.
The resources compiled on this page provide recommendations to educators on how schools can partner with Afghan refugee families who will be arriving to the U.S. in the coming months. The resource provides links to information about Afghan refugees and communities as well as to refugee support resources from school districts.
Welcoming Newcomer Afghan Students and Families
This Padlet, produced by the Refugee Educator Academy at the Center for Learning in Practice, contains information on the resettlement process, creating welcoming schools, language and culture resources, and news. In addition, there are links to upcoming trainings offered through the Refugee Educator Academy.
Welcoming, Registering, and Supporting Newcomer Students: A Toolkit for Educators of Immigrant and Refugee Students in Secondary Schools
This resource is intended to help educators identify and use research-based practices, policies, and procedures for welcoming, registering, and supporting newcomer immigrant and refugee students who are attending secondary schools in the United States, as well as their families (grades 6 — 12).
This website is a one-stop resource hub for refugee service providers in the United States. Funded by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), Switchboard offers a library of learning resources, an online evidence database, a range of self-paced e-learning courses, regular live learning opportunities, and on-demand technical assistance for ORR-funded organizations. This includes school districts participating in the Refugee School Impact program.
Best Practices and Resources for Welcoming Afghan Students and their Families
The Virginia Department of Education released this set of best practices to help schools support and welcome Afghan newcomers to their communities.
Supporting Afghan Students in Schools & Youth Programs in the United States
This toolkit is intended to help educators to develop a well-rounded understanding of the circumstances of newly arrived Afghan students and their families, including the challenges they may face as they seek to adapt to the American education system; gain a better understanding of the Afghan educational systems and possible educational experiences of students; name core considerations for working with Afghan students and their families; adopt skills and strategies that may be helpful in working with Afghan students and families; and access information and resources to support their work.
Resources to Orient Afghans to K-12 Education in the U.S.
Compiled by Immigrant Connections, this blog post contains national as well as state and district level resources to orient Afghans to American education systems.
Enrolling and Supporting Afghan Refugee Students
This PPT was presented virtually on November 19, 2021, at an Office of School Quality state conference. It was a collaboration between the VDOE and ONA to support Principals across the state as they started to enroll Afghan students into school.
Education and Afghan Newcomers: Keeping the Promise Webinar
The Office of English Language Acquisition in partnership with the Office for Civil Rights, the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, and the Office of Refugee Resettlement hosted a webinar on January 24, 2022, to support Afghan newcomers in K-12 schools. During this webinar, the presenters shared an overview of the resettlement process, information about the rights of students, and resources about funding and other supports available to the K-12 community as we work to ensure access to equitable and excellent education for Afghan newcomers.
Creating a Welcoming and Healing Environment for Newly Arriving Afghan Children and Families
This recorded webinar was produced by the University of Minnesota School of Social Work. It details strategies for school personnel to welcome Afghan children and youth.
Welcoming Afghan Students and Families: A Workshop for U.S. Educators:
This recorded webinar produced by the Refugee Educator Academy contains tools and strategies that educators can use to reach and teach Afghan students and families.
Unaccompanied Minors Webinar
Californians Together produced this webinar to provide information and resources to LEAs as they support immigrant and refugee students who are unaccompanied minors.