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Peer Reviewers

Peer reviewers for grant applications.

Each year the Department convenes panels of external education professionals and practitioners to serve as peer reviewers for various grants.

These panels evaluate, provide written feedback on, and score grant applications against program-specific criteria. This feedback is used to inform the Secretary's funding decisions.

Benefits of being a Peer Reviewer

  • Development - Network with and learn from other noted education colleagues. 
  • Service - Serve the education community by providing your expertise. 
  • Innovation - Gain exposure to new ideas to expand and enhance education. 
  • Influence - Provide evaluations of application quality that are used by the Secretary in making funding decisions. 

For more information on becoming a peer reviewer, please visit the current Notice Inviting Peer Reviewers

To learn more about being considered as a peer reviewer, please read through the information thoroughly. 

Office of Communications and Outreach (OCO)
Page Last Reviewed:
October 10, 2024