Guidance on FLAS Institutional Payments

The guidance below is based on the application package that was submitted for a public comment period and has been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Amounts and guidance are subject to change and clarification. Please refer to the final published closing date notice (CDN) and application package (when published) for definitive program guidelines.

Undergraduate Fellowship Academic Year Institutional Payment ($10,000)

Graduate Fellowship Academic Year Institutional Payment ($18,000)

Undergraduate and Graduate Fellowship Summer Institutional Payment ($5,000)

The FLAS program regulations direct that if the FLAS institutional payment is greater than the tuition and fees charged by the institution, the institutional payment portion of the fellowship is limited to actual tuition and fees, and the difference between actual tuition and fees and the FLAS institutional payment shall be used to fund additional fellowships to the extent that funds are available for a full subsistence allowance. (CFR 34 657.31(a)(3))

Graduate Fellowships: IFLE plans to increase the Graduate Fellowship Academic Year Institutional Payment to $18,000 in FY 2010 (up from $12,000 in FY 2009). Our hope is that this payment cap relief will allow institutions to continue to cover the difference between the FLAS institutional payment and the actual costs of tuition and fees for graduate students (where those amounts are higher than the institutional payment). There is no requirement that institutions cover this difference. Institutions may propose to waive tuition and fees above the graduate fellow institutional payment level as a demonstration of institutional commitment that can be cited in the application under the relevant selection criteria.

Undergraduate Fellowships: The Undergraduate Fellowship Academic Year Institutional Payment ($10,000) is set lower than the graduate level. There is no requirement that institutions cover the difference between the institutional payment and actual tuition and fees (where actual tuition and fees are higher). The undergraduate fellowship is intended as an incentive for students at the intermediate and advanced stages of language study in less commonly taught languages to go further and deeper with their language and area studies topics. Institutions may propose to waive tuition and fees above the undergraduate fellow institutional payment level as a demonstration of institutional commitment that can be cited in the application under the relevant selection criteria.



Last Modified: 01/14/2011