Return to No Child Left Behind: Expanding the Promise

A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

Expenditures for Elementary and Secondary Education

This graph shows expenditures for elementary and secondary education from 1991-92 to 2004-05.  During that 14-year period, total spending on elementary and secondary education (from all sources) rose from $261.3 billion to $537.0 billion.  Federal spending grew from $15.9 billion to $45.0 billion; state spending climbed from $111.8 billion to $245.0 billion; local spending rose from $107.0 billion to $199.0 billion; and spending from other sources increased from $26.6 billion to $48.0 billion.

This graph shows actual and estimated expenditures for elementary and secondary education from 1991-92 to 2004-05. During that 14-year period, total spending on elementary and secondary education (from all sources) rose from $261.3 billion to $537.0 billion. Federal spending grew from $15.9 billion to $45.0 billion; state spending climbed from $111.8 billion to $245.0 billion; local spending rose from $107.0 billion to $199.0 billion; and spending from other sources increased from $26.6 billion to $48.0 billion.